02/03/2021 11:25 PM 


Before I start with any rules I will start with the usual. I am not Timothee Chamalet nor am I Regulus Black (who obviously is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.) I am just a person who enjoys playing as this character for the books/movies Harry Potter. Alright! With that out of the way: we can finally get into the whole rules thing.

  • Not a rule but……. dun dun dun. I am a female in real life. Oh no! That upsets you. Get over it. Delete me. Block me. Do whatever makes you happy. Again, not a rule but just letting people know (since some people still have an issue with people of different sexes and colors roleplaying as character of the opposite.) If you don't mind me having tits in the real world while I roleplay a male character then we are going to get along swimmingly.
  • I have a life (such blasphemy right? Lol). I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend (no I am not cheating. We have a healthy threesome relationship going: not that it’s anyones business.) a job that runs me absolutely ragged on a good day (now with the Covid-19 and the owner having to shut down it's other three schools to only a certain timeframe it’s even worse especially since it’s a 24 hour daycare that I work in the office at). So yeah patience is very much a virtue when it comes to me. DO NOT RUSH ME! It only makes me not want to reply and/or block you. Please and thank you.
  • I am a multi-ship account. Which means my friends: I will not just have one LI. Now that doesn’t mean that in our roleplay I will be with you and cheating on you with others. Or that we would have an “open relationship” essentially. No! No! No! That means in our roleplay you are the only one. BUT in other roleplays we will not be together. My Lis do not go into other roleplays…..unless I decide to just stick with one and go. Which won’t happen so please don’t try to waste your time…. or cause drama. I get multi-LI ships are not everyone's thing.but do not shun those that do it. Just delete and go on your way. Thanks.
  • 3a) Speaking of multiple Lis guess what else that means? I will do almost any and all ships that can be thought of for Reguls: both male and female. I am a major Jegulus or as some have deemed it Starchaser shipper meaning I do enjoy Regulus and James together. They obviously don't last because of Regulus' allegience to Lord Voldemort and James' love for Lily. 
  • No god modding. What is god modding? Well boys and girls: that means you try making my character do something, feel something, say something that is NOT in your power to do so. Essentially. Don’t do it because well…. that is one of my biggest pet peeves that I won’t hesitate to delete you for. No warnings from me: technically my rules are your warnings so yeah.
  • Drama. Now this is one of my favorite rules: I have been playing in the roleplaying world since Myspace. Which means I have seen my fair share of drama throughout the years: be it from people who are friends or people who I have no damn clue who the hell they are. Me? Never was brought in on the drama because I am like Hyde from That 70’s Show: I really don’t care for it and would rather stay out of it. Anyways! Before I continue on a tangent which no one cares about: DO NOT START DRAMA WITH ME OR THINK I AM GOING TO ENTERTAIN YOU IF YOU TRY TO WITH ME OR MY FRIENDS/CONNECTIONS. Hmm……I think I might have gotten my point across: who knows. Just don’t and we shall leave it at that. Drama in storyline is absolutely NEEDED AND WANTED!!!!!!!!!
  • 5a) If you are only on my friend’s list because you want to spy on someone that I write with? Well that is not happening and is very much not appreciated. If that is all you want to do then I got some advice for you: Get a life and forget the person you are trying to stalk. Because nine times out of ten: they have forgotten you or don’t give a sh*t about you anymore. If you have to validate yourself by following others to stalk someone then maybe…just maybe you should take a step back from the computer or phone and think about it. Is it really necessary? Do I need to stress myself out or someone else out? Just saying.
  • 5b) So I have seen some....well drama on the Harry Potter verse. Not surprised since every verse has it. I just want to say one thing: If you want to warn me about a roleplayer then that's perfectly fine but I do not blacklist or badmouth people that haven't done anything to me. I don't do that nor do I do the whole 'So and so is friends with such and such and/or shares so and so's stuff' and immediately not want to write with said person. I'm not choosing sides in people that I do not know in my real life. I don't choose sides even then. So please for the love of a God I do not believe in don't come to me and expect me to blindly follow.  
  • I am a multiple paragraph up to Novella writer. I typically do not like anything below a couple of paragraphs, but I understand the muse block and need to get something out. You don’t have to worry about it or do that, but I know it happens. So, I won’t flip out that you took a couple of weeks to say something.
  • I delete people after two months of inactivity. Well more like 2 months of not talking to me. So, if I send a message to you today and two months later you have not replied? Or said something where I can see: Then you will be deleted. It’s not because I am impatient and don’t understand lives and/or am self-absorbed. Or my favorite: they're just childish. Or whatever people like to say these days. I just hate clutter. In my streams, my friends list, comments, and messages. Nothing ever personal with me.
  • 7a) On that note: I delete comments after I reply to them. So! If you have a problem with that then I suggest one of two things: tell me and I will reluctantly keep them despite having a slight problem with clutter or B) Save it on your end after you write it up. I can even take your reply and put it in a blog post because I do put mine in there
  • Now before something gets said or things get taken the wrong way. I block people after sending a request to them and 1 of 2 things happen: They deny my friend request or they add me then end up deleting me off their friend's list later on. I do that so I don't get accused of bothering people by repeatedly sending requests because I do not remember every single one I sent or was sent to me. So if someone comes to you and asks why they are blocked you can let them know it really isn't personal. 
  • I roleplay in messages and comments. I know there are people who are very anal about this stuff, but I am not. So, if you are more comfortable with OOC in comments and roleplays in messages or the opposite then I have no qualms about it at all. Just let me know before hand if I am the one sending the starter, so I know.
  • And I do believe that is all I wanted to get out there. I don’t do rules normally but here you go. This is my do’s and don’ts basically. Now the part where everyone goes: put this or that to prove that you were reading. Yeah I know it is supposed to be hidden in the rules so people can’t just skim over it (blah blah blah) but I don’t care. So, give me a gif. Of something that reminds you of your character and/or yourself (the writer). Also, I might have seemed like a bitch in these rules, but I assure you: I am the sweetest person you have known. Until you piss me off. But then again I do believe that’s everyone these days lol. If you get offended or think how I said or wrote things is that way please either tell me or just delete me because I have had people read it then be passive aggresive on their status about how I do my rules. 

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