10/21/2019 09:45 PM 

The fall of Nico Fox // drabble.

(( THANK YOU TO ABBY AND TEAGAN'S WRITER FOR WRITING THIS WITH ME. also, Nico is being a grade A a**hole so be prepared. E N J O Y. ))

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The night had been going exactly how it was planned. Everyone showed up, everyone looked great and everyone was having a good time. Previous news about Nico and Abby splitting up had just reached media outlets and already, articles were being blasted all over the place. It wasn’t official but yeah, they were having trouble in their relationship but Abby was supposed to come here today, keep up appearances, make people think that they were still together.
Nico excused himself to his room, so he was out of sight of any of the public for what he wanted to do next.  A few of his friends tagged a long with him and they thought the brief break in the room would be the perfect timing for one thing.

Nico’s new friend, the white stuff. Cocaine.

A few moments after setting everything up, Nico allowed everyone else to take a bump. He was still knew to this so he waited until last. Then, after about fifteen minutes, there was a knock on the door. It was one of Nico’s friends that opened the door when there was a knock. They were getting ready to leave, Nico was going to follow behind just after he snorted the remains of the lines that were laid out upon the locker. However he hoped to have been finished them before Abby showed up, but she was early. She was dressed in a cocktail gown that was designed by his mother, specifically for her, for this event. She looked beautiful. Her beauty devastated him sometimes. 

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The group piled out of the room to let Nico and Abby have their moment or whatever. Nico was mid sniff when he noticed his wife’s presence. He wished right there and then. This is not what he needed her to see. "What on earth are you doing Nico?" She asked, disgusted laced her tone. Nico didn't want to hear the lecture. She wasn't an angel. She had her bad habits. She walked toward him as he stood from where he sat. Looking up at him, he could see the hurt on her face but he tried to ignore it. 

“It’s okay for you to be an ex-stripper, drink yourself stupid, have a string of different baby daddies but I let lose for one night and I’m enemy number one.”

With that, her hand struck him across his face. A slap. It stung, but he deserved it. 

“And I've done this all on purpose? I wasn't dealt a silver spoon when I was born. Letting lose is having fun, not starting an addiction. F*** you... We're done, completely."

Nico was trying his best to flood out any bad vibes that were coming his way. This was a night he was looking forward to for a long time and no one was going to ruin that for him, not even his wife. He didn’t need to be told how to live his life, and it wasn’t like she was innocent either. To avoid those thoughts, the free shots kept flowing, the sneaky bump in the toilet stalls to get the energy going, Nico Fox was wired and he was ready to keep this going all night. Well, up until he began to see triple. At first, he tried to focus his vision but it wasn’t helping. The already clumsy Nico staggered and swayed his way toward the bar as he made a drinking hand jester to the barman who raised a brow in the direction.

“Water.” He mouthed over the loud music, turning his head to see the mop of blond hair not to far from him. A smirk twitched upon his lips as he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pretty sure it was Teagan by the familiar scent of Paris Hilton perfume. A sloppy kiss to her cheek, he grinned stupidly as he pulled back from the embrace.

At first Teagan wasn’t at all surprised by the sudden feeling of arms wrapping around her waist that would pull her in followed by a sloppy kiss to her cheek thinking that it was just Damon coming back for more however, the cologne that tickled her nostrils was not the scent from him that she had grown used too and as he would pull back from the embrace she would turn to see Nico Fox of all people. “Nico.” her heart skipped a beat but she tried not to let it affect her, he probably just thought she was Abby or something though the platinum blonde locks should have been a dead give away. It probably had a lot to do with how intoxicated he was, she could see it in his face that he was clearly way too f***ed up right now. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come up behind her the way he did, “How f***ed up are you?” she says, laughing as he was practically stumbling over.

Nico’s grin faded slightly, shaking his head as he staggered, moving his hand up to the bridge of his nose and pinched it. “I’m pretty f***ed up, not gonna lie.” He slurred, completely forgetting about the pint of water that had been served upon the counter top for him. 

Come on, let’s get you up to your room big guy.” she teased, grinning as she put his arm over her shoulders and helped to walk him up to the room. This was such a turn of events, usually Nico was the one carrying her to her room.  Everything was a blur in the elevator and the corridor. He fumbled about in his pockets for the room key, which was in his pocket. How he didn’t lose it was beyond him. They reached the suite that Teagan had visited him at before the party started, taking the card out of his pocket and scanning it so she could open the door and walk him in, “I think you’re a bigger mess than me.” 

“AHA! We have entry!” He mocked a gasp, pushing the door open and practically poured into the room with a stumble. Luckily, the door kept him upright. He let go to let her close the door behind him and he was already kicking off his shoes. This was probably the first time in a very long time that Teagan had seen him this f***ed up and part of her worried about Nico because of this, had something happened? Or was this just a classic moment of drinking way too much way too fast. She couldn’t help but be amused by his drunken stumble as he practically fell into the room. As wasted as she was, Nico was far beyond that and she could tell from the moment he kissed her cheek.

“Abby was supposed to stay here with me tonight,” he went on as he walked to the bed and sat upon the edge of it. “But, here I am. On my own. On the night of my 23rd birthday.” He held his arms out in a way to say ‘well this is it.’ He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself and shake his head. 

“I’m sorry Nic…no one should spend the night of their birthday alone” she said after he explained how Abby had left him for the night, her heart broke for him knowing how hard it must be. Nico lazily leaned over to the mini fridge that was within arms reach from where he sat for a bottle of water. “I never got to say it to you earlier but, you look beautiful, by the way.” He commented as he took the cap off of the bottle and brought it to his lips.

Walking over to the bed where he was she sat down on the edge next to him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as he complimented the way she looked tonight, “Awe, that’s so sweet, you don’t look so bad yourself… except we have to talk about these pants cause honey… they are blinding me.” she teased him, trying to lighten the mood and make him smile because it had always been one of her favorite features about him. Nico laughed at her comment about the pants he wore and he took a look at them for himself. “Yeah, f***. They are pretty extra, aren’t they?” He shook his head. “I was ready to get the matching jacket and everything but I thought that was a bit much. I’d be walking into the party looking like the god damn tin man.”

Teagan burst out laughing when he told her he was about to get the matching jacket, just imagining how he would have looked had her almost falling over laughing, “Can you imagine you ACTUALLY walking into the party looking like the f***ing tin man!?” her laugh faded, into a smile as she leaned against him slightly. It was times like this with him that she missed,she couldn’t even remember the last time they had a real moment like this together.

It was silent between them for just a moment as she paused, her hand reaching out to brush through his now shaggy mess of hair as she read his facial expressions and could see how lost he was, “Hey… I'm here for you alright? You’re not alone.” she reminded him, a smile spreading across her lips as she looked at him.

His eyes followed her. He looked away coyly when she ran a hand through his hair. “That means a lot, Tea.” It had been a long time since the two were truly alone, like this. Then, the mixture of alcohol and drugs in his system, the emotions after the argument with Abigail. It was all weighing on him and his actions for what he did next wasn’t thought through whatsoever.

The mood in the room shifted as she sat there with him, watching as his gaze averted from her own, “Just because we’re not dating.., doesn’t mean that I don’t still care about you.” she spoke softly, her hand falling to rest at her side. What happened next was the last thing she expected was going to occur when she brought him up to his room and took her completely by surprise. Nico moved his gaze back to hers, the silence falling between them again. He leaned into the blond, their lips meeting briefly and he kissed her. Her gaze met with his and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest, watching as he started to lean into her. Nico closed his eyes as he did so but he suddenly leaned back as he went to excuse what he just did. “That.... that was inappropriate.”

When he captured her lips with his, she closed her eyes and even felt herself leaning in to the kiss before he would pull away. Teagan was feeling a whole mess of emotions washing over her all at once, her lips tingling from being reminded of what his felt like against them. Between the overwhelming emotions she was feeling and the amount of alcohol she had before now, Teagan clearly wasn’t thinking straight as she leaned back in without a single word and captured his lips again except this time neither of them pulled away.

Nico didn’t think that she would kiss him back. He was taken back by her lips meeting his again, but he didn’t pull back. He allowed the kiss to happen. His eyes closed, leaning into her more and resting his hand upon the small of her back, slowly moving with her as she lay back, Nico leaning over her as they continued the passionate exchange. His hands were free roaming and he ran one up her leg, which immediately caused her to put what they were doing to a halt.

She had wanted this for so long now that Teagan wasn’t even thinking of the damage that could be done by them doing this until she felt his hand start to trail up her dress and it all became too real, moving her hands to his chest she lightly pushed him up and parted their lips, “wait…wait no..” she paused, shaking her head as she sat straight up, “We.. we can’t do this Nico… I can’t do this… What about Abby… and Damon… we can’t do this to them..” she says, immediately feeling guilty.

“Huh? Wait, what? I thought you wanted this.” He was a complete mess. He moved off of her and returned to the seat upon the side of the bed. He held his head in his hands and grabbed a fistful of his hair. “Abby doesn’t want me anymore and..... Damon? What, Tea? You can’t be serious about that one? Really?” He snickered, looking at her from over his shoulder.

Ever since they were in Paris, Teagan had been thinking about this, about him and what life would have been like had she not cheated on him. She wanted this with him, more than she wanted anything in her life but it wasn’t fair. To him, to Damon… to poor Abby. Something she never thought she would say in a million years, nevermind push Nico off her when she was finally getting what she wanted. It pained her, to push him away, to ignore the feeling inside because in a heartbeat she would have run back to him but there was more than just herself to think about.

Of course I wanted this but…” she was cut off by his words as the growing frustration starts to come out at the fact that she wouldn’t hook up with him, especially when she mentioned Damon’s name. Her brows raised, almost offended by his reaction of her relationship, “Excuse me?” she sat  back, looking at him as her brows now furrowed, “First of all… Damon is a good guy and he treats me like a f***ing queen, secondly.. I don’t think you’re in a position to be judging my relationship..” she said getting defensive, shaking her head, she stood up from the bed, “Listen… I care about you… a lot Nico and believe me when I say… this isn’t the first time I've thought about us but we’re not together…we can’t do this” she paused, a sigh leaving her lips, “Damon is my boyfriend now… and I know you and Abby are fighting but this isn’t the answer…she still loves you and I know you still love her..” she said, trying to recover from her defensive comment about her relationship.

Nico scoffed at her words. If he was sober, he wouldn’t act this obnoxious. “Pft. Love. You wouldn’t know what that was if it smacked you in the face, Teagan.” He wrinkled his nose at her and turned his head away. He moved to lay back onto the bed and moved his arms over to cover his face. His wife broke up with him officially, his ex didn’t want to hook up with him. He really was feeling defeated. “Just leave me alone. Allow me to wallow in my own self pity while you go and f*** a guy almost double your age.”

It felt like her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach hearing those words come out of his mouth, here she was trying to help him and he had the audacity to insult her, “Seriously Nico?” she retorted, almost as if she were waiting for him to take it back but when he didn’t and just told her to leave him alone all the while taking a jab at her relationship once more, she had it, “Wow. Fine. I’m done trying to be nice...I think it’s time to grow the f*** up and be a man Nic, you think this is cute?” she shook her head, fighting the tears because she wasn’t about to let him get to her, “And you know what!? I AM going to go f*** a guy that’s almost double my age and you know what else!? I’m going to f***ing love it.” she seeths glaring at him before dramatically storming out of his hotel room and letting the door slam closed behind her.

Nico didn't react to the door slam. He just lay there, on his own, after not only f***ing things up with Abby but f***ing things up with Teagan when they were supposed to be friends, finally... he might have just ruined that. It wasn't like it was something he ALWAYS wanted to do, with Teagan, or like he was waiting for the opportunity. Maybe it was because he was completely intoxicated, hurt, confused. 

But as it goes, he was an a**hole.
An obnoxious prick. For what he said to Teagan, for what he said to Abigail. 

Nico Fox was getting too big for his boots. 

"Happy f***in' birthday to me." 

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