09/01/2017 04:48 PM 

The Return

Alex sat at the TARDIS console, feeling the low hum of the engine reverberate through his fingers. His father was well and truly scared; as much as he denied it, that was a cold, hard fact. When he'd let that rush of memories into his brain, he'd felt something buckle and almost give way, like a bolt in the middle of a cutter. He'd found the weakness ... he'd found the key to unlocking the door that would bring his father back. But the only problem is was that he knew that he knew it was there, and he was going to avoid him at all costs. Whatever this thing was, it didn't want to leave, and he was going to have to force it to. "No more," Alex thought. "This needs to stop." This was why he'd come prepared for when the Doctor eventually came to him. In his pocket was a needle filled with a strong tranquilizer; all he needed to do was pounce on him when his back was turned, inject the fluid, restrain him, then do his work.

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Alex Smith.


Sep 2nd 2017 - 7:47 AM

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At the mention of the Master, Alex nodded. "That why I'm feeling slightly responsible for all this happening ... I stole his TARDIS and damaged it because I wanted to prove that I was this big bad kid when I'm not. I took it too far, and I brought it all on myself. I'm angry at the Master, yes, but I guess I'm also mad at myself for letting things stray too far." Alex sighed and rested his head on the Doctor's shoulder, staring at the wall. "But you live and you learn, right?" He yawned a little, closing his eyes. "Just gotta keep going ... that's the curse of the Time Lords."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 7:54 PM

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"Yeah ... when I got out of it, I just gave up hope of ever finding you again, since I'd been inches away and yet it still never happened. I like to wonder how my life would have been different if we'd found each other that day, but as the great Albus Dumbledore said - it does no good to dwell on dreams, and forget to live." He smiled slightly as the Doctor ruffled his hair. "Yes, I'm so glad we have each other now. And I'll never stop being your boy, even if we don't stay together forever. Like I knew there was always someone in the universe looking out for me, you know that there's someone out there in the universe that loves you and thinks you're their greatest hero."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 7:29 PM

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"Yes, she was all I had. The one other person who understood that I didn't fit in with everyone else and could help me understand it. And when she died, I had no one; I was just the freak outcast." He relaxed as the Doctor put an arm around him. "Then there was Canary Wharf ... I was so close, Dad, so close. I almost could have had a childhood with you. I wanted to run into that room and hug you and never let go."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 7:12 PM

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A tear rolled down Alex's cheek as the Doctor told him to hold onto the memories he had of his mother. "I know, Dad, please don't apologize. There was nothing you could have done when they'd wiped your memories ... I just wish Mum had known about it so she wouldn't have been so fixated on you coming back one day. I miss her so much, Dad ... I felt so alone on Earth. I just wanted her to come home and hug me and tell me everything would be okay and we'd be going home soon. But I had to deal with the memories to comfort me ... and the knowledge that you would perhaps come along someday." More tears rolled down his face. "I'm sorry, I'm just whining now."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 6:57 PM

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Alex sighed in return. "She didn't, but you really shouldn't blame yourself. It's the Time Lords that are the ones to blame, screwing with your memories like that. I'm pretty sure if you'd been allowed to remember me and her, you'd have had something to fight for, especially if you'd known you had a son down on Earth waiting for you." Alex nodded lightly. "I wish you could remember her properly too ... she loved you so much, Dad, and it broke her hearts when she thought you'd abandoned us. I saw her completely change and then .... take her own life." He sighed with emotion as he said her death out loud.

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 3:54 PM

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Alex raised an eyebrow a little at the mention of his mother. He never usually asked about his mother, mostly because he didn't remember her (something he secretly despised the Time Lords for doing before their evacuation). But he was more than obliged to talk about her if it made his father feel better. "Well, she was so beautiful. Very long, wavy ginger hair. She looked a lot like a fairy or a princess; she always had this aura of comfort around her. Before she got depressed, she used to always smile and find the positive in things. She had nothing but positive things to say about you - how brilliant you were, how much she loved how, that you were the love of my life and how proud you'd be to see how handsome I am." His tone took on a more melancholy sad tone. "But when you didn't come back, she got increasingly distant and withdrawn. She seemed to retreat back into herself until whatever had a hold on her brain consumed her. Then she..." He gulped, clearly getting emotional at remembering her death.

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 3:18 PM

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Alex looked over at his father and another wave of sadness hit him. He was in pain ... a lot of pain, and it was going to take a lot of time for him to properly come to terms with what he had done. The good version of his father had come back, but the happy, smiley, energetic version of him was still temporarily absent. As much as he wanted to be there for him, he would need a lot of space and a whole lot of time. Hesitantly, Alex shuffled over on the bed and nestled against his side in a comforting gesture; to show that he was far from alone right now, and he was there if he needed him. "You're welcome..." he said.

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 2:34 PM

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"I'm pretty sure the Master left some sort of flaw for me to find ... he's evil, I'm not gonna deny it, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want us to be permanently separated. He messed up raising his own child, I don't think he'd want you to fail raising yours." He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I shudder to think what would have happened if I'd failed ... he was pretty livid at me getting rid of him. I would have had the beating of my life." He stopped suddenly, knowing this was going to upset the Doctor even more. "Sorry, I won't talk about that," he said gently. As the Doctor lay down on the bed, Alex reached over and touched his hand gently. "Hey ... take it easy, Dad. I'm here, and I'm gonna help you through this as much as I can."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 1:44 PM

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"Oh yeah ... it was when you'd newly regenerated into this form and the Sycorax were hovering over Earth. Not the best of days to try it, or else I'd have gone out looking for you." He said smiling slightly with his eyes closed. "Well, even though we always seem to attract trouble, it's always fun figuring out ways to get out of it with you. But not this time, I don't think. I just feel drained after this, especially since it took me a long time to figure out how to get you back. For a while, I thought I never would."

Alex Smith.


Sep 1st 2017 - 1:10 PM

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"I don't know what damage there is, but we'll just have to wait and see. It's probably nothing serious or else I would have keeled over ages ago," he said. "Nothing you won't be able to handle; if I'm anything like you, I can come out of a blender with all my limbs intact," he said, trying to lighten the mood a little, but he knew he wasn't doing much good. He was starting to feel weaker now, the telepathic episode having drained him. "D'you mind if I just lay down for a sec? That episode really drained me ... never been really good at that sort of stuff. Knocked myself out for Christmas Day trying to contact you as a kid." He sat down on the opposite end of the bed and lay down, rubbing his hands over his face. "Why us, eh, Dad?"


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