01/06/2020 12:29 PM 

Murderer in the making Pt 1

A nineteen year old Candice stood outside the big prison gates just been released after a week all charges dropped, Heavy charges too second degree murder and blackmail don’t just vanish she knew that but she didn’t question it as a grey car pulled up next to her she frowned the window came down “Candice right? Someone wants to meet you” the slightly older looking man nodded to the back seat “Come on love I ain’t got all bloody day” he was English this turned her frown into a look of shock “Who exactly are you?” She asked not stepping towards the car “Listen love you wanna go back in there that’s fine but I am freedom right now so get you bleeding arse in the car before I chuck you in!” The man was losing patience with her she rolled her eyes walking over she opened the back seat throwing her measly bag of belongings in and getting in after them she had barely shut the door before the stranger in the front seat began to drive off “F***ing hell let me sit down!” She scoffed of course she was safely in the car she just liked to cause a fuss, Candice was a popular nineteen year old girl she was in the ‘it’ crowd at school and most would call her the bitch of the group she wasn’t the most popular one though she was just a step down from that or at least she was before all the trouble started.

“Aye did you really kill your best friend?” The man up front asked her glare turned on her as she took a deep breath he didn’t let her talk though “Listen if you think just because you’ve done someone in that you can tackle me you ain’t very smart kiddo so don’t try sh*t back there do you hear me?” Sh*t this guy was exhausting “back when I was your age I’d done and seen more sh*t than you can imagine kid” he kept calling her kid although he only must have been a few years older then her she sighed looking out of the window “You ain’t much of a talker are ya?” He asked she glanced at the mirror seeing him looking at her she shrugged softly finding her voice once again “Where are we going?” She had ignored all his questions as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear she did hope it wasn’t too far this car smelt like whiskey and prostitutes she feared she’d caught something already the man huffed “Nik wants to meet you, he thought you were perfect for joining the family he looked through all that case file sh*t so here you are, When you meet him you betta be thankful kiddo” her eyes back out of the window now as she wonders who this Nik person is and why he’s helping her “Don’t show him fear.. He feeds on that sh*t but do be respectful otherwise he will give you reason to fear him” she didn’t respond she wasn’t all that pleased about meeting him she just wanted to go home and the mans words scared her a little he must have noticed “Hey kid want my advice?” “No” she replied quickly that didn’t stop him “He’s a sucker for a pretty face and darling you’ve got one! Smile at him flirt with him” he looked her over in the mirror “You’ll have him eating out of your hand.. or something else all right” Candice made a gagging face not that she hadn’t used her looks and body to get what she wanted before because she had but because this man was so upfront about it like he could read her “Ere we are!” The car pulled up to a huge mansion that later in life she would call home.

Candice looked out of the window two men outside in black suits guarding the door the first thing she noticed were their guns she swallowed as one of them approached the car he glanced at her “He’ll like her” he said to the man in front “I’ll go inform him you’ve arrived” he continued before going back up the marble steps to the door and slipping inside what had she gotten herself into? The man in the front turned to her “get out then” she looked at him now shaking her head “I don’t want too, I want to go home” she demanded like a small child his brow raised to that “Your scared, Good use it being scared keeps you safe.” He sighed now getting out of the car and walking to the side of the car where she was “Come on kid, He doesn’t like to be kept waiting look I’ll make sure you’re safe tonight okay? I’m Chec, I’ll watch your back tonight okay? Let’s just get this over with” she nodded and opened her door stepping out her nerves getting the better of her she almost ran but didn’t the man she now knew was called Chec took her by the arm and led her up the steps it took all of her strength to just get up those steps she was shaking now “You cold?” The man asked looking at her she nodded she wasn’t but she thought she’d rather him think that then know the truth the man with the gun at the door opened it and stepped aside to let them in once inside she gasped it was lavish, A huge beautiful arched staircase with a chandelier dangling in the middle and more marble the man the call Nik was filthy rich she didn’t know what else to expect as they walked a little further in a voice rang out “Chec, Is this her?” She turned to face the voice the dark haired man at the top of the stairs descending down the left side he kinda took her breath away he was very good looking and he didn’t even look as scary as Chec told her he was he was sharply dressed his shoes shining everything about this man inviting her in “Yeah this is Candice” Chec told the man as he took her hand “Pleasure Candice, I am Nikolai but you may call me Nik” she didn’t have to pretend to bat her eyes and smile because his lips touched her hand and that smile came “Thank you for inviting me to your lovely home” he smiled at her a dazzling smile “Chec you may go tell GG that we will be needing a room fixed up for Candice here, She will stay the night we have much to discuss find us in the study later” her eyes didn’t leave Nik she didn’t even notice Chec had left as Nik led her too a room filled with books it reminded her of the library from beauty and the beast how fitting because that is how the turned out.

She heard the door shut behind them and she glanced around the room while Nik poured her a drink and handed it her “Thank you” she swirled the brown liquid around the glass waiting for him to speak she then downed the drink as he smiled at her “Okay, I’m gonna be straight here why did you want to help me? I have absolutely nothing to offer you and what you do” he held up his hand silencing her he spoke “What is it you think I do?” He asked taking a step closer this took her by surprise and she backed up slightly bumping into the shelves behind her “Something dangerous.. Probably gang related” she told him he smiled it was a soft and warm smile as his finger brushed her chin “Correct, See you already have offered me something you are very observant” he began then stepped back walking to a seat next to a huge fireplace the fire roaring the glow illuminated his face making him even more attractive she didn’t expect someone who was apparently so evil to look like this “You’ll be training directly under me, I’ll show you everything and I do mean everything, You will stay here three days in the week the rest you can go home and be with Eddie” her brow raised at this of course he knew Eddie or at least of Eddie he was the only person she cared about so he mentioned him as a warning she’d seen it on tv before “There isn’t a problem with any of that is there?” “No” she replied “You don’t have any questions?” To this she shook her head of course she did but she wouldn’t be asking him “no” she stated again “Good, I expect we will become good friend’s Candice” his arm around her as he led her to the door opening it Chec stood outside waiting “Get some rest, We start tomorrow” the door shut once again and Chec looked over her “You seem fine? He didn’t hit you?” She shook her head “No, I was polite, I have questions” she asked him he stopped his brow raised again “You didn’t ask Nik?” “No, I wanted to ask you instead because he mentioned my father and I’m not stupid I knew that was a warning” Chec started to walk again up the stairs and she followed “Good he doesn’t like people asking questions, Never question him do as he says and you might just be okay Kid” she tried to keep up taking two steps at a time “What will I be doing he said he will be training me personally” once up the stairs they turned right and he opened the first door “This will be your room” they both stepped inside “He will train you to fight and kill it’s not gonna be nice Kiddo but if you can hack it you can have anything you ever wanted, Get some sleep we will have fresh clothes for you tomorrow bathroom is through there” he nodded to a door “Goodnight”

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