02/01/2021 02:16 PM 

lets talk about sex | cs.

what is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
Lennon would label herself as a bisexual, though she leans more towards men. because she's stupid.

at what age did my muse lose their virginity?
When she was fourteen. She did anything she could to disobey her parents and their 'rules', and sleeping with the 20 year old next door seemed like the best way to do so. 

would my muse have sex on the first date?
absolutely - but it would depend on the chemistry. if you're boring, there's a good chance Lennon won't be sleeping with you.

would my muse ever ask someone on a date?
It would depend on who she's asking. Ferg would most likely be the only person she'd ask, unless it was one of her girlfriends.

does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking?
much rather be asked.

what are my muse’s fetishes/kinks?
Lennon is VERY submissive. She likes to please her partners, and has a very strong Daddy kink ( minus the age play, that part is weird to her ). Aside from that, she loves to have her hair pulled, biting, spanking/being spanked, being choked, being tied up, knife play, wax play.... etc.

when did my muse go on their first date?
Middle school. Seventh grade, maybe? She and her date went to the minigolf place in downtown Portland and shared a milkshake.

what is my muse’s ideal date?
Lennon is very... simple, in terms of what she likes/doesn't like. She's absolutely fine with putting on a movie and ordering a pizza, but doesn't mind dressing up and going out for a night on the town. The setting doesn't matter so much to her, the company does.

has my muse ever been in love?
Yes. Lennon fell in love with Stone Walsh the moment she laid eyes on him.

what was my muse’s last serious relationship like?
Almsot a year ago. 

would my muse ever get married?
Yes. Hesitantly, though. She's pretty shook up over the death of her previous husband, and fears that if she were to ever get married again, the same thing would happen. 

would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding? 
Small. Something in a backyard, or in the woods. Big weddings are fun and all, but a bitch is broke.

is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
sub, through and through.

what was my muse’s first time like?
At the time, she thought it was great - but looking back, it was messy... sloppy... uncomfortable? She didn't really enjoy herself too much.

is my muse into monogamy?
Yes. If titles are involved, then she absolutely is all about ONE person. If she's single though, she a lil hoe.

would my muse ever be in a poly amorous relationship?
Lennon doesn't like to share... what's hers is hers.

has my muse ever had sex in public?
yepp. she's a hoe, remember?

what was my muse’s first heartbreak?
She was cheated on back in high school. She thought her life was over and she wouldn't be able to find love again.... She was in a new relationship four weeks later.

what are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
Someone with a sense of humor - if she can't crack jokes with you, or tease you about something, it won't work. Someone that listens to her rant about the planets and wtf they're doing, someone that will let her put her cold feet on them when they're cuddling. Someone who accepts kids. Someone that's not afraid to communicate the hard stuff with her.

how many people has my muse slept with?
that's for her to know, and you to never find out. 

is my muse the type to sleep around?
yes and no - it all depends on her relationship status, AND if she's feeling someone. Typically, the answer is no. But it depends.

would my muse ever cheat on their partner?
No. She's big on honesty, communication, and trust.

what was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
Definitely the dude she lost her virginity to.

would my muse ever date/marry/sleep with someone because they were rich?
She's currently looking for a sugar daddy so.... yes. 

would my muse ever lie for sex?

would my muse ever blackmail someone into sex?
I want to say no, but she's shady sometimes. 

who is my muse’s celebrity crush?
Lennon is lowkey in love with Nick Jonas and Jeffery Dean Morgan. Don't tell anyone.

has my muse ever had a one-night stand?
more than she can count.

does my muse like valentine’s day?
to an extent, yes. She enjoys it more when she has someone to spend it with, BUT she doesn't mind spending it alone because she'll usually just spoil her kids.

what are the ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without actually saying it?
"Get home safe", "I was thinking about you", "I saw this at the store and thought you would like it". Lennon is VERY big on giving gifts, especially for the people she loves. One of her love languages is also spending quality time, so if she asks you to hang out all the f***ing time, it's because she loves you. She'll send you songs that make her think of you. Oh, she'll also bake you some sort of edible.

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