07/15/2018 10:13 PM 

Beware Miss Opheliac

BEWARE: She plays IsabellaShield and Annabelle Delacroix


I figure I should start going on the defensive before this person starts spreading lies about me since that seems to be the kind of person she is based on the conversation on LINE. Based on the way the conversation went in this log I have no doubt at all she will start spreading rumors and lies about me.

20:09 Sanglant Di Moira Your starter was amazing!! Its just part of my writing method to try to envision the scene and then imagine what my character would be doing in kind. The only question I had being her clothing means there was little else to question. That says ALOT for you as a writer :)

20:09 Miss~Opheliac Mkay then.

20:10 Sanglant Di Moira ;_;

20:20 Miss~Opheliac Is that a sad face or a vampire face?

20:20 Sanglant Di Moira sad face xD

20:21 Miss~Opheliac It looked a vampire face. A smiley with fangs 😂

20:21 Sanglant Di Moira lol xD

20:21 Miss~Opheliac So why the sad face?

20:22 Sanglant Di Moira Because I forgot to hug you AGAIN.

20:23 Miss~Opheliac Ah yes. Unfortunately they won't help with how I feel now.

20:23 Sanglant Di Moira Would you like to talk about your feelings?

20:24 Miss~Opheliac When you put it like that, no.

20:24 Sanglant Di Moira ...okay...since I dont know how or whaty ou are feeling I dont know how best to approach it.

20:25 Sanglant Di Moira im sorry I upset you.

20:25 Miss~Opheliac When you put it like that, my feelings, it makes me feel like I am a drama queen.

20:26 Sanglant Di Moira Thats not how I meant it at all!

20:26 Sanglant Di Moira I was just meaning that I dont know what or how you are feeling.

20:26 Miss~Opheliac It's okay. Never mind.

20:26 Sanglant Di Moira And wanted to know if you would like to discuss them.

20:26 Sanglant Di Moira Im open to listen if you want to talk.

20:26 Miss~Opheliac You make it sound so technical.

20:27 Miss~Opheliac Just wanted to talk to someone about it. But never mind.

20:28 Sanglant Di Moira I have severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD - emotions arent simple for me.

20:29 Miss~Opheliac It's my fault. I was too quick to assume we were friends already.

20:29 Sanglant Di Moira I want to be your friend. I am willing to talk if you need to.

20:29 Sanglant Di Moira I want to talk.

20:30 Miss~Opheliac Never mind it. I'm sorry.

20:31 Sanglant Di Moira Why are you sorry?

20:31 Miss~Opheliac For bringing it up.

20:32 Sanglant Di Moira Never be sorry for talking! I WANT to talk.

20:34 Miss~Opheliac I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

20:35 Sanglant Di Moira ...goodnight :( Im sorry im a sh*t person.

20:35 Miss~Opheliac You're not.

2018.07.15 Sunday

03:00 Miss~Opheliac There. He shared you out, along with others. You should get some writing partners soon now.

07:57 Miss~Opheliac Or you could ignore me. That's an option too.

07:57 Sanglant Di Moira I just woke up.

07:58 Miss~Opheliac Sure. That's not what rp stream says.

07:58 Sanglant Di Moira My alarm legit went off not 10 minutes ago for me to get ready for sunday breakfast and ive already dealt with dry heaves.

07:59 Miss~Opheliac 👍

07:59 Sanglant Di Moira Have a good day

08:01 Miss~Opheliac Not likely.

08:01 Sanglant Di Moira Why not?

08:03 Miss~Opheliac Nothing.

08:04 Sanglant Di Moira K.

08:05 Miss~Opheliac Wow. That's an a**hole move. I told you I really hate k-people and you write k? Thanks.

08:06 Sanglant Di Moira Every time i try to talk to you you cut me off and say nothing is wrong but clearly something is.

08:06 Miss~Opheliac So you thought to make it worse by doing exactly what I hate? Yeah that's going to help.

08:07 Sanglant Di Moira I dont like liars but you say nothing is wrong when clearly something is bothering you and its apparently me.

08:07 Miss~Opheliac Uh. That's not being a liar. That's just not wanting to talk about it.

08:08 Sanglant Di Moira Saying 'nothing' is wrong and being pissy with me two days in a row is a lie.

08:08 Miss~Opheliac No. I just don't want to talk about it. That's not lying.

08:09 Sanglant Di Moira If you dont want to talk to me - dont. There is no 'it' to talk about since you dont want to talk at all.

08:09 Miss~Opheliac And I wasn't pissy with you yesterday. But I am now.

08:10 Miss~Opheliac Seriously? You make it clear I can't talk to you, and then now I am supposed to be the one who doesn't want to talk?

08:11 Sanglant Di Moira Last night you were pissy with me. Because you said 'they wont help how i feel' so i asked if you want to talk about how you feel.

08:11 Sanglant Di Moira I asked yesterday and today if you want to talk - you made it clear you dont want to.

08:11 Miss~Opheliac I wasn't. Don't pretend you know what's in my head.

08:12 Miss~Opheliac Lol. When did you ask today if I want to talk?

08:12 Miss~Opheliac You know, never mind it all. We'll try again in a few days. You're cleary annoyed and whatever I say you will turn into something else.

08:13 Miss~Opheliac I'm not a puppet.

08:13 Sanglant Di Moira I asked straight up why you wont have a good day today since you thumbs upped me sayimg im not feeling good. You said 'nothing'

08:15 Sanglant Di Moira No answer

08:15 Sanglant Di Moira No answer

08:15 Miss~Opheliac Let it go. For now.

08:16 Sanglant Di Moira No answer

08:16 Sanglant Di Moira No answer

08:16 Miss~Opheliac Stop calling. I can't now.

08:17 Sanglant Di Moira What do you want from me? What do i need to say or do to not be abused by you? Nothing i say or do is right to you.

08:18 Miss~Opheliac Abused? Wow. Thanks. That's what I needed. Feeling like I am a complete bitch.

08:18 Sanglant Di Moira Stickers

08:19 Miss~Opheliac What's that?

08:19 Sanglant Di Moira Stickers

08:20 Sanglant Di Moira Stickers

08:20 Miss~Opheliac I tried to help you from the start. Help you get new friends. And you tell me I abuse you?

08:20 Miss~Opheliac That's the last time I help someone if that's my thanks.

08:21 Sanglant Di Moira I try to be your friend two days in a row trying to talk to you and you bash me saying i can ignore you if i dont reply immediately while asleep then say you dont want to talk to me over and over.

08:22 Miss~Opheliac I'm sorry but I already feel bad enough. Don't need anyone else adding to it and making me a bitch.

08:22 Sanglant Di Moira Feel bad enough about what?

08:22 Miss~Opheliac You can delete me here. We'll just keep it strictly rp on roleplayer.

08:23 Miss~Opheliac I can't keep adding things to the pile.

08:23 Miss~Opheliac People thinking they all know what's in my head.

08:23 Miss~Opheliac They're all wrong. So are you. And I'm tired of it.

08:24 Sanglant Di Moira Then tell me what the f*** is wrong. Dont tell me you want to talk - get clearly pissy - then tell me no when i ask repeatedly to talk.

08:24 Sanglant Di Moira If something is wrong - talk about it.

08:24 Sanglant Di Moira Im trying to fix this two days in a row and you cut me off and accuse me of sh*t.

08:25 Sanglant Di Moira Either talk about whats wrong or stop gaslighting.

08:25 Miss~Opheliac I tried. Yesterday. But I had to repeat it like 3 times before you asked. But the way you said it, made it sounds so technical. And I didn't want to anymore aftzr that.

08:26 Sanglant Di Moira You only introduced what was wrong by 'how im feeling' so i asked if you wanted to discuss how you felt and you said no.

08:26 Miss~Opheliac And see. Now you are saying 2 days again when I WASNT pissed yesterday. But you make assumptions. Again. Meaning you don't listen .

08:27 Miss~Opheliac Just drop it. Please.

08:27 Miss~Opheliac I can't anymore.

08:27 Sanglant Di Moira Yesterday you were pissy. Before you went to bed was yesterday. It was premidnight.

08:28 Miss~Opheliac I wasn't. Stop pretending you think you know.

08:28 Sanglant Di Moira 835 pm was yesterday which was when you went to bed my time

08:28 Miss~Opheliac So if you're going to talk in my place,we don't need to talk anymore. Since you're having a convo with me wich doesn't need my presence.

08:30 Sanglant Di Moira At least if i did talk to myself i would talk. Youve made it clear you have no desire to talk about why you are pissy with me.

08:32 Sanglant Di Moira 12 hours straight ive been trying to talk to you about why you see fit to be distant and cold. You blow me off.

08:32 Miss~Opheliac Because after last night I figured you would want to talk today. And then I see you read the message and posted things on RP. It made me annoyed that you didn't care enough to read it, but not to reply.

08:33 Miss~Opheliac STOP IT. Now.

08:33 Miss~Opheliac You dont listen.

08:33 Sanglant Di Moira I reposted one post on rp right after i woke up. I had JUST read your post here when you attacked me for not replying in one minute

08:34 Miss~Opheliac Fine. I was wrong on that.

08:34 Miss~Opheliac I'm sorry.

08:34 Sanglant Di Moira I told you i had JUST woke up after your attack but its just one in a chain of them.

08:35 Sanglant Di Moira You say you want me gone. Say you dont want to talk. Fine.

08:35 Miss~Opheliac You hear only what you want to hear.

08:35 Miss~Opheliac You don't even pretend to listen.

08:35 Sanglant Di Moira I hear what you tell me.

08:36 Miss~Opheliac No you don't.

08:36 Sanglant Di Moira 12 hours straight youve told me you dont want to talk

08:37 Miss~Opheliac About what I feel. Not about everything else.

08:37 Sanglant Di Moira You told me to delete you here because you dont want to talk

08:37 Miss~Opheliac For someone with supposedly depression or anxiety, you have no problem pushing others away and getting off on them.

08:38 Miss~Opheliac Because you won't stop and let it go.

08:38 Miss~Opheliac I asked you to leave it alone for now. But you keep going.

08:38 Sanglant Di Moira Pushing others away? Im the only one trying to discuss problems.

08:39 Sanglant Di Moira You clearly have issue with me and 12 hours later you went right back into it.

08:39 Miss~Opheliac See. You keep going.

08:39 Miss~Opheliac I beg you. Let it go.

08:39 Miss~Opheliac Please.

08:40 Miss~Opheliac If you care, let it go. Because I'm asking you.

08:40 Sanglant Di Moira Im done.

08:41 Miss~Opheliac See you can't even stop, even when I ask. You just like hurting me it seems.

08:41 Miss~Opheliac I said sorry for earlier. But it clearly doesn't matter.

08:42 Miss~Opheliac I can't do more.

08:42 Sanglant Di Moira Now you keep going

08:42 Sanglant Di Moira You asked me to stop i drop it you keep going

08:43 Miss~Opheliac Yes. Because you're saying you're done. That's not the same as dropping it.

08:44 Miss~Opheliac Saying you're done is like leaving. Giving up. Dropping it is just letting it go for now.

08:44 Sanglant Di Moira And you said there is nothing wrong and nothing bothering you.

08:45 Miss~Opheliac Because I don't wanted to talk about it. Can I choose what I tell and what not? You don't tell me everything as well and thats fine by me.

08:46 Sanglant Di Moira You refuse to talk to me. Ive told you more than youve said to me while *I* try to talk.

08:47 Miss~Opheliac I talk to you. Just not about my feelings. Am I not allowed to keep some things to myself?

08:47 Miss~Opheliac You don't talk about your feelings either. I don't bother you abour that either.

08:49 Sanglant Di Moira Ive been open about my feelings. I told you about my anxiety and depression and you mocked me. And you havent talked about anything after the starter. 12 hours of you going for my throat about something but not talking about why.

08:50 Miss~Opheliac Oh shut up about those 12 hours. You or me have been asleep for like 8 of them. So don't be ridiculous.

08:50 Sanglant Di Moira Its fine to keep things to yourself but dont attack someone due to something then be all 'f*** you' when they ask why.

08:50 Miss~Opheliac I haven't mocked you when you told!

08:51 Sanglant Di Moira "For someone with supposedly depression or anxiety, you have no problem pushing others away and getting off on them."

08:51 Miss~Opheliac That is not mocking.

08:51 Sanglant Di Moira Thats belittling someone for how they feel.

08:51 Miss~Opheliac That is the truth. I know people with that and they would never be able to react like you do.

08:51 Miss~Opheliac On the contrary.

08:52 Sanglant Di Moira Not every person with anxiety, depression or PTSD is exactly the same.

08:53 Miss~Opheliac Fine. Call me a bitch then. I thought we could be friends,but clearly not. You don't listen,you suggest I am a very horrible person, you think you know how I think when you don't.


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