02/16/2018 10:46 PM 

A Sample of My Writing/RP Style

Felix had just finished uploading his latest LWIAY video. This week's episode was one of the better ones. His fans usually sh*tposted way too many memes for him to look at, but this week had a happy medium between memes and fanart. He had made sure the fanart came across as more important than him laughing (or cringing) at a meme. He was always amazed by the work fans put in to make awesome fanart. And, yes, even some fanart was pretty bad, but at least some sort of effort was put into that. He could always tell by the fanart how much his fans supported him. He even got to see support from fans by all the memes they posted. They sure did love Meme Review. And better said: true fans supported whatever he felt like doing. He still got a lot of hate, but he didn't care. He was comfortable with the videos he was making. Even if they mostly consisted of reacting to other people's content.

He let out a curse in Swedish when he saw the little yellow sign that meant his video was already demonetized and it hadn't even become public yet. The video would have to go back into editing and he had already spent a couple of hours on it. But, it would be worth it this time. This LWIAY was longer than than usual, so cutting it down would still give him that 10:01 mark. He really liked this video in particular, so he would make sure nothing too important got cut out. Brad usually edited, but Felix would put some time in on editing this.

Once he was done editing, the video went public later than usual. But, what was the usual when he didn't exactly have a schedule for release? His fans were happy as long as he got content out to them. They would complain or joke about him stealing content, but that was what made a good PewDiePie video. He sat there and watched as the comments started rolling in only seconds after the video went live. He had to admire the dedication some people put in to get that first comment. At least he wasn't seeing as much spam as he usually did in his comments. Then again, the comments had only started a few seconds ago. He'd have to give it a bit more time before the spam comments showed up.

He didn't wait around for it. He closed out of YouTube and stood up, leaving his office. He could relax for the rest of the day before the next video was needed to be filmed. He remembered having a backlog of videos already filmed and edited, but now he just took day by day. He filmed whatever he felt like filming on some days. Not having a backlog of videos was still stressful sometimes, but he tried not to let the NEED of getting a video out bother him. If he gave in to that need, that was when he started to not enjoy what he was doing and he didn't want to get to that point again.

Felix poured himself a glass of whiskey then sat down to just enjoy the rest of the day. And contemplate what he wanted to film next.

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