12/03/2019 10:59 PM 

“You’ll never learn”

Seething with rage his hand covered in blood, His blood the nearby wall full of dents and blood were victim to his anger the pain in his hand was nothing to the pain he felt in his chest not that anybody could ever know that he wouldn’t let them he couldn’t “AAARRRGGHH” he screamed out another hit to the wall a bone cracking in his hand this time he shook his hand hoping this would relieve the pain of the new break he was wrong. The door opened now as one of his men walked in looking from the wall to his hand “We’ve found her, She’s secured in the cell” the man nodded at Nik “Shall I send someone to fix that?” He motioned to his hand Nik used his other hand to wave away the comment “No, Leave me” and with that he did Nik was once again left to stew in his rage and now he could direct it at her “F***ing wonderful” he said out loud his voice as cold as the night outside.

The holding cells were dark, dirty and cold she was in the last one wearing next to nothing as usual this angered him more dressing like a slut for him was allowed but leaving the mansion dressed like that was quite another she would answer for that too, Why she didn’t understand that she was his and his alone was beyond him while they were alone in his room he would speak of such things like marriage and children he loved her truly but he grew tired, Tired of her games and her unwillingness to give herself to him fully she never listened and she would never learn “Candice” the cold voice only seemed colder down here he looked at her face she had a cut on her left cheek one of his men must of done that and they would pay but right now he had to be the boss not the lover “Once again you’ve failed me, All I asked was for you to kill him and yet.. what?” He watched her stand running her tongue around her mouth she gathered saliva and spat it right in his face “You f***ing bitch!” He spat out at her and got his men to unlock the door he walked in as she scurried to the back wall she knew she had f***ed up his hand grabbing her hair forcing her to look at him as his other hand the blood soak one lifted and connected with her jaw pain echoed off his bones but he clenched his teeth releasing her hair with a shove she was now on the floor “You let him live! He knows your face Candice he can take us all down” another strike to her face her lip splitting once again she spat this time it was blood and it was directed at the floor “He.. He knows nothing he didn’t deserve to die I did what was right” she told him, How dare she answer him back this time his foot raised pinning her to the wall by her chest pushing down slightly “Candice you don’t get a say in what is right and wrong you do as you are f***ing told!!” He almost shouted now as his hand collided with her face again she was beginning to bruise but rage consumed him he removed his foot and she slid on down to the floor on her back “F*** you” she whispered out barley a sound, but he heard it “You never learn!” He was over her body now his knees pinning her down as he continued his on slaughter of rage on her face her eyes closed and she wasn’t moving now the bruises forming quickly and soon she didn’t look like her anymore but still he carried on until the man from earlier stepped in to pull him off “Boss” he said and Nik snapped out of it leaving the room he had nearly killed her she didn’t even fight back he was losing her he could feel it and if he couldn’t have her no one could “get her looked at” Nik told the man before going back to him room.

Back in the confide space of his room, No their room a room they shared he totally lost it what had he just done? She would never forgive him for this and there was no going back this was it he’d have to kill her or let her leave and he just nearly did the first option the second one was never going to happen he loved her to much to watch her walk away loving Nik was a death sentence and her time had come he knew this as he picked up various objects smashing them around the room if she would have just done as she was told all of this would have been avoided but he knew she was like that and that was why he loved her it was time for Nik to move on a forget her he reached for his phone typing hard now due to his swollen hands but he managed he typed out the hit on the black market for her to be taken care of it will be live in a week she has a week to show him she loves him and only him or she’s dead.

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