04/13/2017 07:16 PM 

Ready, Bu General Hux


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As he stood, had walked towards him slowly towards the Imperial seed of the New Order, hunched up by the age of his heritage, the majority of historians will paint the blood of this man without a soul, that is a generally accepted notion for the suppress. However one of our most revered authors made it clear for this plan for how it will save our people and he knew it without any subtle murmurs. 


Gesturing to Voltaire with a prolonged nod turned to the governing troopers lifelong against emotion was the only way to protect his sanity, the march of silence grew firmly building up from a minimalist clean echo who stepped from the interior towards the display of the Starkiller Base. You could sense the awaited magnitude along the cloned men who solemnly remained still by the uniformed pattern, a greater pattern then been single or from an insignificant couple, they breathed their masks ready to shoot as the drumming of the nine symphony of Beethoven about to perpetrate the nameless, they knew the pauses, the truce, the waiting of the enemies to fight in another time, as for today where the march gathered them.

Harder pressed my hands, that is when I stepped in throughout the platform, representing the greatest man in the back of mine, and right up until the end of the war until another appreciated the unmeasurable luxury army. Some hated me or feared me with fine comparisons, I always took it as a tribute, you had to hate to fight the enemy from the deepest core of your reason and if needed tyranny to shape the Universe to sacrifice the unwanted, the strongest will free it to bring an end for the nation's father, this genuine emotion pierced his impenetrable shell as all halted their arms with their blasters opening one step aside in orderly mass.

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You look at males and females, study the curse of their cultures, why they do the little things they do, who sets their principals and then, split the best DNA for a mass destructive execution out from our nested people, did they know where all begun? did they! Did they know who made the rules they use too? It structures in the palm of your hand as one, each of them rules in you for the freedom we give you. In each and every little impulse of fever and joy, there has been a thousand deaths to it for the universal evolution and still, rebels claim for freedom? 

Them warriors of kingship to this enterprise moved with the faculty of order, ready to clean the desserts as each captain and sergeant spotted their troops in complete organization from the pre-advanced mode, fueled the shuttles, controlled the engines power, tested the manoeuvres repeatedly, cleaned the armaments, calculating capability of carriage per time for ammunitions, protein, equipped and ready.

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 Shall I share my personal input to prove how ready am I, you will not find a marking question. I have and will interrogate myself the one Jedi Master who erased the memory of my wife, soon we will know the power we are dealing with the Artifact, the mass manipulation of minds and why did our crazy genius created as well its loss at the wrong hands. 

"I want you to scratch every particle and destroy any embodied movement who plays against your path, the power we are dealing with has no vivid simulation, for those who have finished their training, and for the majority who have achieve their rank of intelligent command, know well you will start to participate in undefinable realities and question yourself not! Never stop the elimination program till you get them! We will be there! At every coordinate! At every living terror and hell!"

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 You do not know what is to be impeccable and supported by the superior, to address oneself as the higher mark in rank, to let shadows out the neat presence of my higher raise position the politically military condescendence of every stabilized unit on space I cannot be competed nor underestimate, and for the voice who called for me to be here, standing before you to be captured, to belong or die.

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