09/12/2017 03:08 PM 

The Graves

Alex woke up with a start. The nightmares had been getting worse and worse since the day he'd dragged his father from wherever he had been stuck when that monster had control of him. Every night, he could still feel the warmth of the blood trickling down his face and that metallic taste in his mouth ... and the barrel of the gun as it came nearer to his face, his father's finger perched neatly on the trigger. He would cry and scream and beg for him not to pull it, and that face would always leer out of the darkness, laughing at him and mocking him. This would play over and over again in what felt like an endless loop until his brain decided to spare him from the torture, and he'd wake up drenched in sweat and shaking. He'd try not to make a sound in case the Doctor heard him from the next room and came rushing in, wanting to know what was wrong ... and he couldn't let him relive that again. So he just lay there until he could convince himself to go back to sleep. But today was different; something needed to be done ... to ease the nightmares, to make them both feel in some way at peace with what had happened.

Getting up, Alex pulled on some clothes and went to the console room. Doing his usual careful routine of flying the TARDIS, he inputted the names of the people whose lives his father had claimed into the main computer and did a search for burial places. First, it would have to be the child his father had killed at the cinema. It felt like starting off in the hardest place, but at least the hard part would be out of the way...

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Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 5:52 PM

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Alex just didn't know what to do, except cry, remembering everything he'd been through and all the deaths he had witnessed. He hated how they were right now; constantly haunted by the evil that had infected their lives thanks to the Master. Living every day scared that his father would leave him again and that monster would return to finish him off. Waking up sweating and shaking every night and being too scared to fall asleep or go to his father. It was all just a mess. When the Doctor stood up and hugged him, Alex just sobbed into his shoulder, his body shaking with emotion. "I-I ... I love you, Dad," he said through his sobs. "I hate this ... I absolutely hate it ... and I wish I could change it, but I can't."

Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 5:24 PM

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Alex just tried his best to remain quiet and let the Doctor have his moment and Alex have his. He wanted nothing more than to go up to him and hug him and hold him so close and not let go, show that he was there for him and he'd never give up on him. Alex let out a sob as the emotions overtook him; he sniffed loudly as more tears flowed down his face. Eventually his father was asking him something and Alex was at a loss for words as to how to answer. "I don't know, Dad ... I really don't know," Alex said, trying not to sob through his words.

Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 5:05 PM

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Alex just stepped back and let his father take it in, not wanting to say a word or disturb him in any way. This was his time as well as Alex's to make amends and to come to terms with what he had done, as well as Alex for standing by and letting it happen. He just wished it all had never happened and he hadn't done what he did to cause all of this. His father was an emotional wreck and probably wouldn't be the same again for a long time yet, and it hurt so much. Soon, Alex was crying, even more when the Doctor broke down. He just stood there crying, looking up at the gathering clouds overhead. A tear slipped down his cheek and fell gently onto his shirt.

Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 4:17 PM

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"As long as I'm not bothering you or stopping you from sleeping, I will," Alex said, smiling slightly as he followed him out of the TARDIS. The ship had landed on the edge of a graveyard ... it was a dull, grey day, threatening to rain judging by the clouds overhead. Keeping the flowers in his hand, Alex walked slowly between the headstones until he found one that looked brand new. The earth was still fresh, a little mound piled up from where the grave had been newly filled in. Alex's stomach dropped as he read the name on the gravestone.

In loving memory of

Alex Jones
14 September, 2008 - 24 August, 2017
Loving son, brother and grandson.

"This is it," Alex said, looking over at his father. Gently, he lay the flowers down on the mound of earth marking the grave and stood back, allowing the Doctor to look if he wanted to.

Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 1:13 PM

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"I think I can manage about 2 hours before I wake up, usually sweating and shaking a lot. I'd come into your room and see if it would help sleeping close to you, but I didn't want to bother you and I have a feeling it wouldn't help." He sighed as the TARDIS touched down in the graveyard. Stooping down, he scooped the flowers up from under the console and looked at his father. "I know you've heard this a billion times, so often it's getting boring for you ... but whoever that man was that killed that boy, it wasn't you. It had your face and your eyes, but it wasn't you." With another hand, he reached out for his father's. "I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna help you through this ... you ready?"

Alex Smith.


Sep 14th 2017 - 12:03 PM

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The TARDIS computer brought the location and co-ordinates of the grave of the young child and Alex inputted them into the ship. Alex also inputted a command that would make some freshly cut flowers appear in a compartment under the console; he thought it would provide closure for the both of them if they had something to leave there. Alex turned round as the Doctor came into the room. "Oh ... hey, Dad. Couldn't sleep either, huh? Nightmares are getting worse ... this is why I think we should do this." He nodded at the computer screen, where the TARDIS was locking onto the location of the graveyard.

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