02/01/2021 02:12 PM 

Valentines Day alphabet

[borrowed from: rosemary's babe /122639]


 A: AFFECTION. How does your muse show affection?

Lennon is pretty hesitant to show affection, only doing so when there's an indication from her partner that it's wanted. When the door opens, she's very big on touch - touching hands, running her fingers through their hair, rubbing their back. She also loves kissing, whether it's on the lips/cheek/forehead, etc. 

B: BOUQUET. Does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favorite?

Yes! She always dreamed of owning a garden, but failed each time, so she settles on buying herself flowers every now and then. Her all time favorites are peonies, but also loves lilies, sunflowers, & roses ( only the pink and orange ones, though ). 

C: CHOCOLATE. Does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favorite?

She does love chocolate, but can't eat it too often because it upsets her stomach. She loves Reece's peanut butter cups, and the raspberry creme chocolates that can be found in valentine's day heart boxes. 

D: DATE. What is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?

Something lowkey. She's really not picky when it comes to the actual date, and is fine with getting dressed up and going out for a night on the town, but Lennon much rather prefers something simple. Her favorite dates are the ones spent at home with a bottle of wine and a pizza.

E: EMBRACE. Does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?

She does - it goes back to physical touch being one of her love languages. She believes a hug can erase a world of problems. It really depends on the situation, but her hugs can range from quick, one armed hugs, to a full on tight embrace.

F: FLIRT. Is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?

Flirting seems to be Lennon's second language. Most of the time she doesn't mean to flirt, but she's always quick to throw compliments at someone/throw in some sort of sexual innuendo into the conversation, if appropriate. 

G: GIFT. Is your muse good at gift-giving or do they struggle to get it right?

One of Lennon's other love languages is gift-giving, thus making it easy for her to find a perfect gift for someone ( she's a bit of a perfectionist though, so this can cause problems for her. If she can't find the PERFECT gift, she'll be stressed for days. ). She really pays attention to conversations and makes mental notes of things her friends/family/partners mention in passing that they'd like, and usually finds a way to give it to them.

H: HEART. Is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?

Unfortunately, both. Depending on the situation, she can be a f***ing sloth when it comes to falling in love, but some people... some people have her writing her vows before they even say hello.

I: I LOVE YOU. Does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?

In a platonic sense, she says it way too often ( though she typically does mean it - she has a lot of love for the people in her life ). But romantically, she's more about saying it when she feels the time is right. She doesn't like being the first to say it, but will bite the bullet if she feels things are going well enough. But once she says it, she won't shut the f*** up about it and will tell you she loves you over and over until you're sick of hearing it.

J: JEALOUSY. Does your muse get jealous in a relationship?

No. If she's in a relationship, she's secure enough to know that her partner wants her and only her. 

K: KISS. Is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 

She's had zero complaints on her kissing abilities. Probably due to her hours of practice as a kid... she was one of the weirdos who 'made out' with her hand. 

L: LOVE. Who does your muse love?

Lennon loves a lot of people - her children, her friends, her dog. 

M: MARRIAGE. What is your muse like or will be like in a marriage?

Lennon loved being married. Waking up next to your best friend every day, and finding new reasons to fall in love were the best parts of her marriage. She and Stone were disgustingly cute with each other ( the club would tell them they were gross 24/7, so it must be true ), but they'd butt heads often. She's very passionate in her relationships, though, and if she ever decides to get married again, she doesn't see that being any different. 

N: NAUGHTY. What is your muse like in bed?

Submissive. She's all about pleasing her partner. She could be a switch depending on the person and what they want sexually, but she loves being dominated, rather than doing the dominating. 

O: ODE. Does your muse have a way with words?

She likes to pretend she does.

P: PARTNER. What does your muse look for in a partner? looks/personality?

Both are equally important to Lennon - she won't waste time on someone she doesn't find attractive, though personality matters more to her than pysical looks. She wants someone that can take a joke while also roasting her at the same time. Someone that's down for adventures and maybe murder?? who knows. Someone that gets along with children, since her kids are a huge part of her life. 

Q: QUESTION. Would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?

She's not opposed to asking, but would rather be asked. 

R: ROMANCE. is Your muse a romantic or a cynic?

At her core, Lennon is a romantic person. But sometimes, the cynic in her does shine through when things don't go her way.

S: SWEETHEART. Did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?

No. A childhood felon, maybe.

T: TRUE LOVE. Does your muse believe in true love?

Of course she does.

U: UNREQUITED. Has your muse had their heart broken?

A few times. Cheated on, husband died. You know, the usual.

V: VALENTINE. How does your muse feel about valentine’s day?

She doesn't mind it, but would enjoy it more if she had someone to share it with. She finds it to be a cheesy hallmark holiday, but enjoys having another reason to spoil someone. 

W: WEDDING. Would your muse get married? why/why not?

Hesitantly, yes. She does have reservations due to losing her first husband, and technically is still married, so she'd have to work up the courage to change her last name. 

X: XOXO. Does your muse use / like pet names?

Lennon loves having nicknames/petnames, especially from her partners. Her current favorite is little one.

Y: YOURS. Does your muse get protective easily?

Yes, yes, yes. This has a lot to do with losing Stone - she will do anything in her power to help/protect those she loves, though she has a hard time protecting herself. 

Z: ZZZ. how many people has your muse slept with? 

More than she can count on one hand.

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