12/17/2020 11:21 PM 

drabble// Unholy Matrimony.

Unholy Matrimony
21 years on the planet and a good half of those being the classic wild child, rebel without a cause. The rail thin aspiring goddess of rock had been in every position imaginable. In her teens she rid herself of any inhibition and dove into her sexual awakening with reckless abandon. No kink too freaky. If someone wanted to try something but they were too scared with anyone else, they could count on her giving it a go at least once. No judgment. If she didn’t like it, she just simply wouldn’t do it again and would let the person know.

When on the road with the new band members, touring places like Australia, and Asia, the tiny siren dabbled in lesbian ero and found she enjoyed it. That probably wouldn’t sit too well with her best friend though. After all, if she wanted to try something sexual with a female why wouldn’t Jo be her top choice? Maybe she knew that Jo wouldn’t have been a one night stand. With her it would mean something and on tour — Rox wasn’t looking for meaningful.

Now here she was with a man she barely knew. A man she didn’t even actually know his last name until she spied his signature on the marriage license. Hardly the marrying type, of course it was eventually going to be culture shock to the atomic blonde. At least it would when the whiskey and weed wore off and let her think clearly about what had happened in the last day or so.

Malek, this really hot guy that what.. worked at the gym she’d gone to? Ran the gym? Owned the gym? Whatever it was, she had gone to hit the ol bag a few times and work out some frustration when she’d met him. A couple of guys had come to try intimidate her and if she hadn’t been set on beating around the punching bag, she might have worked her frustrations out on Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb as f’uck. Instead, he approached and like the Wizard Howl, he had the men on their way almost as if they were under a controlling spell.

Impulsive, feisty, and never a goddamned coward.

When Malek challenged her. When he took her up on a silly moment, joking about girls that weren’t like her. The clingy types. The ones that wanted baby daddies, and husbands. He bluffed and talked about marriage, and one thing led to another, the two were on a plane to Vegas. Signing their lives away on a certificate in a drive through dime a dozen wedding chapel.

Gotta love Vegas.

Counting inwardly, she knew his last name. She knew about the gym and that he had some power of some sort over people. Not like actual wizard s’hit, but that he spoke and people listened. So that was two things. He liked whiskey and bacon. I mean, they could build a good foundation on that right? People got hitched with less knowledge than that. Arranged marriages! Some people didn’t even see each other until their goddamned wedding day at the altar.

There was no big to-do. No fanfare. No confetti. However, there was alcohol, and there was sex. Nothing wrong with that. Not. a. damned. thing.

Lil wifey things though. Hell, she didn’t know the first thing about what married people did. In fact, she didn’t even think twice about it. Once they boarded the plane and headed back.. she couldn’t wait to get back to the f’uck house. Always filled with chaos and random people. That was home to her.

It wasn’t discussed previously so unless he wanted to talk about it, she would return to her old life and have it as some wild crazy story to tell when she went on tour again. One of those “one time in Vegas” stories.

Nobody was going to believe it.

Miranda Roxanne Moretti; she had just opened a whole new chapter in her life’s story.
❖    Rox

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