Feyre Cursebreaker★
Huntress � Artist � Bride of Spring � Cursebreaker � Cauldron-Blessed � Princess of Carrion � Spellbreaker � Thief � Defender of the Rainbow � Stars Eternal � HIGH LADY

12/31/2017 06:57 PM 

Night Court Rules

Disclaimer and Credit

As I've stated on my profile, I am not the girl in any of the photos on my profile or in my albums, nor am I affiliated with her or any of the photographers that photographed her in any way. I claim no ownership of any of the original photos, but I do claim ownership of my edits. I am merely a book lover who believes that she is a perfect person to portray my character. I am the first and only Feyre to use her as a playby. I was the first on site to use her as a playby, period.

With that said, I am also not Feyre Archeron. The High Lady of the Night Court and the novels that depict her adventures are the creations of the brilliant Sarah J. Maas.

Credit for my profile goes to me. The images and information you see on the page were also edited by me. I don't take thievery lightly, so don't even try it. If you like something of mine, feel free to message me and I will make one for you or try to teach you how. This blog layout is from the amazing Violent Ends premades site, which I have also edited but the coding is all theirs.

General Regulations

Oo1-; Crossovers are a must. However, it goes without saying that it requires a little bending on both sides to blend two different worlds into one compatible one. I am willing to be flexible as long as I am not destroying the boundaries of Feyre's world or warping her into an unrecognizable character. I want to roleplay Feyre, not bits and pieces of Feyre. I am up for literally anything. Crossover storylines are my strength, and I enjoy them immensely.  Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire crossovers are highly desired.

Oo2-; I am not a number, so don't make me one. If you have no intention of writing with me or speaking to me, remove me from your list and save me the trouble of removing you from mine. The delete button is a useful tool, so by all means, use it. Or I will.

Oo3-; OOC drama is a no-no. If you want to ask for my advice, sure go ahead, but do NOT drag me into your issues.  I will either stop speaking to you until your drama is resolved or I will delete you, depending on the severity of the situation.

Oo4-; I accept mains from all verses. I love crossovers, so I don't see why I shouldn't. I don't know if I will accept more than one of the same characters; it would depend on the situation. I've made the mistake of choosing mains that I haven't written with before and I won't be doing that again. Don't ask me to be mains until we've exchanged a few replies back and forth, so it is clear to us both that we are both here to write and not to collect friends. With that said, my ACOTAR mains will come first, however, for obvious reasons. I will only accept mains from the ACOTAR universe that have at least read up too A Court of Mist and Fury.

Oo5-; If you are a serial account maker, I am not interested in discussing with you. I know that may sound harsh, but it is exhausting to continuously discuss storylines with someone, simply to have them abandon it days later because they are changing characters... again.

Oo6-; I have nothing against writing with people on more than one page. If you think my character is compatible storyline-wise with more than one of yours, then by all means, request me on those other pages and let me know!


Oo7-; Discussions are reserved for messages and comments for replying. It helps me to stay organized. So if you'd like to ask me to discuss a storyline, please send me a message. I do not roleplay in messages, because my storylines get lost in the abyss of my inbox, and I'd hate to forget anyone. If you've read this far, sign with your display name, name, and favorite book.

Oo8-; I prefer to discuss storylines. I don't like random starters because all of them are the same. If you send me an undiscussed starter, it will be deleted. I'll give you a chance and ask if you'd like to discuss one instead, but I don't want you to waste your time by writing one that we didn't talk about that I will never reply too.

Oo9-; With that said, I do expect a little help in the discussion area. I don't approach anyone for a storyline until, and if, I have some sort of idea for us. If I request or accept you and you don't hear from me for a while, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't want to write with you. It just means that I haven't come up with an idea to put forward yet. If you request me, I expect a little of that courtesy as well. If you haven't read the ACOTAR books, I have a handy dandy summary right here in my blogs, and you can peruse that and come to me with any ideas you might have at your leisure. When we are discussing, don't let me dominate the discussion! Put some of your own ideas forward! We're supposed to brainstorm together, after all.

Roleplay Preferences

O10-; I am a multi para/novella roleplayer ONLY. If I don't get at least three decent sized paragraphs, I won't respond or I will ask you to do it again. Feel free to ask me to do mine again as well if it isn't satisfactory for any reason. I believe in quality over quantity, but I will not be inspired by anything less than three paragraphs.

O11-; I am by no means a grammar nazi, none of us are perfect, but I do expect you to spell check your replies before sending them my way. If it isn't legible and I struggle to read and understand it, I won't waste my time responding. Why should I put my best work forward if you are not willing to do the same? If English is not your first language, just let me know if you feel concerned about this.

I will not accept a reply with any kind of text speak in it. It will be deleted, and most likely you too. I have no tolerance for that bull. It makes people look unintelligent and it makes me feel sorry for English teachers everywhere.

O13-; Do not try to control my character. If you want to write as her, then I suggest you make your own Feyre page and leave my Feyre to me. If you need to make her walk somewhere in order to make our storyline progress, then that is alright, but you do not decide what she says and how she feels about things. That is my job.


Confession Time: I don't write during the Fall and Spring semesters. I become too consumed by schoolwork, and when I am not busy with that work, I am usually burnt out or taking care of other responsibilities. I sometimes try, but my replies will be slow and far between. I know that this will make a lot of people hesitant to write with me, but I promise you this: I put a lot of work into every single reply and starter that I write. I try to make writing with me an enjoyable experience. I make a serious effort to make my replies worth the wait. I am always reachable on LINE. Ask for my screenname if you'd like it. I post it in statuses occasionally, but I don't really like to give it out freely anymore. Still here? Show me a funny cat gif? GIVE ME ALL THE CATS.

With that said, please, please always take your time when it comes to replying to me. Roleplay is supposed to be fun. It is not a career or a chore. You do my replies when you want too. When you have time and muse. If you lose inspiration for our storyline, just talk to me. That's all I ask. Don't ditch, or delete me, or anything like that. Storylines can be revamped and started over.

Rhysand, The High Lord of the Night Court

Rhysand is Feyre's mate. End of. No one is to touch her but him (or Tamlin). Anyone who tries to pressure me to write so much as a kiss with them will be blocked. After my mate has finished with you, that is. No exceptions.  

Thank you so much for reading! I very much look forward to writing with you all!

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