01/19/2021 11:27 PM 

The Gotham Gazette

   I know, I know don't tell me all your secrets, people like me can read without having to be told.

  We have so much information that we talk to each other in the press leaving the codes and necessarily range of mental games to skip those from misunderstanding what we really meant to the public.

  Siding a name to the event or person would give a sign for the investigation to move on, we were not reporters making copy of what was said, we are the scientist of the civilisation, investigational journalist and on the spot light some of us worked as free thinkers, independently.

   I for example would do anything for my freedom, every single choice is surrounded by it. Long ago was offered to run the NewsPaper of The Gotham Globe ( the right ), the  Gotham Gazette asked me to represent them with a higher amount of money.

   But I have my followers in TV shows and its too late for me to belong to any of them, got friends all over the city and I'm a free mind, a lover to my partners in crime, following and steeping ahead betting for politicians. Some times in a winter afternoon would appear around a crime scene with a coffee and cigarettes in my hand, we have this extraordinary meetings, the same faces, over and over again, decade after decade, doing the same old game in the same streets and avenues. 

   What can I do, when I'm asked questions about love. Pioneering costs me my life more than one time, with time learned to keep boundaries, put my self first. Everyone benefits from the many hours of deep thinking from an artist of the word.

   Maybe, I only pay the mortgage and have a burden to pay with this expensive apartment in Gotham, run like a rat as everyone in this city to pay my debt, suffer as a battered woman who can't leave paying how much I love it and it's worthy, in every book I place, to how much it makes me suffer. I still find my apartment so beautiful. Its a an art deco with some classic empty spaces, so I walk from side to side, many times talking loud to myself. That measure of pain is key so I instigate with the problems of the cities, criticising and side at the same time the phobias who are predominant. The ones who make me yours from all the civilians to write about. 

   If to name a few to embrace the words, is never a bad idea, the most established can be afraid for a plague of hight alarm, unless you start to distinguish the prose and the icons.

   Let me tell you before staring a story, journalist get the pay for blackmailing those, we never talk about money, we talk about the amount of 'values' remember always 'values' in our gazette, you never write what you say, you tell them in words face to face with the tone of a gossip, for no one knows, not yet, that you never wrote in your letters to them what you are saying. Remind them the 'values' it would cost to the City, the 'value' they must consider to patch the damages what is relevant to the story, numbers are values. Never mention the people, the all say is for the people but no one cares about the people. If you ask any criminal or 'good person' if they volunteer when they talk about 'the people', you know the unswear. Trust in me, is a whole amount of money, hours from hundreds and thousands of workers in the Gotham City Police Department officials, Lawyers, Judges, the Correction department and years in jail, the loss of your company's image, the monetary relations who will cut you off. You draw all this so called 'values' with solutions. 

   Not only as a modest payment when you mention 500Million to the cost to an international as to be looking for the bodies they buried once they got the clues together, even if the bodies not found, the question will be tattooed forever, were are the bodies? to be imprinted, we always come to help. In many cases, false publicity, false agreements. 

  What can we do? 

  "To print it in the press would be a dishonour" Is our always slogan followed with a hand in the chest to rescue them from that in "between the lines" they know to be threatened from is part, they cheat the law till some one blows the whistle, unless they place their offers at closed doors in the table. You have no idea how many times they call me. I'm never desperate about money. "Don't talk in circles with me, I never asked for suppositions" Its then when they see, what you said will go. "I want an agreement and 2M" The hook was the 500M they will have to invest in the agreement to change the agenda into green, before Nov 2021. A small fraction, because all this workers don't really know how much they make. They make 500 Billions, if you read before you think and think before you speak, problems equal solutions. 

  We know the timing, how long it takes to do the next move, its methodical, always the same, they  never listen at first till they are on the edge. This is why they thieve from the forest, from animals and from the poor people, from the City too, farmers, they don't care about their employees unless they are called to court, or if the ones who entrusted their lives to work for them are living in the streets. And not because they lack pay or insight. Why would they think in giving value to your words, it's only when the reality gets too real that they give it up on you, you have the law enforcement, lawyers and tribunals and the Supreme Court, by the time they payed me, they are already banned in two countries from exporting today to support the environment and locals, and it follows if they don't change immediately. They see it as investment, a prevention to stop the falling pieces of my domino, a fix. They burned it, they need much time to recover from the burn. 

    Its in your blood, you were born from Patriarchs, from Patience, handling patrimonies and documents, some of us ended in the Holocaust or in the London Tower jailed for not paying debts, or running from the Communist in Russia, The Roman Empire, we come from abandoning our mansions or humble arrangements on some timeline our ancestors had to run out the pyramids, the antisocial movements will always hate us sooner or later calling for change. In general the average people hate intelligent people. 

   We are changing the rules of the games now. Everyone is going to be regulated so it won't happen again. If you don't follow the vaccine or the rules, you will be known till fourth generations, from today on. We deserve a brake from anti-socials, unstabilisers. 

   We not always have a fairy tale in the history of ours. The Government entrusted you this missions, the Government never pays you, but they give you a go, and you report them the true without interests in between. They give you powers and letters, who will pay the efforts for the love of the law and order, the conquer, turning words into gold for the city. A City that is always changing.

  We never work for a salary in the Government but side them and end up giving them all the information so they make new rules and policies, so they stop them from corruption with the changes, but let them free from court cases to adjust better. Why? Because people like me, said so. This is why I'm payed. 

  What can I do?

  We have the luxury to think, to handle our ideas in other's mouth in the Congress, to pay this huge debt to the bank monthly, if possibly yearly, cut a decade of payments, this is why I love this space so much, my beloved apartment. Is more than a freelance job, is a depression between the pages, an agitation to turn the page, an obsession with the same chapter, a fixation with some celebrities and notorious characters.

  What is it to Waylon Victor Jones the Killer Croc. I don't find a grumpy alligator shouting in the media, but you get to know him, they come from any side, even if you are not looking for that channel inside the theory of everything. It becomes part of you, part of the City. A commentary column about renown people, with or against, let it sing in.

  The sample of a Journalist can make a hit worldwide, no one knows our name, is not that kind of fame we are after as to leave a mark, the average think we make money from the news paper, now tell me what type of interview will pay my Bank, is not that I'm every month in the channels. You have to figure it out, along your list of contacts, do your research too, who is the person in charge. Some times they come to you for other reasons.  

   To prise a lover as my home, madly in love, every time I return and see the old dark oak layering parallel and oblique shades by the velvet curtains, its details, the constancy, its loyal to me. Its always there were I left him, with all the memories of my lovers and friends, the after parties from intellectuals and some freaks who inspire us to stop thinking and elevate the accessible and reachable booming of life's experience. This very walls who hold me and can contain me, define me. I belong to my home, in this state of peace and heavenly perfection where the agony turns into red wine and bitter coffee. 

   If to write for the freaks of Gotham, out the salt of the city, call them as you may, if you find them in the atrium, or from a larger trial, they show must go on and don't they make money with this court cases. Not all make it. 

   What can I do? 

   Is incredible! If they had self criticism or had the good luck of having a person with it next to them, they would follow my compassionate script.

   Activating a positive memory whose distressed from the aggravation they have been noted to be doing, you never blackmail someone who is innocent. Everyone blackmails each other at work, so the work works, is an habit of Gotham. 

   You have snap the air out of them until it gets to their brain, you reveal them their escape, their path of redemption. A validating experience to their values, was thought from an early age as a child to fight for rights, to be the voice of the people. But no never mention the people. The sad news you will never read in the press is that our human values are dying with the environment, the true heroes are in the front line I'm in love with each and everyone of them. Its exiting to hear them talk from what you wrote, from what you once stopped to tell in fragrantly mouth to mouth. Give them the power to believe, they have the power to do it, to re-set. 

  Is not funny, I'm a very boring person most of the day, one who never stops the critic and on top, place what's most important as a venue to solve from all this chaos.  Then I go out as show man/woman making people laugh, no one could imagine when I tell them that I hate people, but they all agree with me when I remark that we are force to be nice, so we laugh. We laugh to how well we are doing by not killing each other in this pandemic. Everyone agrees that we are in heaven. We all came from corners of the world, we all agree in it. We are the world leaving together in peace, with a mild funky crime that's kind of funny for the industry. 

  An intervention has to be made, those in Government can loose their position is very dangerous unless a higher source has dicta-men 'the' order, or has been notified, but who will bring the evidence if they are following orders for so many cases already. People like me, work on the side to help them, to make their work better. To be admired, it's not easy to hold many years in power without a back stabber who wants your place. They have to be polite, is justified. That Communist Countries would hate us, is their lack of creativity to have a free country of free people and free thinkers, free lovers. Free will. One day they will thank the colonies. 

  What can we do?  

  Therapy can be more powerful if there was more people like us, we direct you to your trauma, and tell you how much it will cost you if you follow this path and how much you would loosen if you don't give it up to make a better world out of your work. Call it extortion if you may.

 What can I do?

  Its not easy talking to white collar psychopath who could care less about the environment or workers, the people who run business. 30% in the company are agreeable psychopaths making their way up. I made a few lines who sold the idea. 

  The Pinguin is nothing but another, but the night needs him, if to measure it, let him, one with the other, and the other back, noticed the difference when he goes on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday, there is nothing to report its too much of the privacy and pleasures of his, as to damage anyones reputation. I'm not against pleasure. Or power.  

   What can I do?

  I don't run the yellow press, we guard the City with an open view. Let me tell you. This writings were never for money or sex, it all started for the love of it, then you end as prostitude doing for money as you get older, love gets jaded. You are still devoted to your set of rules and toaster in the house as an old lady dress in man pants. 

  There is more to me returning home, everything that has been written will be buried in the collections of history, in the collective, not just as another book in the shelf. Some will repeat what you said, without even knowing your name, some would. One day, as my thoughts recollect. 

   I'd like to be remembered as a supporter of literature, of great thinkers so they never stop in the future, at any art and script, sculpting society. To be remembered around those who had a level of dictionary. Proud to have collaborated. 

It enables you to learn in a love affair towards society, what makes people the way they are, looking down into the people, the species, the evolution, how we used to be and what changed us. Sometimes melancholic, because you will never be in the 80's or 90's again, going from Jazz Club to 54 Studio, this is the obscure gathering without problems.

  Bruce Wayne, his parents murdered. It went in the front pages of all the papers, it was too sad for me to write about this kid. Some sociopaths have so much hatred towards those who have anything they don't, they truly think that good and bad doesen't exist, that they are above it all.

  Typical stereotype, tricky. It makes me sad to so many woman who are knocked by the abuse of this seducers, and what woman know, if there is true love. Who knows in this society about love, it would take two fools to recognise this city is not made for them, they won't fit anywhere they go, as far as they could go, they would never make it as they would ambition.

   One because is too stupid and the other because is too ambitious having no clue in how to be presentable. Sociopaths can only relate with sociopaths, but psychopaths the don't care to be insulted. Narcissist care in being insulted. Tailoring the content of whom they pretend to be and deep inside is all a lie, a lie they tend to believe is not.

   But psychopaths know what they are doing, some times and don't take me wrong but I have more sympathy towards them because at least they are doing something. Its peculiar to target people in a box, but is the pattern.

  I'm more of a Machiavellian, as dancers follow the choreography and the lights get turn on, and trust me that I've ignited many shows, the older I get the more get written from the songs behind the script, you see people are too busy to think. They don't care, they are after the limelight. My patience is priceless, my pain waits to see the losers come out from society, let creation exist above all things, let peace another chance. Forgive non, let it be known. Forgive from the distance, in your home. Where you belong. 

  What can I do? 

   I read all sort of things, even if i'm not a communist and hate those communist and read the fascist too, fascinating to what they are capable to do, any extremist from a White Swan Wife book to a 1810 cooking journal, but it's funny how the wave moves and interlaces, how the words in the polarities have a critical issue to address in this world, who is always split into two grater parties.

  Black and White, man and woman, faster and slower, much regulations more freedoms, plus and less, bio-tech and naturalism, existentialism and capitalism, the burning wage of the amazons and our local farmers, meat eaters and laboratory protein, cloning going mainstream vs lets have sex baby, the tech that let us see further into the past, virtual reality therapy vs. the lack of love.

  What can I do? 

  This words go my fellow americans across the river from Gotham City. You will stand together again, this only a wind, an awakening wind of whom we are.

   It saddens me to say goodbye to Mister President, for a few moments it seems his words come out of my mouth when speak to people, with the same sound and speed, he has become a part of me. Could still feel how much he loves America in his hyper-arousal success, and he lost the Presidency, what better business after the afterwards mess, would he learn the lesson. Insisting people, what kind of people could you trust when the ones who honoured you gave you the oval office, betraying the laws, however corrupted the laws in your votes, this laws exist, they seem to be.

  It's time to go, in the heart of all Americans when I see the Congress what I see is they are following his work, is the work of an entity, an united voice. We do have our extremities to do so, as we relate to the world and rotate on each other, as we look eye to eye and hold our ideals, with or against, and back to it, we tend to get too extremist at times, some one has to stop us, or him or her, if some can, or let it be, passing the bridge from our own horizons, wanting more. After all, we never get satisfied until we have reached the pick. The elder you get, the more you jump from pick to pick, keeping the edge in suspense to return to base. You like to relax at times, know where is the real ground to all this. I was never a fantasy writer.

 What can I do?

 After 5 decades, people understood my poetry, I thanks to not have published some of them back in the day. They were inevitable. Purposely for the very love of it, it sound it psychedelic as the times it self, but it was pure science and logic with hints of rhymes. Small, simple, made to explore.

  Inside my world in my apartment, where there are a lot of rickety outdoor ladders and I'm to be found walking up and down, smoking the warm memory of the last readings from an old lover. Feelings get extra avoidance to re-experience, as the flashbacks PTSD of a veteran.

  Falling apart is not as falling in love, your memory recollects from the distance, you watch the window savouring the intrusive images he or she has put in your mind, they are seducing you to write about them, to follow the tendency of their topic. To make it a Theme, to take it up to be best gigolo of the writing arts, but you don't want to get hurt by it again, you won't give it away for betrayal, you get to choose the direction of your words with cautions, a strong critic has to be pleasurable.

  So the spell breaks. We are more friends of information than lovers, kissing each other words in the breakfast table and at night. You dream the pain was never there but we eat on it with thousand stars showing off. And you smile alone in your studio, knowing well you are not the only one doing the same back. It gets envious, the envy of the writer. This is why we write. Is complicated to understand a community of writers becoming so badly attracted, writing to each other, no reader has ever expected this kind of beings exist, but we do. We devour each others pages. 

 What can we do? 

    The true story is that, no one loves you, they will give what you gave to another person. Normally if they find you too intelligent, they will never give you anything in return. Unless they honour you because you are not a threat, you are a plus in their agenda to push up. Even if it hurts you, they will do it. 

   I'm a very old woman, free of needy hormones.

   Those days are over, dressing as man helped me to be known as an 'non sexually available' I'm here to do the work. They still try to imagine me naked, some times I give them the illusion for 4 seconds and make a pose revealing their minds back to the text, lets swim with the endorphins for some more information, what male would get married with an intellectual woman unless is a film maker, 'its very relaxing' he would said, 'a musician' too, no one is a rival, but a muse.

  I'm no competence after all, but I'm too hurt to do it again by a male's pen, is not as it seems in the music and film industry, woman are dangerous, we woman are yet not being placed where we need to be. Let us be, please, more seats are being held by round derrières wishing to do the work.

 What can we do?

 If we were build with circumferences who give milk and birth. How much beauty a woman can have to have her intellect destroyed and humiliated over and over again, but I always knew there are good people on this earth. Was raised for them. 

 What can I do? 

  Had to play the game. Many think I'm a lesbian, I let them think I'm bi or nothing at all. The importance is that you let them imagine, let them say what they need to pick in their curiosity. I joke about sexuality, then say is a lie its probably that you have to be there to know, don't you? Isen't sex about that? Have some privacy. 

What can I do? 

  Its the hideaway from the crap of the sexes to be myself, no one will hurt me, no one will use my heart to take advantage. The inevitable truth in Gotham City is that if you don't have any money to care for, no one will love you, no one loves anyone unless they are dreaming, is only a need.

  Then you stabilise with efficacy, and there is no shortage to choose from. Your friends are your real true friends and connections to do things with. What matters, what intellectual idea makes us high into an artistic orgasm, and as I have said many times, we are not many but we know each other crystal see through. There is nothing to betray because we are rich enough to know what we are doing. No one in our circle gets betrayed. I'm sorry.

  What can I do?

   You never let a friend be betrayed, a good friend would never aloud that to happen, if you know well, the fans from Gotham City will bring them down before they knock in your door. Your friend won't know Fran wrote about it, or told some one that. 

𝕲𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖒 𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊
𝖇𝖞 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓 𝕷𝖊𝖇𝖔𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖟

  This post is dedicated to my father, he would shout very proudly.
"I'm not a reporter, I'm an investigational journalist of politics! You never mess with a writer!"  

The real Fran is Lesbian and love her, I just play her sexuality unknown or no ones business.



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