02/12/2020 10:52 PM 

Return to the Congo

"You are weary you should rest." Juron watched her from the doorway. It was raining and she appeared to be watching it. The hotel Leon had large rooms, but the space felt to enclosed for him. "There will be time to talk afterwards. I'll stay if you want." He moved to the chair and sat down. "I know it was a long flight and you never sleep on flights."

"My mind is uneasy." She tugged at the braid that was flipped over her shoulder. "Sauvage is already out there. Life was easier when I was just a journalist, and not a hunter." She sat down on the bed. She was exhausted and worried about the child she'd left back in the states with her brother. The little boy was always in her thoughts. Despite the fact that she needed to concentrate on the task at hand. "Thank you for bringing me the weapons."

"You are welcome, Viv, but I am only doing what I promised. Gadeil, Adie, and Tesa are in the city, and he will find a cold reception when he heads to the village. If he returns to Burundi, he will be alone there as well. The men will not follow him now." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Some of us could help you, flush him out. We would like to help. Besides, he will be better armed. Even I don't know where he stores all his weapons. Yohan and I discussed it, you can't go alone. Didienne has insisted on accompanying you."

"I don't mind the company. She pulled off the small black boots she wore. "Didienne and I haven't spoke since she and Chien separated. I've missed her friendship." She slipped off the gray blouse, sitting on the bed in gray pants and navy blue tank top. "I spent some time in Santa Barbara and went back to visit Gotham. I wanted to say good bye in case it was necessary."

"Santa Barbara I understand. But you should not go back to Gotham. There's no reason to torment yourself with old memories." He lit the cigarette. "And your son?"

"With my brother James and his partner, Mason. He's in good hands. Mason dotes on him." She slid her hands through her hair. "I was telling him about the jungle here, and how beautiful it is in the rainy season. I gave James all my notebooks and my laptop. I've written about my experience here, about you and Sifa." She rose and opened the suitcase. "And there's an article about the government and how they covered up the massacres." She pulled out a long robe and shorts, then moved passed him and into the bathroom.

"I am not sure what good that will do. But it is always better to give people the truth and let them make something of it." He drew deeply fro the cigarette. "You have done more than you know for me, and my memories of my wife are still vivid. I will never forget her. When I see photos of Aline, I see a great deal of Sifa in her."

"I'm glad I was able to get her out of here. The scholarship from the Aliere Foundation will get her through college and I have a lot of connections to help her find work." She stepped out of the bathroom in the tank top and tan shorts, the robe across her shoulders. "You should go and tell the others I'll meet them in the morning. I'll be fine here." She watched Juron rise and nod. She waited till he left the room, then pulled out her laptop and opened the files on Sauvage. Vicki had no intention of resting.

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