12/31/2019 10:01 PM 

Letting Go of the Past (Drabble)

A night just a couple hours before new years eve, Adam laid on the bed beside his fiancee Aine O'Sullivan. Something about made him think about things he hasn't really thought about through out most of 2019. Adam's world changed many years ago as a young shy teenager in high school when Zordon elected him and his fellow friends from Stone Canyon to replace Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan and Jason Lee Scott to become the Power Rangers, aiding the other three remaining Rangers at the time. Rangers usually went by a certain code, never using the powers for personal gain. As well as keeping their identity secret, but not every Ranger team carried that tradition.

However, that tradition is something Adam kept close to him whenever he served with his team or when he fully got his Black Ranger powers back thanks to the Sentinel Knight. But all that changed the moment he met the woman that eventually became the one he's now soon to be married with, Aine. He tried to keep his identity a secret from her at first, but that changed during a very destructive day in London. Meeting her lead him on a different path where he knows that he's going to morph during times that goes against what he was once told by Zordon years ago as a teenager. With all of this running through his mind, he sits up, gives Aine a kiss on her forehead and gets out of the bed.

He grabs his communicator and puts it on his wrist, immediately contacting Alpha 6, "hey, I'm going to need your help in a bit." This catching the very advanced A.I. off guard, "AYEYIYIYIYI!" Alpha 6 shouted, "Adam! Are you okay!?" A little laugh escaped from Adam's mouth before answering his robot partner, "Calm down, Alpha, I'm fine. Just gotta...take some weight off my shoulders is all. I'll contact you in a bit." He said, still leaving Alpha 6 confused, "okay..." is all the A.I. could say.

Now in the attic of his house, he pulls out something that looks like a treasure chest that even he isn't sure that Aine has seen since she's been living with him. Shortly after he passed on his Green Turbo Ranger powers to his successor Carlos, Adam spent some time scuba diving as a major hobby to the point where he even helped out in teaching some people. During those time, he came across a treasure chest....that sadly didn't carry any gold, so the more correct term would just be a trunk lost at sea. But he held on to it and used it as something to place souvenirs he collected through out his younger Power Ranger years.

The souvenirs inside the trunk are damaged parts to the original command center Zordon and Alpha 5 used when they chose who was gonna help defend the planet as the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. But sadly it got destroyed and they had to move to the Power Chamber which was below the Command Center. The Power Chamber went through a bit of a makeover over time. Which fully took effect around the time they had to leave behind the Zeo powers due to losing two Zeo Rangers back to back. Jason no longer being able to hold the Gold Zeo powers due to it being recently connected to an alien named Trey from the planet Triforia and Rocky literally breaking out his back during training for a martial arts charity event.

Adam also managed to hold on to some of the equipment they decided to change during that time period, whatever that was able to work after some years of not being in use ended up being used by Alpha 6 for his current Command Room under the Lion Frog Dojo.

The souvenirs that remained inside of the trunk were no longer usable as they were badly damaged in the explosion, but Adam collected them for 'memories'. And as a 'reminder' for what he and his teammates stood for. But times has clearly changed, and these souvenirs will always hold a special place in Adam's heart. However, for what he knows about the path he's on now, he's accepted the fact that he's going to go against those rules. His Ranger powers will always be used as an act of defense, but it's been used for more than just that now...and Adam's okay with that. He closed the 'treasure chest' and contacted Alpha 6 again.

"Alpha, I'm going to teleport to the area where the power chamber used to be. Meet me there, okay?" The confused robot responds, "okay Adam! But what are we going to do?"

Adam stares at the chest for a short moment before he responds to Alpha, "I guess you can say I'm burying my past?" He said, knowing he can't truly do that as the past will always keep a warm place in his heart. But this seems necessary to him. "Ayeyiyiyi! I still don't know what you really mean by this, but I'll meet up with you there."

Before teleporting off to the area with the treasure chest, he also takes a voice recorder with him and three very specific pictures that represents different moments of his teeenage years as a Ranger.


Besides, he got other pictures with them anyway. Now finally at the area that once stood the Zordon's command center/power chamber that was later taken over by Dimitria. He contacts Alpha 6 who also now teleports to the area, "alright, I'm here, what's going on?" The robot asked. "I called you because after the Sentinel Knight restored my Ranger powers, and the mission with Tori, Kira, Bridge, Xander and I stepping in for and then helping the Overdrive Rangers regain their powers, you've been apart of this journey alongside me..." Adam paused to take a look at the pictures once again, then opening the trunk. "This all seems so sudden." Alpha 6 states, "but I'm understanding this now." The robot placed his metal hand on Adam's shoulder, "and I will continue to be with you on this journey."

Adam nods his head at Alpha with a smile forming on his face. He takes the voice recorder out of his pocket and pushes the button record, "I don't know who exactly will come across this, but I know it will be a fellow Ranger. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger, right?...the reason for this recording is because of my life has shifted on to a different path, and I know that where I will go may not be agreed upon, I will always remember what Zordon taught me, or in this case, us." He takes a deep breath, continues speaking, "whoever sees where I'm coming from and decides to support me when we cross paths again, I will really appreciate that...but if not, I'm sorry. This is where I am at now. I guess that's it...see you all in the future, hopefully standing by me and not against me." Ending the recording there.

He puts the voice recorder and the pictures inside of the treasure chest. "Are you just going to leave it there? Anyone can stumble upon this," asked by Alpha 6. Adam shakes his head, "no," he looks over at Alpha, saying three very key words, "It's morphin' time..." now holding the power morpher in his hand, then morphing into the Black Power Ranger.

He then calls upon his Power Axe and begins to use it like a pickaxe. Hitting a hole into the ground, increasing the force with each hit to speed up the process. Once a deep enough hole is formed, he places the treasure chest inside of it. Covering it with enough dirt to definitely fool outsiders but to hopefully leave it as a sign for other Rangers who served under Zordon and/or Dimitria.

"Let's get out of here." After saying that, Adam teleports back home and Alpha 6 returns back to the Command Room at under the dojo. Demorphing back into his human form and taking notice of the time, he lays back in bed alongside his soon to be wife, "Happy New Years Eve, red hotness." he said to her, even though he knows she can't hear him call her that nickname he came up with for her....or he thinks she couldn't hear him. Still, he laid there beside her, finally closing his eyes to sleep.

Letting go of the past to live in the moment, embracing the future.


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