04/19/2017 05:03 PM 



1.Not the person in the photos. Don't ask if I am or not or assume. I am here to rp not for numbers. I like the celebrity and the character, so I am rping him. End of story. This site is an rp site, so it is common sense to actually use it for that, isn't it?! We all here to rp or at least that is what I hope at least. Rp and get away from real life drama.

2. I am rping a character from The Fugitive 2000, but I go AU with him.  As it is easier for me that way. Also, that means I accept crossovers. As long as you are here to rp, that is all that matters, no matter what. As that is why I am here. That is why we are all here. I hope. Crossovers are fun and makes things intereating. It is a good way to develop good stories.

3.Richard is single. The movie in the default photo with him is his sister, Maggie not his lover or anything like that. Read the information on my profile to realize it. Once he gets with soneone he won't cheat. Don't cheat on him either. He won't get you to cheat so don't make him cheat either. No ifs or buts about it. I haven't decided with whom he is about to end up with, just yet but I am thinking about it so.

4.Richard never sleeps around. If that is what you get from the bio then you are an idiot. You need to read it again.  When you are with someone in a relationship you will sleep with them. That doesn't called sleeping around. Yes, he dated more than one person but not at the same time. If you call it sleeping around and attack me about it without listening to reason or reading the information closely, I will block you. Mistakes can be forgiven but nothing other than that. I know how mistakes looks like so don't try it with it.

5.I am a nice person, unless I am provoked. So do me a favor and don't provoke me. Alright? Alright. Yes, it is a rule as people seem to break rules a lot and claim you did it when it's actually them. So I have to add it here. Don't do that or you will be blocked. Mistakes don't count but seriously and things like that do. We are all mature here so act like that. Is it thar hard? I don't think so.

6.I do rp incest, sex or erotica. I noticed people accuse people of it whether guilty or not and it has to stop. Guilty of those should be called on it but not others.  I am here to rp and have fun, not to be accused of things I didn't do. It's not how my character is and it will never be. Which means I won't rp that way. Yes, he does have sex when in a relationship. However,  it isn't with just anyone. Also, once he is with someone only me and that rper will decide if we rp that or not. Rp sex, will be only done if at all just with the one he is with.  No ifs or buts about it. As for incest. As I said not like him and never will be. So won't do it.  Enough assuming that I do incest as I do not and never will. Keep that in mind.

7.Looking for connections and mains. Whether original characters or canons, it makes no diffrence to me. If interested then ask. Those will get starters and replies first. I still need his sister, his kids, his ex's, his aunts, uncles and cousins, etc. Among others. If interested than do let me know about it.  One main from each character. 2 connections from each character not the fugitive 2000 related. The mains are canons from the show(going au is encouraged and sllowed) and originals connected mainly to it.

8.Connected to rule 7. I am not changing the name of his sister for no reason at all. If you wish to rp his sister you rp Maggie Kimble. Message me for information about her. Same with his neice  and nephew, ex brother in law, etc. If you create a made up sister to him and decide we are mains no matter what I say,  I will block you. That tends to provoke me. Just don't do it at all. You can't rp his parents as their names are Beth and Stuart Kimble, but they are unplayable as they are dead currently. Unless you have a good reason and way to bring them bavk, you can't play his parents. Membets of the group after him, except one guy are up to you and they can be originals/made ups. Just talk to me first.

9.Not numbers or friend collectors allowed. As I am here to rp and not to be used. Keep that in mind. I am not fake but real rper and if you treat me as a number and friend collector then you ruin my chances to rp and I hate that. Won't do it to you so don't do it to me. Plan and simple. No ifs or buts about it. Certain people whom I chat with are different case. They know who they are.

10. Patience is needed. I am patient with you, so be patient with me. Whether introduction or starters or replies. However, if I send you an introduction or a starter don't block me or delete me assuming it has to do with Erotica, Sex or incest or forced relationshio as it's nit and won't ever be. The starter is what was discussed and what fits my character or just fits my characrer. I don't move your character unless putting them where we discussed. I always leave a spot for you decide whether it's your character or someone else. Deleting or blocking me for an introduction or a starter is stupid and a waste of time. Don't add and delete or add and block/delete as it is dump and shows judgment. Just don't do it.  Plan and simple. Talk to me before assuming anything.

11.Have fun. As thart is why we are here after all.

This are the rules. Follow and we shall get a long great but don't follow that will create un needed proems. Mistakes are fine but that is it. If needed then will add more. Let the fun begin.

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