04/10/2020 05:14 PM 

Seven Word Prompts

Impact Web: "You always seem to leave me speechless."

"Easy Riley, flattery will get you almost everywhere," Lucas said through a chuckle, bending and stretching on the rooftop in full costume. The black and purple a nice contrast to Ben's red and blues. A siege on a diamond store by Electro, Ock, Tombstone, AND Jackal? No problem for the Scarlet Spider and....whatever Lucas was going by at the time. "I'm thinking about going by Missulena..." He broke the silence with his name reveal. In all honesty, he was nervous. 'Silk', 'Scarlet Spider', 'Arana', 'Arachne', hell even the simplicity of 'Spider-Woman' had a ring to it that his didn't. 

Peter had been dead for several months now. With Ben here now, he wasn't so alone which was nice. That said, it was a different kind of pressure when a real spider was around to show him how it's done. The comradery was welcome overall, maybe if he stuck around they could be friends. With him being out of the X-men, friends were sparse. He had a hard time getting close to the local heroes. Matt, Stephen, Lucas, Jessica; all of them were busy with the seedy underbelly just as he was. Looking over at Ben, Lucas' mask curled with a smirk. For the time being, he would enjoy his new friend. "Race ya to Time's Square. Let's see what other trouble we can shake loose eh?"

OF DARK DESIGN: "Tell me we're doing the right thing. I think I'm going crazy without you."

How was he supposed to respond, he knew damn well that the answer was muddied in the murky waters of their affiliations. It was only a matter of time before they weren't gazing at each other with loving eyes. Instead, they'd be glaring at one another from across a battlefield. Did they remain and circle the drain until they're swept away and forced apart by the violent tide. Their time together was beyond enjoyable. Lucas never had anyone to experience the current time the way he did. Not many instances of time travelers these days. In time they became so entwined the line between their allegiances was blurred to the point of barely existing.

Now he was pushing her away, because that's what he did. Got close to someone he shouldn't go anywhere near, and now came the time for forced separation. Between her charms and her magic, Uru was trouble on legs, trouble he was dying to get into. The rain poured, drenching them and obscuring the city beyond his vision of her. That was how it had been the past couple weeks with Uru, a whirlwind of fire and passion that turned the world into a swirl of nothingness. He wasn't going anywhere, she was another Death Bird. That siren song far, far too enticing to turn away. If they would burn, they'd burn together. 

Thedarkcorners: "I'm not the person I once was."

"None of us are, Love. That's the whole point of growing." Lucas poured himself a hefty glass of whiskey. Another glass was pulled from his shelf and was subsequently filled equally as much. His massive paw of a hand capturing both as he carried the precious cargo. Setting Karen's down at the coffee table in front of her. "If I was still the same guy, I'd be running and gunning across 2299 with nothing but my best friend and first love beside me. As nice as that sounds, me being here is necessary. I've found a new purpose, and for it, I'm better." A strong sip was taken, visions of his friends and family flashing before his mind. The whiskey buried the memories in a smoldering liquid burn.

 "I say if we don't change, we aren't doing enough. That said, I'm a mutant, my entire existence revolves around change. So maybe I'm a little bias." They had experienced what some would call a rough night, learning more about one another than maybe Lucas or Karen would've liked. His identity revealed, her extracurricular activities exposed to some extent. The question was whether or not they remained in this dark moment, stagnant and frozen. Or would they move forward, grow; would they change? Only time would tell, but regardless, something was needed to be done. 

Vampira: "What about all this is funny?"

Lucas' smile was one of somber acceptance accompanied by a weak chuckle. The swirling of colors that his hands barely contained. It was the most he had ever held in his grasp. He had warped the portal into a small sphere, bright light pouring from between his fingers. Everything jostled and vibrated with energy begging to be released. The Hell-mouth was within his hold and everything threatened to rip him atom by atom. They barely made it out, Hell's minions clawing at their backs. All this for his soul, and he was about to lose that to save Vampirella. He was just one of so many mutants, who would miss him? She was a true individual, the kind that needed to be preserved and allowed to flourish. 

He was so lost in just the sight of her that he almost forgot to respond. "I always seem to get myself killed. I don't know if I want to come back this time Vam...I'm so f***ing tired..." The hue in his irises grew dim, but he had one last act of kindness in him. A burst of color returned to his eyes, using his kinetic force to shove Vampirella back through the way they came so long ago. The entrance collapsing, separating them in perpetuity. "Alright Mephisto, you sandpaper cunt. I'm coming for you, get ready for the worst roommate of your f***ing life." Expelling all the energy he had, using it to seal the portal. Everything shook with the ferocity of an apocalypse as his body turned to ash, and the still undisturbed energy of a closed portal was all that remained. Lucas Bishop was no more, a sacrifice to save the queen of the Vampires. 

DeathBitch: "I hate knowing we have to hide."

Lucas looked over at Max, the dark lighting of the club perfect cover for both him and her. "Oh Max," it pained him to hide from her. She knew he was a 'Domestic Peace Keeper working with SHIELD'. Was that true? Yes. Was it all the details, obviously not. With information came danger and he couldn't put Max in that position. He had never fraternized quite so intensely with a human before. Mutants were all he had been surrounded by for years, and now there was...her. His eyes scanned the dark energy-laced place. Human, human, human, him and Max appeared to be safe. 

Expelling a sigh of relief, he turned back to Max, his patent grin on his lips. He had a thought, a special kind of thought that maybe should remain locked away. A warm, gentle hand found the small of her back. A brave move by the rookie but it was fair game by their standards. The bartender came with their fourth round? Fifth? It was getting hard to tell especially when he was a lightweight. The music was loud so he drew her close, the music wasn't that loud but goodness knew he couldn't resist. "Hey-... I uh, I wanna tell you something..." Lucas took a breath and considered maybe going somewhere else. Naturally, that was when several men stood up and drew guns. Their steel brandished instantly and the warning shot could be heard throughout the building. The music was still going but everyone was stock still. A pit grew in Lucas' stomach as he placed himself in front of Max, his eyes blaring with a bright orchid shade. The truth would have to wait, it was time to get to work.

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