02/16/2020 11:23 PM 

Baby Boy

The night was a restless one, and she was her second bourbon in before opening the sliding glass doors and walking down the beach.  She loved the beach at night, and it brought back memories she generally avoided...

Five Years Previously...

The beach was calm, and she stood, watching the waves and listening to the sounds of the man who walked to stand beside her.  His brown eyes were settled on her.  "This place is beautiful, you were quite vivid in your descriptions."  He looked out over the water a moment.  "I have to go back, things are getting worse in Burundi.  But you can't come with me, not in your condition.   I want you to stay here, Vicki, and wait.  I know it's a lot to ask.  But I promise I'll come back and then we can discuss what happens next."

"Arthaf Pascal Kaze, you can not give me orders.  No man owns me."  She smiled and slipped her hand into his.  "But I will right here and enjoy the ocean and dream of the future.  I wouldn't take any risks now.   But swear you'll be careful.  After all, you promised to come back.."

"For you love, I would walk to the moon and back.."  He smiled and freed his hand to wrap an arm around her.


She came out of the reverie with the empty glass in her and her barefeet in the wet sand.  The memory made her smile and she glanced back at the beach house.  The lights were all on and she laughed.  She returned back to the house and called her brother.  Then she walked down the hall to look at the little boy sleeping in the back room.  She entered the room and sat down on the bed.   "You look like your papa, little man."  She kissed his cheek and then headed back to the living room.  She poured herself another glass of bourbon.

She glanced at the pictures over the mantle.  The painting of herself and her brother that her mother had done.  The picture of James and his husband Marius and their children Vrane, Kali and Reuben.  There was a baby picture of Bishop Lee and beside it was a large picture of his late father, Arthaf.  The image made her smile.  She had met Arthaf after fleeing Gotham and Bruce Wayne. 

She settled on the settee, sipping her bourbon and closed her eyes.  Even after all this time, she still missed Arthaf.  It was the reason that she projected such a cold image to so many others.  Arthaf's death had destroyed her, and it was the birth of her son that had saved her. Now she was reconsidering things.  It might be time to allow herself to warm up to others.  She wasn't even sure where to start.

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