06/28/2018 06:28 PM 



1.I am not the person in the photos or the people but just an rper.  Don't ask. As I rp the guy not his girl and the actor is very busy man so yeah. As for the character well he is fictional so why would he be here if he is fictional ? Simple he wouldn't be. Obviously. So don't ask or assume. This is very important. If you don't get any of it why are you even here? I am an rper. No more nor less. So keep that in mind. Don't accuse me of lying or duch as it would make you a foolnot me. Got it? Good. Keep that in mind and we will gey a long rather well but if you ignore it you are gone. Got it? No ifs or buts about it. I am nice but provoke me and you will regret it. One time will forgive you but none stop and you are gone. No kidding. Just don't do it.

2.Chance Bowman/ Michael Cates if a canon character. Yes, he got two names for a reason. Read the bio to know why. Some delete me for that but you see it is not me making it up. It is the way it is for a reason. Chance Bowman is his new name but Michael Cates is his birth name. Watch the show 18 wheels of Justice and you will see. Chance's future girlfriend. His partner and dispatcher got it for him with a new background.  Many people deleted me and called me fake rper because oof it but I am not kidding. Nor about the fact that he drives an 18 wheeler truck. Look at the photos and watch the show or videos of it and you will see.  Yes he was a cop but part of the justice department. Stop acting like I am a fake rper who made it all up as it's stupid and makes you look fake and dumb.  It also proves that you don't know him. I saw the show and I know that better than you. Those who saw the show they should potentially know it too or they lied about watching it. The name he goes by more often is Chance Bowman. I rp him the way he is with slight au but he is the way he is and should be. So don't judge or attack me for that. I am nice but doing that will piss me and my true friends off. So don't go there. You will be gone of my friends list fast and if you delete me by judging me then you are childish and stupid. As judging someone is stupid and childish as well as immature.

3.Right now Chance Bowman is in fact single but not for long. He is going to be with Celia 'Cie' Baxter.  End of story. They like each other and they belong together. Yes,  I ship them together. Have a problem with it? Then go away. I rp him not you. And no he isn't gay like some think. I am not against bisexuals/Lesbisns/ Gays but he isn't gay nor bisexual but don't assume that because he is not ggay or bisexual that he is against those. As he isn't and neither am I. I will rp with anyone but he won't end up with a guy but only Cie and no one else. The two are end game and there isn't anyone in the middle. Girls kissed him but he wasn't fully in it nor did he kiss back.  Maybe one but he shot her dowm with words. Hos heart and soul belongs to Cie. No ifs or buts about it. Only her. I don't do multi love interests so don't assume things and attack me. Don't attack me by my choice of someone for him. Cie is his main and only love interest in the show and I choose to stick to it.  People already judged me and it has to stop. Stop assuming my character wants yours as he doesn't. Don't care you got someone or not as he isn't into you. End of story. Assume that none stop and you arw gone. No explanation. As this is just wrong.  This rule is updated. Chance isn't single but with Cie Baxter at the moment.

4.Chance Bowman doesn't sleep around. And that is how I keep it. So stop blocking me for wanting sex and erotica when nothing on my profile or message says so. And it won't.  Happened a lot of this profile of mine too and it has to stop and it stops now. I am not changing him so don't even go there. Chance is loyal and faithful guy. Which is how I rp him. No assuming crap. Learn how to read damn it. I rp him because I like the character. He is amazingly awesome characrer. He is one of my favorites. There isn't going to be sex or erotica with him at all and not because you say so or whatever but because I say so. He will only sleep with Cie. As for whether it will be rpied in messages or not is up to me and the rper of Cie. Once someone takes her.  So. Enough acting like morons. Those who don't I truly thank you.

5.I am not a friend collector or face collector etc. If I talk to you and I talk to all. Stop deleting it and reply. Not right away but eventually. Stop acting like others exist and I don't. Got it? You better.  Those who don't talk and post in status that they look for more storylines etc. Yet, didn't reply to me are deleted. I don't do numbers. I will rp with anyons but don't ask me to change my character as I won't do it. I rp who I want not you. Stop even looking at the face I use and judge me based on it as that won't tell you nothing and it shows immature behavior and stupidity. Happened before and it has to stop.

6.I rather 3+ paragraphs. But I will do one liner and 3 lines. Sami and para but I do rather multi and up. Don't judge me for it as I don't judge people. I only don't rp with those who ants only sex and erotica as I don't do it and never will. Except love interest and only if both agree to it.  It will be in messagea so. Anyway I am really here to write. Give me a real chance and you will see. Just because I rp with all doesn't mean I am stupid. It is just the way I am. I am not changing that. Unless there is a good reason. 

7.Patience. I am patient with you. So be patient with me. I might take a while to reply but I do reply. Just I have real life to handle. Well some real life at least. Don't delete me if I don't reply right away or such. I won't do it to you unless something tells me you are fake for real. Like talking to others and then saying you are bored and got nothing to do but didn't reply to me at all. And act like I am fake. Those are the only ones I delete. Those and who never talk to me at all. If I don't reply to a discussion or rp right away don't delete me but wait. As that is what I do. You will be gone if you don't talk at all. If you delete me for not replying fast you are a fool not me. End of story. 

8.I rp 18 wheels of justice which includes Crime,  mafia, law enforcement, witness protection program, undercover jobs, espionage to some degree and by the second season of 18 wheels of justice it is also government consiracy, and govarment by both seasons. All by both seasons but govarment consiprcy is due to events in season 2. However,  I am open to other verses too. Just no sex, erotica, romance etc. Unless it's with Cie then romance included and sex too if we both decide to rp it. It will be in messages but still.

9.Speaking of Cie. Only one Cie as a main love interest. Will rp with others too but he is only going to be with one. Don't get pissed at me for it as it won't change it. No matter what. One is love interest but the others are just close friends and no crushes on them but they are welcome to have crushes on him so but yeah.

10.Have fun. As that is why we are all here after all all.

This is all for now. Read and follow. If you break those you will be gone. Follow and we will get along great. Will add more when needed.

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