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10/08/2020 08:52 PM 

It's Tradition. {October drabble #8}

“It’s October!” Della heard the second her foot hit the kitchen floor, the girl who said it was sitting at the kitchen counter, eating Count Chocula, the cereal was so fitting for the season. Della was kinda glad she had remembered to pick it up for the season. “It’s October!” Della smiled as she walked over to turn on the coffee maker, “After school can we watch the movie?”

“Did you get into the candy for breakfast?” Vivian shook her head, “You sure?” A nod. “And of what movie do you speak of?” Della asked, like she needed to, she knew.

“The movie.”

“You know your dad might be right, I did turn you into a Halloween junkie.” Della said with a smile and then added. “And yes, right after school.”  She watched the girl smile; she didn’t jump up and run around the kitchen counter, but it looked like she wanted to. Vivian went back to her cereal and Della turned to watch her coffee drip and drip into her Black Cat mug, tis the season, the spooky season.


“So. This is me checking in on you. Like the good nephew I am.” Della looked at her phone, eyebrow raised, what was this teenage punk getting at now. “You know just making sure you’re not buried under everything pumpkin related and fake headstones.”

Parker James, sometimes she wondered about him, right now he was being a smart ass. “What are you getting at kid?”

“Well I know how you get in October; you go a little, you get a little….” He was lucky she was only on the phone with him, “I love you B, but you get a little bit mad this season, don’t get me wrong, you always made sure I had cool costumes if mom forgot but you get a little bit intense.”

Della knew he wasn’t wrong, “And what you think this year I’m going to go overboard?” Parker just smiled, “I’ll have you know you are right.”

“Of course, I am, I’ve known you since I was four, I will never not know how you work, you dressed me up as the coolest zombie ever!” Della smiled, Poppy still hated her for the fake blood on the rug that never came out, “So since I’m not next-door this year, I just wanted to check in. You are going easy on Nick, right?” Della narrowed her eyes, “Don’t give me that look, I like the guy and he’s not into Halloween like you, so give him a break.”

“How old are you?” He was not fourteen, he was not, how was this the same kid, everyone one of the kids she loved needed to slow down with the growing up thing. She was hardly okay with Parker sounding so adult like, forget the twins turning one in 30 days. She wanted to freeze time.

“I’m just saying, no one loves Halloween like you and my other aunt…” There was no lie there. Della was going to say something but there was the sound of footfalls and the distant sounds of the laundry basket being pushed over the floor. Speaking of freezing time.

“Hi Parker James!”

“Hi Vivian Rose!”

“We are ready!” Vivian said as she helped Nash and JJ out of the basket, Della said it over and over, but she was amazing at the sister thing. “Movie time.”

Parker started to laugh, “It’s Hocus Pocus time. Don’t forget the popcorn and the candy.” The kid said goodbye to the kids and then was off. Probably to call his girlfriend.

“Okay you find the movie, I’ll make us some popcorn and hot cholate and get JJ and Nash something to munch on.” She said as she kissed each of the twins on the top of their heads, “Even if I don’t think they are really going to watch the movie.” Vivian laughed but was already putting in the movie, Della didn’t want to admit just how many copies of Hocus Pocus she really had. She even had the VHS copy still that you could no longer watch, not because like no one had VCR’s the tape was so worn out that there were lines though most of it, kids didn’t know the pain of having your favorite movies wear out, the feeling of wanting to cry because you were just getting to the good part and then poof.


Della and the kids settled in to watch the movie, popcorn between them and hot coco in Halloween mugs. The twins were on a blanket in front of them not really sure what was going on but munching down on some cereal, just happily babbling away to each other, lost in their own world. That was what it was, she had heard about the twin thing but the older the two got the more she noticed it.

Della hit play and they were back in Salem. She had hopes this would become a tradition, Della had watched this movie every October since she could remember and now that she had kids, she wanted to pass it on. She wouldn’t make them do all the Halloween crazy stuff if they didn’t want to but sitting down to watch this movie that she hoped they wouldn’t stop doing when they all grew up on her.

Thackery was telling Emily that he had to wait three hundred year for a virgin to light a candle when Nick walked into the room. Della smiled as Vivian looked over at him, “Don’t say it daddy, its October!”

Della shrugged, “You did say we couldn’t watch it until October, it’s the first, deals a deal.” Nick walked away shaking his head and Della was sure he was questioning his life choice to have her as his baby mama. He would do that a lot this month.  

Later that night Della was cleaning up when she heard Vivian humming, ‘I put a spell on you’. She was killing this mom thing, maybe?

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