04/09/2018 10:34 PM 

Predators vs Aliens - Loki

Meanwhile, at the United Nations Summit....

"I know about your nuclear weapons. I know about your launching codes and I did promise that I come with glad tidings of a World made free from the Xenomorph...."He paused smiling broadly at the stunned room of Unite nations delegates..

"You see...I could not care less about Midgard's fate!... And I no longer feel obligated to rule you!....But my Brother...." 
Pausing Loki grimaced 
"He is sometimes a little slow to let go of hope. Hope that your mewling little race can somehow be saved... Which leads me to be in this delimar.....I had thought to eradicate you all... Be done with the problem once and for all; which I'm sure the galaxy would eventually thank me for....

Or should I just eradicate the state you call California,  it is, after all where the infestation of the Xenomorph has began...is it not.....  "

No one moved. No one uttered a single word... Instead their stared like meek and frightened  little rabbits back at him.

"Well then..." Loki admonished, the irritation evident with his voice, as he shifted his stance impatiently." I guess I will just have to get them myself!"

Instantly he turned ,in one swift motion: stepping forward with his left leg and extended his left arm, fingers outstretched to wrap around the top of the North Korean Ambassadors head.
Grasping the top of his scull tight Loki slammed the Ambassadors head unmercifully down onto the table before him, and closed his eyes.

The memories of the North Korean Ambassador, filtered like running water through Loki's mind. Like the blood from his broken nose, spread in a growing pool upon the table and as the Ambassador began to choke, forced to breath in his own blood, like a sieve Loki filtered through his thoughts. 
Straining away the futile purpose of the mortal mans monumental moments until he found what he was looking for- A much desired code!

Abruptly Loki released his grasp and stepped back smiling with disarming glee as he announced triumphantly to the room.
"It's seems I have now acquired what I needed! Though before I thank you for your somewhat begrudging co-operation....Let me leave you all with a little something to sate your endeavors to try and to out foil me! "
Calmly he spread his stance and slowly, brought his arms, in unison up at his sides. Momentarily he paused, tilting his head in reflection and let the smirk of glee etch wide across his face; before extending his hands upwards and stretching his fingers wide...

Instantly a stream of ice began to flow from his fingertips. Cascading in a dance across the room to sear the walls, the floor white. As it twisted. Weaving and writhing its way up around each of the Ambassadors as they tried to flee; encasing them in their own solid ice sarcophagus's.
Again Loki paused. Taking a moment to relish in the new found silence...
"Now I must say..." He applauded himself smugly... And continued "This is more like it....Now where was I...Ahh, yes! That is right!" 
Calmly he stepped forward, reaching for the closest phone upon the table before him and intently dialled forth a number.

The voice that answered...was foreign. It held no doubt to obey, to set motion the command which was given as Loki dictated the series of codes needed to endorse a full military strike upon the state of California! 
Loki's brow lowered in malicious glee as he replaced the phones receiver back to its cradle and  turned calmly strolling from the room.
The first stage of his plan, had gone perfectly! The second, Well that was now only just going to begin....

There are many portals between realms. Passages in space of time that can if discovered allow one to travel effortless and with ease in secret to any given location they might deem to desire....

It was a well known fact. One that many had spent their wholes lives hoping to discover. A single one to prove what they theorized, what they knew in the deep seated abyss of their minds to be true!
Yet there was only one Asgardian who knew them all!......


The street was empty, a Ghost town or so it seemed, like in an instant the world had changed. Been sent into ciaos by some strange catastrophe which had swept across the town of Mont Nido in California. It was almost like a soothing, invisible breeze of destruction!

Cars still ran, their engines purring upon the streets . The sounds of radios, music blared from a empty café, the only signs that a struggle had taken place: the upturned tables and chairs.

Tenaciously, Loki made his way down the deserted street. It wasn't hard to tell where his Brother had been. The thick cloud of smouldering debris  left by the remains of a ransacked and shattered building : the way street before it was upheaved in its war torn state.... It was not if obvious, a good a place as any to start his search...
Intrepidly he made his way through the ruins. Pausing, to look upon the  remains of a Xenomorph.  Thor had been there! The way it was splattered... Loki knew the wraith of his Brothers hammer, Mjlonir anywhere!  Slowly a smirk etched across his brow and he paused for a moment to reflect upon where his brother was now.

The subtle sound of moving rubble.. It drew Loki from his thoughts. At first he thought its was the debris settling.. But as it echoed up from beneath a collapsed floor again, he wasn't so sure...
Curious he calmly made his way over to the gaping hole and leaned forward to peer into its depths below.

"Well now.....I didn't expect to find this...." Loki announced drawing out his words in unrepentant amusement, as his gaze locked upon the near naked form of Kendra and the creature that laid on top of her...
" Tut...tut...A Vampire....really!...." He chuckled in obvious disdain. "There is no conceivable excuse for the obvious bad taste that you, Midgardian's seem to have!... Perhaps I should thank you both. For it is no wonder my Brother has left you to your own devices.." He scorned maliciously down upon them as he raised his hand palm forward. Fingers stretched wide; emitting a blast of black ice to rip across their bodies and seal frozen within its deadly steel like grip.
"Perhaps that will cool yous off..." Loki smirked. Adding as he turned, walking away..."At least until I find my brother anyway!"...

Not a single Midardian, called out....not a single Midgardian peered out from behind a closed window down at Loki, as he continued down the street. 
Had the Xenomorph's spread their seeds this quickly...
Was it possible that it was too late?
That the North Korean missiles he had directed to wipe the state of California from the face of Midgard were already too late to the other States in this country...

Midgard! It was a hopeless cause for a fool! A cause that would inevitably end in doom to any whom pledged themselves with honor and protection to it...

He just had to make his Brother see this......The error of his ways....


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