08/06/2020 01:17 PM 

"What the?!" (Secret Drabble Prompt)

BREAKING NEWS! A broadcast on multiple news outlets are reporting that there is currently an attack in the city called Charterville. Reports and low quality captured images link the attacks to some type of humanoid creature, assumed to not be from planet Earth. Though there is claims that it looks similar to a known wild animal as well. But whatever the creature is, it is leaving behind a trail of destruction in the city. The Mayor of the city ordered a city wide evacuation and lock down until they can get a definite hold of the situation but it is clearly not going in their favor.

One specific news station called This Morning in Charterville started it’s broadcast off by oddly saying these words, “The city of Charterville...IS UNDER ATTACK!” Coupled with the shot of city first and the camera quickly panning down to the destruction when the news anchor shouted! This is also the very news station that is currently on a viewing screen in a secret underground base located under the Lion Frog Dojo in the city of Angel Grove.

“AYE-YI-YI-YI-YI!” Shouted the advanced alien created A.I. known as Alpha 6 who was also watching the screen. Now inside of the dojo, the head instructor and owner of the dojo Adam Park is in the middle of his final class for the day. Until a few beeps could be heard through out the class, which is a sound Adam knows very well, as it is located around his wrist. The other instructors and class know of it as a different type of pager, which isn’t really used now. But they are under the impression that it is only used for personal emergencies that he has to tend to. Adam looks over at one of the other instructors, “alright, you take over. I gotta take this,” he steps out the room and into his office which contains a secret door that leads him into the Command Room. “I’m here Alpha, what’s going on?” The A.I. points to the screen, replaying the news report to bring things up to speed. “Those news anchors should be fired,” stated Adam, knowing what he has to do. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!”

Energy flowing all around him, a transformation to his molecular structure. Though the power from the morphing grid enhances his physical abilities while in his human state, actually morphing greatly enhances him even more. After his transformation into the Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger, he teleports becoming a streak of black energy that takes off through the roof and into the sky. Landing in the in the middle of the chaos in Charterville. Police officersm, firefighters, reporters and some of the soldiers stop dead in their tracks in shock at the arrival of the Black Ranger.

Not expecting to arrive in the middle of that, the Black Ranger waves at the crowd, “hello,” then taking off in search of the rampaging creature.

“Alpha? Can you scan the city to pick up where the monster went off to?”

“AYE-YI-YI-YI-YI!” Cried the A.I. in response, “WATCH OUT!”

Immediately after hearing that, the Black Ranger’s head turned quickly to see the strange creature charging towards him, but could he react fast enough?! “GAH!!” The Ranger hit the ground after the monster did a clothesline most people would see in professional wrestling. Pushing himself back up quickly, looking at the monster, taking in it’s appearance. “You’re an Ape…do you share any relation to this monkey with wings named Goldar?” After that question, the monster charged to attack again. But the Black Ranger darted out the way, dodging the attack.

“You are definitely not the talkative type!” The Ranger got into a stance, ready to battle the thing head on, “talk is over, charge at me again!” And the creature did exactly that, but this time it was met with a kick in the chest that knocked it down. A battle ensued, trucks and helicopters for media outlets nearby, getting coverage on the battle as well. Many of them surprised that a Power Ranger is in Charterville and that the city haven’t seen a hero like that in years. Unless it was on the news talking about the Power Rangers and other superheroes elsewhere.

The Black Ranger got the upper hand on the monster, with it on the ground and him summoning his Power Axe, “this city won’t have to worry about you destroying it anymore!” And just when he was about to deliver the final blow to end the battle with the monster, a voice shouted “WAIT!” The Power Ranger stopped, lowering his axe as the monster remained on the ground in pain. “What the?” confused as a doctor with the name tag ‘Dexter’ on his coat rushes over to the scene, heavily breathing.

The scientist has red hair and glasses, and speaks kind of...different. “He is not really a monster! He is really a human being! HE IS MY CREATION! (pronunciation: CREE-AY-SHAWN) I must take him back to my Laboratory (LA-BOR-AH-TORY) for more work! This was not supposed to happen!” The cops quickly surrounded the man, “you are going to cure this man and then we are going to have a long talk!” The police escorted the scientist and chained up the beast to wheel him away.

The Black Power Ranger still stood there confused after everything that just took place, then the reporters rushed in to try and ask questions. Many of which is about the past heroes the city once knew years ago and if he planned to stick around. “Uhhhh…..” Still in the state of confusion, the superhero answers only once, “I will be back if there is trouble...” after that, he teleports away with everyone watching the streak of black energy across the sky.

There is also a house in the city that looks to be haunted, there lived a frankenstein, werewolf, vampire and a phantasm. However these monsters look more goofy than scary. They also watch the streak of energy across the sky, with one of them saying…. “Totally Flabbulous!” That being said by the Phantasm who looks like a blue weird Elvis mega fan.

Now back in Angel Grove, arriving inside of his home and no longer in his Ranger form Adam calls out for his Fiancee. “Aine! You are not going to believe the weird event I just went through!” Once he finally sees her, he completely stops. Feeling a...sensation. “Is that my shirt?” A grin came to his face after asking that, things have now went from weird to very…..good.

The End! Drabble Prompt: Is that my shirt?

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