03/23/2017 01:54 PM 


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It was cold. Dark, yet lit by a million stars. Surrounded by a  horizon filled with meteorites and coronal clouds that coursed upon an unknown path through the universe.  Perhaps it had once been a planet, a world upon its own. Torn apart by dark matter or a supernova.
Yet now it stood as a virtually impenetrable fortress of rock, shielded on all sides by a maze of floating debris and destruction that had seen the ruin of any who ventured forth into the Titans domain by Starship or without welcome.

Yet within a rocky crag set back apart from the stone and steel bound stairwell an aura began to shimmer. Pulsing with a life, a power unto its own, it spread casting the rocks surface about it a glow. Vibrations of energy and matter, so fast moving, unable to be seen by just the naked eye yet a portal through time, through space was created.

Stepping through the portal, Loki paused, letting his gaze travel across his surroundings. He knew they'd already be aware of his arrival.
Thanos was many things and one of then was not foolish.
He had face him on more then one occasion since obtaining the Chitauri Scepter. Each time so far he had been able to outwit, out manipulate the grand titan at his own games; but not without consequence and each time, it had been harder.
It left  a ironic sort of stale mate to conception of truly winning and Loki was no fool. Thanos would of learned from their last inception.
He would know to expect the unexpected. He would know well that it was not just a challenge of strength but also of mind.
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Loki's lips twitched into a gleeful smirk at the thought and he stepped forward, making his way to the curving staircase that lead up to the platform where the Titan would waiting upon his hovering throne.
It was quiet. The only sound came from the soles of his boots as he stepped onto the metal grid of the steps. Yet he was not fooled. He was watched. He could feel their gaze, Thanos's minions, his army upon him. Even if he couldn't see them through the luminescent lighting that lit his path with each step he climbed.
He knew well, his only true friend here was Thanos's own pride. Thano's need to best him. It was the only reason he was allowed this far alive!

As he rounded the corner and stepped up onto the rock platform, Loki looked up at the back of Thanos's throne catching the sudden movement from the rocks above him and spread his fingers clenching them firmly around the short hilted double edged daggers of ice that formed within his hands.
Intrepidly he waited,counting the seconds as they landed upon the platform, one coming to stand between him and Thanos's throne while the other two  moved closer, flanking him from behind.

Retribution...perhaps.  Thanos's way of reminding him, of all that he still owed... assured!
The sound of their footsteps behind him, Loki's smirk grew and he calmly twisted the daggers helms between his fingers ready.
And as he felt their breath when they reached out intending to size upon his arms from behind, he obliged. Swiftly thrusting back his arms in unison till he felt the hardness of their bodies against his fists. Their faltered breath as his dagger's pierced through their armor and into the soft flesh of their stomachs, his que.

Pushing down upon the blades, Loki sprang placing his bodies weight upon his daggers as he simultaneously drew his legs up towards his chest forcing his shoulders backwards into a back flip that forced his embedded blades to travel upwards across their torso's, gutting the two henchmen where they stood.

Releasing his hold upon the daggers of ice, Loki landed upon an bent knee as their lifeless bodies crumbled to the ground either side of him and slowly rose. Purposely looking up from beneath a furrowed brow of glee towards the third, Loki reached out with his left hand, spreading his fingers wide and stepped forward. Propelling an energy blast that lifted the henchman off his feet propelling him back with force into the back of Thanos's hovering throne.

Satisfied, Loki relaxed his hand, drawing back his arm to calmly interlock his fingers behind his back and stepped forward as the last henchman dropped to the ground unconscious beneath Thanos's throne.

"And to think...I come with glad tidings!"  He mused, feigning perplexed offense as he watched the great Titans throne slowly turn and Thanos face him.

"I come in peace. I come bearing a gift!....... A staff of moderate power! ..." Extending his hands out before him to emphasize his point, Loki continued unperturbed  "Why.... I even left my Chitauri Scepter in the care of another! And yet you do not trust me!...."
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