02/02/2020 03:40 PM 

Murderer in the making pt 3

Candice had been training with Nik for three years she was twenty two now, He has sent her on odd jobs but nothing major yet a few beatings here and there and the rare kill but nothing big, Her moral compass all but gone now she never asked questions and just did what she had too in order to please Nik that’s all she ever wanted to please him.

“F***” she called out shaking her hand she was in the training room alone taking out an argument she had with Nik on a punching bag she didn’t used any protection on her hands the were raw and bleeding she curled her hand into a fist again, Good nothing broken flexing her hand again before she continued to hit the bag the pain felt good, It felt good to feel something for a change she was so into letting her anger out she didn’t even realise she was not alone anymore someone had come in.

“You’re hurt” Nik had spoke softly like he actually cared she ignored him and carried on punching the bag “Candice..” again nothing from her but a sigh and still she punched he stepped closer to her “Talk to me” he just wouldn’t quit, The reason she wouldn’t talk to him? She caught him snorting cocaine off a girls back while he f***ed her in the bed that they’ve shared for three years now “Candice, F***ing talk to me” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, He was being boyfriend Nik not her boss right now she didn’t have to stand around and listen to him she turned to face him “f*** you Nik” she walked to the door.

“You f***ing stop right now and talk to me, That is an order!” Hand on the handle she stopped “Excuse me?” She began then turned round “Don’t, Don’t f***ing dare order me to stay here and speak to you you’re a piece of sh*t!!” He smiled at that “Don’t f***ing smile right now!” He stepped closer to her “Candy pants.. baby.. I’ve got something to show you come with me?” “Don’t baby me!” “Please..” he took her hands and looked over them sighing “I’m sorry, She meant nothing I was f***ing high and you wasn’t here.. You were with another guy” she snatched her hands back “Yes because you sent me there on a job Nik!” He sighed “I f***ed up, I’m sorry” this took her by surprise she blinked “Sorry.. What?” She hadn’t heard him say sorry before “You heard me, I’ve got you something now let’s go” he placed her hands on her shoulders and led her out of the room and the house taking her too the car.

The journey wasn’t all that long and there was total silence the whole ride, It was just getting light outside and it was cold, Snow covered the floor “We’re here” he spoke she looked around “Where? My murder scene?” He chuckled and shook his head leaning over he kissed her head “Not today love” she squeezed her eyes shut as his lips touched her head she wasn’t ready to forgive him or forget what he did, They got out of the car white puffs of vapour leaving her mouth as she breathed she shivered it was cold real cold he grasped her arm lightly and pulled her along “You’re going to love this!” His face was lit up like Christmas he looked innocent almost like an excitable child but then she heard the muffled scream her head snapped to the sound as they came into a clearing through the trees then she seen her, She wouldn’t forget her face the woman she caught Nik with beaten and bruised, Tied to a tree and gagged Candice turned to Nik “What is this?” He smiled and placed a gun in her hand “My gift too you” The woman crying muffled Candice looked to the woman, She hated her but did she want to kill her? Was she that far gone? “The choice is yours Candice you can either kill her or save her” Candice wasn’t a hero and this was clearly a test her chest rising as her breathing picked up she knew what to do she lifted the gun and ended the woman’s suffering quickly with a clean headshot the sound ringing in her ears the sight of yet another person’s brain scattered on the surroundings the crumpled body on the floor, What did Candice feel? Nothing absolutely nothing. She couldn’t be saved.

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