Juniper Assana Soleil

Run Hide Scream Play Secrets Glare

05/01/2018 01:11 PM 

Jack Black's Message

"Stick with the friends who always saw you when no one else did."

Dear Jack Black,

Hey babes. I am so happy that I am writing this and being a part of this big thing that Serene has planned. You really deserve this for everything you have went through and are currently going through.

I honestly, don’t even know where to start. But I will try to start and finish in a way that somehow makes sense? LMAO

You are one of the best writers I have experienced thus far, while being in this group. Your writing is phenomenal, your activity (no matter what you are going through) is outstanding, and the time and energy you put into yourself is just down right mesmerizing. I love our connection and I can’t wait to work further and further down into it to figure out more details and adventures in what we have planned. You are a fantastic writer and I’m not sure how this group would be or even how motivated /I/ would be, if you weren’t in it.

You, as a writer, are amazing. /But/ you are also a great person, friend, being. We are kindred spirits, twin flames, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am not sure if you realize that or not, but we are, as we have/are experiencing quite the same thing. With that being said, I want you to know that I am here for you always. I am here no matter what happens, gets said, etc. I will always be here, though I know at times, that is hard to believe. I want you to keep that in mind, when you want or need someone to speak with about anything. I. Am. Here. You are a great friend and I am so happy to be able to lean on you in times of need, but I want you to know that you can lean on me too. -sings; LEAN ON ME. WHEN YOU’RE NOT STRONG. I’LL BE YOUR FRIEND. I’LL HELP YOU CARRY ON.

OKAY OKAY. I’M DONE SINGING. Looking back towards our connection: I am sorry that I left you in the hospital in New York. As you knew, I grew up in an asylum, so it was hard to face. It was hard to face seeing you there and hard to face myself visiting in such a place. I should have visited, I should have stayed with you. I know I can’t take that back, to do those things, but I wish I could. Either way, I may not have been there for you then, but I swear to the heart I live with, the body that keeps me going, that I /will/ be here for you in times that you need it. I will be here and I will not go anywhere. I will not run away, no matter if it means facing my fears. Because I love you Jack Black. You’re my best friend and I should have realized that back in New York.

Jack Black, I believe that’s all I can think of saying. I’m sure more will come at some point, and if there is, I’ll add to it /OR/ I’ll simply let you know. Because you are amazing in more ways that one and I just can’t simply keep up with them all because my attention span is the measure of a squirrel…. So, I will end this with saying that and that I love you, Jackson! I hope you like this gift from all of us. You’re the best and I believe this is the best idea anyone has had to give this to you. Considering, you deserve the world and more and this is just a small snippet of appreciation.



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