01/15/2020 10:41 PM 

how to build Characther

How to build Character 

  Hello everyone, 

 Wishing your dreams to come real and your writings to help you find the truths, the broken DNA that is corrupted DNA as well in it's transmissions of information and channels among polarities beyond the self of the entity as such. We are energetically bound more or less and when it brakes is because of something called the shadow aspect.

 Do please feel welcome in bringing characters who will act on this shadow aspects, the parts who are broken or misunderstood, sometimes you might even fall in love with them and turn them to evolve.

Building Character

  It won't matter how many years you are making characters, its impossible to say you are good at it because the list is infinite and unknown. its certainly truth that the more naive and egocentric you are, specially the good type of person you think to be in order to cause approval from parents, teachers and society the worst developer of characters will be in you. You are so attached to the idea of being your self in all your characters that anyone can read your desire and selfishness thinking you will be alive producing this kind of reality. 

  To a certain extend, this people never advace as free thinker. Are the easiest to manipulate so they serve you, a commune chapter so they keep serving you will do, it won't need much effort. They only need approval, a little pat on the shoulder and they will be the nicest servants. Most of all could never build their company or have  a global commune sense, they follow orders and are very good learners to copy. 


You ask your self as a role player, why am I role playing?

1) to have fun
2) to make friends 
3) to feel connected 
4) seeing the same characters feels familiar
5) the sense of belonging among stories and likes
6) self development
7) I want to be a publish writer
8) I want to support the rp community because I believe is more that stories
9) Is my religion
10) I love to study
11) psychology is boring characters are further fun and non analytic, it moves on.
12) it involves all the arts that I wish to learn
13) it might help me understand my fellow ones in this world, perhaps I can do a better world

14) Other reason can apply like escapism and peacefulness what is highly inspiring. 

 Non of this might come to ring when it comes to authenticity, are you really giving your best? Is it just a self report to let know you still exist, to keep up the likes? 

 Would likes define your authenticity or we need to work and re-value on liking what is truly authentic as original? Not to have likes back for no reason but the likes. It that makes you click, you might be clicking 14 hours without satisfaction, unable to find a climax, to sleep overtaken and great full of the recollection. As a chain smoker who is not enjoying a single cigarette and needs another. 

 I know when the stories are empty, well writing and I know when the board is exited, can feel the spirit of each as the whole. It will make you stand up to applause, go out and do something, its a pull. Unfortunately some have to learn how important are others, why do you want to do other people's character? Lack of authenticity and integrity to a story who needs the bond among all its characters. Some characters take a brake and writers take their space it happens simultaneously, sometimes is agreed on the private along old players.

 Naturally a character makes bond with one character, you have to hate yourself deep down so much you have to prove you are better to copy someone's character, you need the approval so bad that you will destroy others to have that, but it never feels loved deeply. Is not a giving gift. You cut the writer inspiration and all those who loved their character in relation. It has been proven, over and over again, in more than a decade and half. It won't work in a group.

 Its fine, let it role, everyone needs the interpretative art of this admired character. Fine, but there is no authenticity. For me there is one Tony Stark, one Thor, no matter if they have their free will and do as they wish, in my mind I bring reference to one as such. 

 When there are groups in RP, back then, there were more confrontations among groups, a certain verse of patriotism, class or shade in the spectrum to belong and more fun, a reality given, every character was unique as such. Authenticity is a must, braking the rules who define a character or verse in relation with others is something a person would do to understand the inside of the body unless you can studied from another perspective from someone who had cut in pieces a corpse. 

 If we have a Thor, why would you make a Thor, don't you love your friend Thor, what is the problem? Black Widows we need more, because woman need a Black Widow, in SL there were many Black Widows in the Black Widow program, we don't see many woman out there to have their image from the movies, it takes months to pick a female character that fits to you. And I was a comic illustrator and script writer, was ask for dates (sex) non read a single page, my character are not looking for dates really, is not the main theme. Its not easy for woman to be catalogued for only that, we can also use toy boys, and we will find they also have other attributes IC to the story. This is the phenomena of Black Widow, is because of her and a character and function to the whole story, not because of her sexual relationship with whom, whatever he slipped with all or non is not the main theme.

 If some of the main characters are not giving you attention, don't copy them, you will bring friction trying to make your own group of friends and you will have to learn so much and also if you know, teach others a bi, will you? Don't make this an auto destructive random place of the moment, help verses to prevail and don't let leaders exist. No one owns anyone, is about knowing how to role the story with others. Helping to build character will let others add to it, loving yourself with the character you build.

How to build Character

 A character needs to be studied, everyone will give you a different method but one of the primal essence I look is to feel its sound, how does it breath, how it's the rhythm inside its skin nerve pulse, its heart and mind. This three dimensions in the body can variate, then the voice for me music and sound is very important, is what it will give the movement of the character and the form of speech. The psychology.

 Many of you haven't study music, but who hasn't heart or who doesn't love music. You think is not important, but you can me hypnotised and have a mind manipulation just by it, without you knowing it.

 The first sense we develop from all is the ear, hearing already from our mothers belly, so become that before building character, is very primal in the universe to listen to the spacial music, a baby inside her mother will tune an adult with the people who sound in the same level of tones as a natural instinct. For example I can't be a man who doesn't have a deep voice, or see him as my superior because of the level of gravity on the males around my mother, my father. Is impossible to relate with those voices who are shouting, to some people is normal, or tight vocals, we will turn without knowing why because its embedded in our being before breathing. Characters exist with their musical tone.

 I would play the same song on the piano for weeks, finding different elements and kinds of gravity on the impulse of the taps, giving a little more space or tightening up faster, the whole thing changed totally. Is like the same words used with another rhythm, in lows or nights, the same notes, the same words. Meaning is not a script or dialogue, is not what you are being told, is not false publicity, try to feel one of the first senses whom in many myths was the first existence before all matter, some called it a sound, an idea, two notes having a connection, two making movement, a doer and listener. A message. 

 Some times, because we live in a fast consuming generation were silence shall bring more space, you will see many writers creating on the same level, a traffic jam with only zero green energy, when you can fly on a ship who has convert it's energy. And you think you are so cool with your car, that is fine because everyone is on that as you do, well no. There are so many pathways and forms to orbit your character and mobile. And you wish it for your self and others too for the world and the play board. 

 Some characters voice take longer than others to be discovered, achieved. I would sit in the back of a bus in NYC and record the sound from people, normally the crazy sit in the back and the noisy ones. Was studying for a character, yes a black character for sci-fic, not a getto one, need to touch the texture of the sound to move by it, the sound, the gravity, there is always something to the character that will never change, no matter if is more educated, classier of further in the future, it will carry that tendency for generations. This traits are what make a character unique, admirable given the field. 

A Complete Character 

  Many of you know what is to build character, you forget whom you are and dive into the whole existence of what made this individual be, it's not you but you breath through it. In script writing, they ask us to write files about their family, even if you don't see the grandparents in the movie they are written there somewhere beyond the screen, actors get to read all the files too do their own research as well and get to mingle with this kind of people or others entering IC many times, from 3 months before action to 4 and 6 months to get the feel, many of the times between takes are also IC, they need 3 months to get out of character and some had never returned, others confirmed is part of them. The truth is is that it has been Completed, wholly, total, it has been given a life, a voice. Its undeniable to say, you could also act on behalf of a friend or a family member in order to advocate for them. Or a newly dead person, you can channel by their characteristics.

 Reading people is not becoming a guru, you simply started studying humanity, animals, components in soil, the air, space, etc.. mechanics, relations in nature, etc... then wualla! You become egoless to understand, if not Doctor Frankenstein at the beginning of forming a characther. You take pieces from memories you liked along the day, or others, books, news, at work, etc... and simplified in one body. 

 Being in character is one of the most important pillars to a story, to me, the most respectful to honour, besides the scenario and its verse as such.

  I had a renown professor of script writing confessing how much he cried when he was writing as the victim and how disconnected he was for the victims feelings as a Tyrant, becoming the character to all it's degrees. While writing the story, the writer is an actor he explained, not just a composer doing things from the outside of a puppet. And this characters are studied as a piano is build on each finer and tap, to play them. You just don't build it without having tasting its sonic function of the sense. Feel. 

  How does it see the world around him or her and why, and please what is the message of this character. What is his voice, look for the inner voice. I can't believe how many writers are simply filling a hole, stories with no meaning, no music, nothing but good words whom say nothing as cheap music who will never be remembered or played again. Never the less to inspire.

  Characters who would never do such a things as well, it has to be believable to the given reality. No consideration for the reality is the lack of connection with reality. Life is difficult, is not simple, you love many people, many people wish to ruin your beauty or self love to everyone. Your powers mean nothing unless you serve to others, unless you belong to another levels of humanoids and all this characters have a certain paradise of being themselves and a certain contrast out there. Make it tri-dimentional at least, minimum. Let it ripple through existence of the collective as one who represents something purely meaningful, it will ring to as many doors it can be opened to be freed. 

 Maybe because of my OCPD is impossible to make a character role till is complete. Maybe I'm mistaken, maybe you can build character without considering anything, let the image flow and what ever comes from your mouth. In my believe you are running away from someone and you are not authentic to face what are you running from so much. You need to face a diet, smoking too much, being obsessed with someone, you need to face something that is bothering you, creating another character won't help, you will do another and another, and nothing, leaving more characters behind as you create news ones and empty chapters and groups being left. Creating Chaos is not what we need in rp, we have enough in the world, its fine to accept chaos and randomness but re-defining is the work and value who will sustain what rp is about. Building character depends on all this attributes.

Monologues and 1X1

  Thanks to the lack of authenticity and the fear of being judged for the sakes of likes, we don't have strong stories who are a saga among all role players and groups, verses.

  Because we lack authenticity, because characters are being a copy without respects of what role play used to be. For those who have been there before knowing the ups and downs and further more. 

  It fragnemtices with no integrity and fear of rejecting one character because of liking another character who is at the same time a character from both writers your feel as friends. 

Fish and nets
Ocus pocus

  It happened to me in my last story line, It feels like sh*t because even if I don't know them all well, I read them and see them and it sucks to write to one and not the others, it makes no sense at all and a cut of inspiration a, flaw. 

Build character as a Villain 

 If everyone knows the end of the story, there is no thrill in it. But cowards with a lack of imagination and rp skills to role on. 

 A villian is about being present, in tension, in suspense in the unknown, you might think they know what they are doing, but many times they have no idea but at least give the field to it, the important field of mystery. Its a hock. 

 Any story can go straight down to hell and let everyone fall flat in the ground without existence, without this fact of uncertainty, unless you are an employee who will die in such a way or get a secure pay check from the government and you have nothing to risk, adventure, trip, solve, bring newness, entrepreneur business in SL and work with other beyond your own shield of security.

 Villains come to teach us a lesson, in the most ugly form, evil, unwanted, you name it. Yes, peanut minds think I'm like my villains, as if the writer is a bad person, is fine at least I can relate one given day by good luck with Steven King. I know he is not a drag Queen of horror, nor are many writers who were feared to be as their writings. Is true that it makes ma laugh for people's mediocrity on the aspects of fear and wait patiently on their growth to maybe, harvest a better quality of writers IC for the SL.

 I'm a defender of a Villains, you like to be a cute friendly villain to have a likes... :( they also exist.
 Sorry Christians were terrorist for 500 years and used to hide in the Lost City of Petra, behind Israel, they were called pagans before, they were seen as evil who would chop heads on a horse martyr themselves in the name of Jesus, just as the Muslim do for whatever God. Hey, is my background and I will defend my history before anyone for the solemn reason of Freedom. There is measure and so much history behind each character so please a single chapter can entail it's whole being as a refined dish.


 Farewell their very presence shall make you feel all sort of unwanted things all already, everything that is unwanted and rejected is unknown, you won't have to jump on a cliff knowing what it's, nature will frighten you to protect you such as from deadly smells who are not nutritious, but what about using order as compost and not general waist? Meaning bad is bad, it will make you feel bad, but learn or practice, think in the science in the mechanics of an unlikely character who is to be opposed, feared or hated, or unconsciously respected because of it's power and control but yet it makes you convulse for all its reasons against yours. It bring a crucial Element that no one knows so well and needs to be payed attention. 

 An insult or diminishing tone towards another, is not what drafts a villain. Is the candy of the rapist, hurting you without your awareness of good and evil, yet there is pain and you don't know why if everyone seems to be okay with it, what is wrong? Is the pay check who is cutting away the reason of your live and might give you a sickness or mental deformity to think freely, a villain can be your beautiful wife with beautiful words and service doing something else who opposes your alignment, think about villains, a mother who loves you so much that will turn you gay with the eternal wish to find your inner masculinity with others and if possible reject woman. Make your draft in mind before writing it, if helps this first draft many times comes from the senses not from reason.

To one single character 
1) Looking at images and illustrations
2) Separate them by categories 
3) Study them with the feel not the reason
4) Search for music, sounds, bits, soundtracks, get their atmosphere, their right ring tone.
5) Take them out when they feel perfect, they will flow out without reason just being.

6) If a shower or bath, or a candle or wireless headphones, can isolate you or refresh you to get IC as a new whole thing away from you, yet with you, then do it, we all have our own needs and rituals to call the muse in. Some never stop, but the body needs caring, the mind can't exist without the body. The sound need a mobile, the spiritual have denied access if is not honouring the material values. You can build great characters and master them, but don't forget the main in you please, this is a whole chapter I shall discuss further on as a role player.

  Don't take me wrong, but a Villain has more to tell than the hero, we know what is good, is not a comfortable position, the given imagination to a character that has the power of taking your power or suppressing you, is only a fustrated illusion of something that already exists in you and needs to exit to be it, to conform. Otherwise you would also be doing something else in your RL that is real. Is not the character who brings this up, but your subconscious towards the light, then another character is giving you all this possibilities and you enter in panic because of the trigger. Let every motion exist on the story, including the panic, the shock, being stuck, observant... etc... 

  Villains are not necessarily smarter, they have to survive many of the times and think in twisted ways to move from the mistakes that keep happening learning more and more in the process. Or less and less having more boundaries as jail or other type of walls and masks. Your concepts of villain might brake down into other meanings. Like being independent, or deserving power, having more sex, or non because of an alter hight, becoming yourself attractive beyond standard measures, who knows what a brake through of a villain can apply? What is so bad anyways if writing is legal.   

  Here we learn to pick up the apples who have fallen down from the panic or shock, we become serious and pragmatic to place order from chaos. In relation to Villains and as Villains.

  Villains need to give space for the SL development to breath it out, to respect others characthers. 

  Villains can act together for something that correlates to their meaning as a force. Unfortunalty those who studied in public school have not learned to speak with each other to build business, you learned to follow orders and copy this for bringing Villians together is nearly an impossible, the majority see them as the controlling class and are so afraid to share a story for this hidden motive.

  Some people come from good families relations and or schools, and know what agreements are and along, how it takes to complete a process of talks through calm times and specific scenarios, into a reality, a toguether doing. There is no need to hide for those who are not anti-social, but need to protect their values, a similar yet totally different approach of how you build the relation of your villains.

  A villian has its relations too, even a character who is retrieved will need to eat, go out get food, get a form of paying its bills, there is a something factor out there, its vital, no matter how anti-social it might appear to be. Be presence with their family or promoters for self interest at least to build its persona, its needs. 

  Study Psychiatric trains for villains and other characters. Every emotion is what builds this character. You know that, remember is not you really give yourself away. 

Villains need Empathy

  Yeah, and I mean from your own perspective as a writer, I always said it and will hammer it again, a villain needs a certain tone of humour, it can make you laugh or wonder why? It has to bring a little emphatic reason from you to carry on. Understand your enemy if you wish to win, or fine simply be horrified and run away till there is no more story. All I had seen is people being so afraid of being running away that they simply gossip in the private against the writer of the villain and black list, because they are afraid of loosing or being incapable of moving on with the dark given chapter, kid nap, taken, you have to surrender once in a while and your character might die. If you had given so many chapter to that situation, lets face it. What is the maniac behaviour in wanting to control the board, this is why rp sucks with what you did on the last years, now you can't repair it, now you can't say sorry in the private and mention random things on the air without giving the correct address. 

Role Play is not a flat story of having likes and coming to see publicity. If you love someone so much tell them in their private, no one cares really, if that is truth it shall be sacred and private. 

 Writing a Villain has to become an a Binding Oath wit the character to never brake its pure motive, no matter what Thanos did on Endgame, is your Thanos, or whom do you really think General Hux is to the First Order, obviously they had to end the trilogy and make the dark side loose as in every trilogy for the average mass of people who will never mediate or know what is the dark side and how immortality works among pieces of art. Sociologically speaking and medically too. You kill a sickness and a concept whom is not necessarily, but not the average, those whom we condemn as villains are some times heroes. EXTREMIST WHO COME TO BRING BALANCE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EXTREME. Delusional or without measure, but they carry a strong reason for the whole to make it a change, maybe not in that direction but to stop the old directions. 

  Empathy in relating with its all forms. Feel it in first person, become it's channel. Why does it dress in this why, this colours, is not much about what comes out of its mouth. Many of you draw words as if a thinking mind, but lets be honest lets try to feel, feel with all the essence please.

  I do everything to be in a no mind state, I don't need to control my walk, I walk without thinking, I learned dancing, I don't need to think about it, such is writing and character, you get to eat and simply taste the given elaborated food, such are our stories. Please elaborate. Please get to feel each character as unique. This will become a law one day, unless you have a different group or go alone trying to moderate or organise your character, this character's existence need their friends and groups with stories to role.

  Its a crime to exclude your own talent without giving a space to look at it, you become a reflector, a witness, a free thinker, this is what we need to build a better world, bridges of reflection, transfers of a greater economy frequency real verses who are composed by an unique pattern to role on.

  Copies and cuts, recycle and start again. Be part please. A character who is unique can be the same character but is unique for a reason, a very special reason as such. 

Female Characters 

 Becouse of the past history of females before the anti conceptive pills, freedom of vote and thought and freedom of speech and intelligence I will ask all the male writers to bring forwards female characters. Its said our soul female and at least we get to see if when we die. 

 Whatever, building female character does not have to be a super woman, I feel building a mother, building a real woman, with the ordinary conflicts is essential now days. As Black People fighting for discrimination and to be included, I will ask for respect and for female characters to be more evolved. This is not a male hatred character because you haven't been a loyal supportive good male, you can't maintain one woman, if you have many woman and zero money, no body, no total real true love to no one but your male ego.

 Female characters are developing to become more and more unique and complex than the old


This were the only choices in the past to exist, and I won't count the ones who were locked down in mad houses for talking truth, such as rape, abuse and child abuse among make class. Woman who lost their inheritance and everything in order to protect a dream of self respect and or inner voice, male who incarcerated them because they were sensitive and smart.

The witch type enter in the prostitude category and the mad woman does not exist to society since is 100 eradicated from the map. 

Then you have famele characters afraid of other females taking their place, old ancient story. Lets make this characters more juicy, woman can be top sisters and pretty much fun and smart. Not every woman likes gossips, not at all. Not every woman is zealous or incompetent to relay on peoples likes, not everywoman needs to be a c*ck sucker to exist, or is complacent. Do please woman can have a form of being and thinking that is not as males, but unique and might like healthy males who can adapt to a global conversation for planet earth for example without looking at her body or persona but the shared theme.

  I find it so difficult to build female characters because of the male characters ignoring female characters unless you are their lover in the private or serve them with many characters. And this is a free world were no one gets payed, but people seem to be thinking the same. I had never served or followed anyone, I had belong to collectives and think as a participant.

 Do please cherish female as Goddesses, we need more beauty on earth and space, more sensibility, more feel, more re-birth, more artistry in the little non-sense of life, we need to stop the fear of being beautiful we won't be abuse nor suffer violence because our beauty. Female character's I adore could name, that I adore, but globally they need more depth and freedom. All this characters need a realisation and true form, specially female characters who are to birth and care for the new generations, thanks of fathers and society relating to them. The future is female and we need to feel that men will become more beautiful and sensitive, and the world more giving with less wars and selfish abuse who is never satisfied. We might need to build new female characters too and discover new pathways as writers too.

Building a child

 Children shall be included, in movies such in stories, children shall be always around, it seems as we have an isolated childhood and they we are adults without kids, loosing our childhood. There much to say here.

Building too many characters or having only one

Who can judge or say what is perfect is role play since is an experiment a realisation of your own "I want to do what ever I want and no one is stoping me", but if we can prevent for some to kill them self we will, or killing the play board. Hello?

 Could you please step back for one second and count your characters, place them into verses, split them into sections of this verses and ask your self what is the cause of their porpoise. Do you have to be maintaining all this characters? For what?

 Is impressive when you start role playing the many characters you do, we diden't really do canon characters, they were historical and written in old style. Scarlet Johnson was not as popular and I confronted many people who disliked her for different movies. I started to support modern writing with her, becoming daughter of the first supporter it wasn't easy at all with all the bullying and harassment specially from female hackers playing with our friends to convert them against us, stating we direct have writing skills like them because we were simply writing modern, or simple. No matter if you did the epic thing with other characters, you are playing an Avatar and the image of this actor or model as well, its not only a game or a fake image, its a representation to given realities. 

Make a main character among your main characters to speak honestly and frankly, were your friends can reach you on daily basis, make it easier for the coming years.

Seat with all your characters and have a discussion with all of them, if you need to have 600 good, if you need to have one, bad, very bad, we need the biological variety of twists and twirling existence this planet defines from all others. We shall find joy and super hipper joy in all our characters, even if they go through pages of disgrace, we must search for happiness or enlightenment, what ever make them alive.

If having 600 characters turns you in having 500 bad maintained relations to keep up and you consume your RL in it.

1) Because you need to experience everything you want.
2) Because you need to travel and change
3) Because you need to give likes to your own characters and reviews.
4) Because you need to give likes and reviews to a person you want in RL. I don't think you love this person or is because is talented and deserves it, its self interest now you would let this person be as talented as it's and become more profound in order to match this talent unless you are clinging decoration to post and post. 

 What is more valuable than 600 empty domains with no connection to a reality, they are all closed as the writer is, grasping. Monologues and 1X1. Do you really think that other readers who have being here so many years don't know who the writer is? Everyone who has been here enough, know were those likes come from and is killing the insertion of those who are more sensitive and need the real.

  My always support to Role Playe and those involve, no matter how much you get to hate me, I know is not me, it's you trying to succeed your own darkness which some get to reflect. 

  Now, must march to my tedious work, fantasy is my playground to shake it off take it easier not so seriously. 

  This world is too serious 
  lol xoxo

And wishing to see more of you all

The Writer of
Nike, Natasha, Mara Jade and many other names as an agent.

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