04/27/2019 01:56 PM 

"Room service." (Drabble 2)

Date: 4 seconds ago
Subject: ( drabble pt.2 )
"What's the point of selling your soul if ya can't cheat death?"

December 31st 2018, the last eve.

I don't remember much of the night, f*** it. To be painfully honest — I don't remember any of it. It started out at an open mic night along the boardwalk somewhere. People were partying on the beach. They wanted to count down to the big 19. After that everything is hazy as f***.

Sometime after midnight I legally died. My heart stopped. I was found on the beach — yada yada, ya effin da.

William, son of my best friend was the one that brought me back to life and stayed with me until I was better.

I don't want to go into details. Chances are, if you know me, you've heard it already.

I just wanted to give a brief look back at why I agreed to this damned mission in the first place. Operation Kitten, I think that was the final name she had settled on one night. My life was spared. I was given a second chance, and I swore to every higher power out there that if given the chance I would pay it forward as best I could. If it meant giving my last dime to someone who needed it more than me, I would.

— now if only I could have found someone who needed a goddamned dime.

( Present )

"If you miss people, why don't you just tell them?" The Glamazon said. She was spread diagonally across the hotel bed. The lights from outside flickered and danced on the walls, blues, reds, and yellows. In the land of Neon lights and LCD billboards. The city didn't sleep, it didn't even nap.

I was looking over some things from my past when she spoke up. I didn't even realize she had been watching me. My eyes lingered over faded photos.

I could have burned these.

I should have burned these.

"It ain't that simple Kitten." Maybe my words came out a little more forcefully than I'd meant them to, but she didn't seem bothered by it.

"When I miss people I just say hi when I see them again."

"ain't gonna see them again" I sparked up a cig' even though this was clearly labeled a non-smoking floor. I didn't care. My head was starting to hurt and I really didn't want to talk right now.

Free hand through my hair and rolling over on to my back, the photos fell to the floor with ashes.

"I miss people too but I get to go home soon. You're coming back with me right?"

Did I want to go back there with her? F***, did I even want to be here? The answer to that was no, but she needed somebody and that somebody had to be me. As naive as she could be I didn't doubt she'd get herself discovered in a heartbeat if I didn't tell her how to go about getting out of the hotel.

I shrugged.

"I'm going to miss the toilets. All the different kinds of buttons on it. I wish I could take this toilet with me, and the people. They're so friendly! I love the guy that gives towels at the pool he said my name was really pretty. He couldn't pronounce it right at fir--"

I looked up at her slowly and she grew quiet. All 6'1" of her shrank down into the bed.

"I only said it to him a few times. Not many people were around. Nobody will know Rox, it'll be okay. Don't don't.."

We were almost home free. I was almost free of this self-appointed hell. I didn't have much to go back to, but I had enough to want to be there and not here.

Just then there was a knock at the door. It wasn't the secret knock either. It was more of a leather gloved "Shave and a hair cut." followed by a gruff "Room service."

Protocol, what was the protocol? What was our plan for this? I needed to stop panicking.

"Get to the balcony and wait there. Here, take the bags!"

Even if it was a false alarm, we had to be prepared.

I grabbed a gun, held it behind my back and leaned against the door. Slowly peering out. The man didn't look Japanese.

"We didn't order anything."

The tall Russian slipped her shoes on and went to the balcony, the far corner. I could hear her breath shaking from where I was. She was scared. My pounding heart (which confirmed I had one) told me I was scared too.

"It's on the house.. just open the door. You don't want to miss this." Hearing more of his words, I could tell he was Russian as well.


Shoving the square steel framed chair under the door handle, I ducked just as a silenced bullet came through. Feeling myself here and there, I made sure I wasn't bleeding, then dashed for the balcony. From here it was to the next room. Through that door and to the back stairs. As long as nobody was waiting outside the room we had a small window of time.

She didn't need to be told. Quickly she tossed the bags onto the second balcony and started unlocking the door while I maneuvered around the little barrier between the two balconies. The door was pounding behind me. The chair was a lot sturdier than it looked, thank f***.

"Go go go!" I said when she turned around to try and wait for me. I locked the balcony door behind me and pulled the drapes. This one was rented for this specific reason. Just in case we needed it.

She stopped and quieted herself, both hands over her mouth. I slowly opened the door and kept the gun ready. It was clear. Either two guys entered the room or he was traveling alone.

We bolted for the stair-case that would take us down and out the back of the hotel where our second vehicle waited. I stopped to grab a bag from her to lighten the load, but the tall slender woman was a lot stronger than she looked. She shook her head and kept going.

Driving away, we were safe.. for now.

Swallowing and catching my breath while driving, I silently cursed under my breath.

"I forgot the f***in' pictures."

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