Oh fuck

05/24/2021 02:50 PM 

Sh*t Post: The Sh*tening


Sh*t Post: The Sh*tening

"EXCUSE ME! OUT OF THE WAY!" Gwen shouted as she pushed past everyone in this thread. Sweat dripped beneath her mask soaking her face as the intensity grew. She was almost in tears it hurt so much. "I AM DYING MOVE!" 

Finally reaching the door on the other side she flung it open gazing at the beautiful site before her. It was a holy grail for her in this moment as she gazed upon the porcelain throne and she wept. But someone else occupied her destined seat. It was none other than Red Skull, sitting there texting on his phone and checking out dank Spongebob memes, squarely pulled around his ankles. He looked up shocked as he realized he forgot to lock the door.

"Mein Gott!" he exclaimed, "Get out!" He had clearly been sitting there a while, his legs numb from losing circulation as he spent too long sitting.  Gwen's pleased expression turned to utter horror as she couldn't wait for the head of Hydra to finish his internet sh*tposting. 

"NO YOU!" she shouted as she grabbed Red Skull by his stupid shirt and dragged him out of the bathroom with his pants dangling from around his ankles. "I NEED THIS!" She then slammed the door on his stupid face, leaving him in a crumpled mess before the door and making sure to lock it. It was about to get real.  Dancing as she removed every weapon from her person and piling the contraband by the sink she realized that she didn't know how to remove her one piece outfit. 

"WHY ME?!" she pleaded hoping some deity would respond to her pleas. Removing her gloves as she frantically felt around her costume looking for a snap, zipper, or anything to remove this pantless monstrosity so she may use the facilities. her hands finally found a clasp on her back and she readily undid it, letting the pink and white jumpsuit fall to her feet as she pulled down her kitten printed panties and sat her cheeks upon the coldness of the toilet's seat. 

"Oh my GOD!" she cried as it felt like a million explosions were bursting out from her anus. It was as if someone took her asscheeks and set them to rapid fire. She cried real tears as her bowels emptied into the bowl beneath her buttocks. Her entire body was pained by the sin that was escaping her tuckus. 

"Please STOP!" she pleaded as she could feel herself sh*tting her brains out and filling the room with the foulest stench that this Earth has ever experienced.  She gripped the edges of the toilet seat, firmly holding herself sternly upon the toilet for as the longer she shat the more she felt like her buns were going to take off like a sh*t-filled rocket about to blast her to the moon. Her initial happy tears soon turned into ones of horror as the evil that escaped her derriere would not stop. Her legs kicked as she could feel herself become lighter with every pain that her bowels expelled. Finally, her butt stopped trumpeting in rapid succession and the malevolence of her insides lessened. She was finally done. 

Thoroughly wiping her ass, making sure to use a baby wipe, she flushed the vile excrement down to the bowels of this thread, never to be seen again. Gwen then promptly washed her hands and then carefully replaced her clothing and weaponry to their rightful places. 

"Thank god." she said to herself as she opened the door and left this thread. 

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