08/14/2019 05:22 PM 

Say Something

Clint sat on the couch. It was place filled with memories. Both good and bad. This is where it had begun. Where I love you's were said and they had held each other.

Clint was happy, happier than he had ever been. Just being with them was like being on a rollercoaster after you had already spun yourself dizzy. It was an amazing feeling, one Clint had craved and never wanted to end. The best high you could ever feel.

Until one day, Clint realized that, while he still felt those feelings...it was horribly one sided. What was once loving arms, now gave him a cool distance. Instead of loving words he was now like a stranger.

And then came the day when he was treated like a stranger in public, like they hadn't held each other murmuring words of comfort...Clint couldn't take it.

Looking at the couch now he wanted to burn it, soak it in gasoline and watch it reduced to a cinder pile.

He stood on shaky legs, grabbing his things quickly and almost running for the door. There was nothing left for him there now.

Those eight words rang in his ears, haunted him and made it hard to breathe. He had to get away, away from everything that reminded him of them. He couldn't even speak their name in his head anymore. He made one aborted look back, almost wishing they would appear and make it right again. But he knew they wouldn't. Because they had never loved Clint as much as he had loved them.

He threw his duffle into the back of his truck and hopped in, cranking it and pulling out, driving like the devil himself  was after him. He didn't care how careless he was being in the moment. It didnt matter. He was heading to his farm and there he would stay. No more Hawkeye. No more Avengering. He was done with it all. He was just Clint Barton now, and Clint was going to find out just who the f*** Clint Barton was when the world didn't need him anymore.

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