08/11/2019 10:01 PM 

Bitter Reunions

Clint's jaw was clenched so hard, he didn't know how he hadn't broken a tooth yet. His fists clenched so tight and for so long they were cramping. His emotions were every where, they jumped constantly from anger, sadness. betrayal, and just the smallest bit of elation that he was almost dizzy from it.

Coulson was alive. Standing in front of him right now and acting as if nothing was the matter. Like he hadn't let Clint believe for 7 f***ing years that he had been the cause of his death.

"Agent Barton?"

Clint looked up and did the only thing he could. He punched him square in the face.

"Don't f***ing Agent Barton me! Like you have some right to even act like I'm being unreasonable right now! You've been alive all this time and you never thought even once to tell me?!"

Coulson almost seemed to look guilty at that but it was gone as quickly as it had crossed his now bruising face. "Director Fury felt it was best-"

"Bullsh*t! Don't give me that! You wanted out and you finally had your chance! Finally got tired of me and Natasha huh? Wanted a better team? What the f*** was it?" Clint couldn't stop shouting. His heart was racing and he felt sick to his stomach.

"You and Natasha didn't need me anymore. You had the Avengers Initiative. It was only a matter of time before you both left Shield and did that full time. Director Fury thought it best to make a clean break."

Clint rubbed his face. "Man, that is the sh*ttiest excuse I've ever heard and I'm almost completely f***ing deaf...did you once stop and think that we cared for you? That we considered you part of our family? F***ing hell Coulson, you were the closest thing either of us ever had to a decent father figure?"

He could see the guilt across the older man's face now. Something had finally broke through the unflappable agents facade.

Clint sighed, closing his eyes to keep them from tearing up.

"Does Nat know you're alive?"

"No, you were both never to know."

Well wasn't that a kick in the ass? Clint looked up, a bitter smile crossing his face.

"I won't tell her. Let her keep on thinking that if her pseudo father could be, he wouldn't have left her side. That he isn't just as f***ed up as the ones that raised us."

"Clint.." He tried but Clint interrupted him.

"No. Just....don't say another f***ing word. We loved you, mourned for you...you were the father we never had and now I know how you felt about us all along...not a f***ing thing. Goodbye Agent Coulson. Have a nice life with your new team. May they never care about you as much as we did."

Clint turned and walked out of the room, trying not to let it sting that he didn't try harder to stop him from leaving. He felt as if he had swallowed lead. He stepped onto the sidewalk and took a deep breath in and sighed heavily as he joined the crowd moving along. He wouldn't tell Nat about it, and prayed she never found out. She deserved at least one good memory of a parental figure. Clint wouldn't spoil that for the world.

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