11/10/2019 10:52 PM 

It’s been a month!

-Christmas Eve 2012-

That warm Christmas scent filled the air, Cinnamon, Ginger and of course the smell of the ‘real’ tree she made Eddie buy laugher filtered out of the living room as the wrapped the tree in a mixture of decorations she was waiting to put the star on top like she did every year, She loved this feeling of belonging of being normal there was a sudden beeping from the kitchen “Sh*t!” Candice said running into the kitchen smoke filled the space and Eddie could be heard laughing it was tradition for them to have a slightly smaller Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as she’d usually be at Nik’s mansion on Christmas Day. As Candice wafted smoke out the window she just opened the door bell rang ‘I’ll get it’ Eddie called to her she took the let’s say totally burnt carcass out of the over and placed it on the side sighing she’d never be the domestic type but every year she tried and every year she failed “Damn it!! I can’t save anything! I’ll get the menus!” She called to him as she turned round to open the drawer and pull out the emergency Candice burnt dinner again menus her eyes lifted as she heard a soft voice ‘Nik saves you once again baby’ she looked a little taken back in his hands he had a spare turkey he placed it on the side as he took her in his arms and kissed her softly ‘Niks here’ Eddie shouted according to Eddie Nik was just a normal guy he was dating Candice and they had been on and off since any of them can remember.

Reluctantly letting her go after one more quick peck to her lips he moved to the turkey which was already half done ‘I prepared it at home I knew you’d be reaching for those menus, Not anymore babe not while I am around, I’ve got you’ he told her as he placed the half cooked turkey in the over on a much lower setting than she had it on she smiled that all she could do she was pretty speechless which was new for her. Nik set the timer and took her by the hand leading her out of the kitchen and into the living room ‘Wait here’ he told her and she glanced at Eddie who was still messing with the tree he shrugged looking back at the tree she helped Eddie again now ‘So that was romantic wasn’t it? Him bringing you another turkey’ she rolled her eyes “Shh Eddie!” She blushed just as Nik came back in with four huge bags of gifts “Holy f***ing sh*t! Nik! What did you do?” She asked looking over at him a soft genuine smile on his lips as he spoke ‘I’ve got to treat my queen haven’t I?’ He told her as he began placing them under the tree her heart swelled at him right now in this moment everything was perfect he was perfect she wished everyday was like this. After dinner was done Nik even dished it out telling Eddie and Candice to go sit at the table they made small talk until Nik served them their food the aromas filling the air made her mouth water it looked delicious with all of them sitting down now Nik spoke ‘Mind if I say grace?’ He asked Candice raised a brow he never did that before maybe just because he knew Eddie did he thought he had too “Nicky you don’t have to do that” he held up his hand to silence her ‘Dear lord, Thank you for this beautiful meal that I am sharing with the only family I will ever need, Take care of Eddie and watch over him everyday he means everything to the love of my life” with that Candice took Nik and Eddies hands in hers he continued “Give my baby girl everything she’s ever wanted she deserves the world and more and please give her the strength to say yes” Her eyes opened there was a blue small velvet box in front of her now she glanced at Nik who continued to talk ‘I know she doesn’t like surprises so tomorrow when I ask her to be my wife please give her the courage to say yes! Amen’ he finished Candice didn’t move or let go of anyone she was frozen her mouth hanging open ever so slightly as Eddie wriggled his hand free and laugh ‘I think you broke her’

-Present day one month after she proved herself to Nik-

Candice stood in the kitchen of her old home looking into that damn drawer with those damn menus in everything came flushing back the feelings she had over the silly promise about her not needing those menus anymore why that time in her life? Out of everything why did she now link the happiest she’s ever been to the saddest she’s ever felt that all familiar sting came to her eyes and boy did she let herself go she needed to she slid down the fridge as she grabbed the menus sobbing, Full heart wrenching sobs for the loss of everything she ever loved.

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