06/14/2020 03:23 AM 


I had a list of guidelines when I wrote as Daenerys a couple years ago, and I feel that I should have one again, just in case anyone is curious and/or unsure and too shy to ask. Thank you for looking and for taking the time, I really appreciate your courtesy. 

Concerning Writing.


  1. I am here to write. Status banter is cool and I LOVE it, but at the end of the day, it’s not where my heart is at. I just love writing intricate stories with other people, so that’s what I plan to do here. 
  1. I don’t normally write anything less than 500 words. I would consider myself multi-para to novella, though it’s been a while since I wrote novella, so I may need a little leniency as I grow accustomed to it again. Other than that, I will try and mirror the length you send me!
  1. I have the usual limits you might expect from any seasoned writer. Don’t god-mod, don’t power-play, don’t seriously injure or otherwise affect Daenerys in a tremendous way without first discussing it with me. I don’t tolerate pedophillia, beastiality, rape, or any of your weird fetishes. Just don’t.
  1. I love plotting the storyline, but if you prefer open-ended stories, that’s fine, too! 
  1. I really love writing crossovers (within reason of course)! I especially love crossovers with Tolkien writers. Some others that I’ve considered are: Star Wars, Westworld, Doctor Who, Marvel (especially Thor), and other fantasy based series’. 
  1. I will write with whoever I want to. If I’m writing with a Jaime, I don’t mind writing with ANOTHER Jaime. I don’t do mains and stuff like that, I think it’s silly to limit yourself and others like that.
  1. I am happy to write with OCs, so long as your character isn’t a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. I mean, like a secret Targaryen that somehow has a dragon, that kind of thing. Generally, in my experience (and with some exceptions of course), secret Targaryens are pretty lame. I hate to gatekeep like that, but ummm… if the character is uninspired, I’ll lose interest and stop replying to the role play, and that just hurts everyone’s feelings and wastes everyone's time. If you’d like help in creating a character that is believable and lore/canon friendly, feel free to message me!
  1. I generally reserve comments for role playing and messages for ooc, but I can conform to whatever is comfortable for you. :)

Concerning Romance.

  1. I am a multi-shipper. That means, if our characters have some kind of romance, you best not be angry if you see that I also have a romance going with someone else. I’m a sucker for romance, what can I say? 
  1. I am a grown woman of nearly 25 years of age, and I have a significant other that I love very much. If our characters have a romance… please don’t think that it carries through to real life, because it does not. At the end of the day, we may be really good friends and adore the f*** out of each other, but we are not dating. 
  1. I have very, VERY little interest in writing smut. It just doesn’t appeal to me. If you’ve come here with the idea of living vicariously though your character and f***ing the mother of dragons, I’m afraid you’ve added the wrong Daenerys. Please see yourself out. Otherwise, I may on occasion take part if the chemistry between our characters is super appealing!
  1. I ship with both male and female characters! 
  1. I don’t really like going into a role play with the idea of shipping our characters. If it develops naturally, that’s cool! I live for the slow-burn romance. ♥
  1. Not that into Jon Snow, so don’t just assume since you’re a Jon that I’ll ship with you. Maybe you can change my mind, I’ve never written with a Jon, and sometimes the way someone plays a character can completely change your mind about that character. 

Concerning Daenerys. 

  1. I have read only a little of the books, mostly just Daenerys’ chapters that I could find online. I want to say that my Daenerys is a healthy mix between book and show Dany. I think that she is a little more wistful than show Dany, a little younger and more naive. She wants to plant trees and watch them grow, and longs for a peaceful life.
  1. When I write about her childhood, I pull from the books, too. She briefly grew up in Braavos in a house with a red door and a lemon tree outside her window. When she thinks of a place to call home, that house is what she pictures in her mind. 
  1. Like book Daenerys, she loves the water; ocean, sea.. when she was little, she remarked to Viserys that she might like to be a sailor (which he promptly beat her for).
  1. Unlike book Daenerys, her hair doesn’t burn away in fire; her hair remains intact. 
xix5.IILike book Daenerys, she has violet eyes. I sometimes describe them as the color of amethyst. 
  1. The rest of her story plays out how it did in the show, sometimes with the exception of the end (where Jon assassinates her). Sometimes I keep it for certain storylines-- it’s fun to toy with the idea of a mad Daenerys somehow surviving that, then struggling to regain her sanity and come to terms with what she did. 

Concerning Me.

  1. Activity wise, we are all (hopefully) adults, and obviously life gets busy. Sometimes I will reply the same day you replied to me, other times it may take several days to several weeks, it really just depends on how busy life gets and how my muse is behaving. Feel free to take as long as you need on replies; as long as you reply, I will, too, no matter how much time has passed. I’ve been told I’m freakishly patient. 
  1. I’m SUPER friendly and I look for a role play partner that I can befriend and talk to! I find it hard to communicate with a stick in the mud. It’s okay if we don’t have but a friendly conversation on occasion in messages, but I’m definitely of the mind to add my partners on discord! 
  1. I live in the EST time zone, but my hours are kind of all over the place. If you see me online at 4 am, I may just have insomnia and I am just refreshing every so often to see if I’ve had a reply or a message. Or I’m writing. Who knows! 
  1. I don’t do drama. Don’t come complaining to me that this one Brienne brushed you off and gave you the cold shoulder. Please don’t come and get all aggressive with me because I acted too friendly to your main Jon— I promise you, I’m not trying to “steal your man”. I’m just here to write my dude.
  1. I don’t hate other Daenerys’! I’m not going to block literally every Dany on the site or be mad at you for being friends with other Danys, not at all! In fact, they’re all cool in my book— they have a great taste in characters! ;) However, I don’t really see a reason to send them friend requests. I can’t foresee a way we could *possibly* write together, so they’d just be sitting on my friendslist as a number. But, if one reaches out and sends me a request, I don’t mind accepting. Cx 

That’s really about it, I think! I’ll definitely add more if I think of anything else. If you read this far, thank you, it means a lot! There’s no secret password or anything hidden up there, I promise. I know that it was long, so I won’t be mad if you just skimmed. If you have any questions at all, feel free to message and ask! 

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