11/06/2016 01:49 PM 

Rules of Sanglant

Rules of Sanglant

Within these words will be scribed out the facts by which rules and regulations of this profile will be clearly stated and identified.

First: I am not Stuart Townsend nor Ian, I did not act on Queen of the Damned nor TVD, I am not a musician. I am a roleplayer - none of this is real - though it may be based on reality. Sanglant is loosely based on Lestat's general personality and a whole lot of madness and other such related materials. I do not claim any copyrights or ownership except where my own writing and creation of Sanglant resides. Which means NO STEALING you grimy handed bastards.

"Thats right - there is only one Sanglant and its that guy..." Sanglant spoke, pointing at his reflection in the mirror, "Ohhhhh yeahhhh giggidy giggidy...dont be a Molochai who took it upon themselves to try to steal my name, bio, abilities and all and make a duplicate of me because they are unoriginal little sh*ts."

Second: No godmoding, no autohits, no powergaming, no called shots - I dont care what god you think you are. Sanglant is by no means the 'typical' vampire that people so often write about. He predates Katherine, he predates Dracula, and is by no means the partier that vampire roleplayers play. While you were sitting back celebrating your awesomeness Sanglant was involved in wars and events throughout the darkest times in history.

"Because I am cool like that - I once turned the god of death inside out and made him wear a bra on his head while speaking out the rights of women in a public square...he then destroyed pompei - so in all it was not a total loss." Sanglant added.

Third: Sanglant is - to put it mildly - not always a nice guy. Sure, he has his moments but he also has two completely different sides and personalities where one moment he may be sweet and offering to change your life and then he will rip out your innards through your anus and force you to swallow it.

"Yeah - though that only happened once and she was selling vacuum cleaners in the early 1500s." Sanglant added glancing at the filthy floors.

Fourth: Sanglant is from a time prior the formation of the catholicism - so unless you are one of the elder vampires or by some utter stroke of genius - chances are you couldnt overpower him in a fair fight. He existed prior to 900 BC and has only adapted as times changed and became more powerful accordingly. Predating Vlad Dracul means if your basis of strength is based on Dracul who was born 2351 years AFTER Sanglant you are hosed.

"In otherwords - I am old. Old but strong, rawr and quite sexally capable..." Sanglant spoke with a smile.

Fifth: Sanglant is skilled in elements, has studied and experienced the ways and costs of even the darkest of magic, is capable in the acts of warfare, strategy, assassination and torture - and thats just his bad side. Few know what to ever expect from him because he even keeps his writer guessing.

"I do not...I make you smile." Sanglant grumbled from the background.

Sixth: BE LITERATE AND BE MATURE! I by no means require someone to be 18 or over but realize that on this profile mature events can and do happen. Literacy will further help to convince me that you are not a complete and total waste of my time and effort.

"Being mature may be asking too much from some of those people as may be being literate. It seems to be particularly difficult for them. Most of these people probably never graduated or worked a day in their life." Sanglant muses.


"Which means the people of Sunshine and Shades, <a href= "https://www.roleplayer.me/view_profile.php?member_id=717966">Severus Snape</a>, <a href= "https://www.roleplayer.me/view_profile.php?member_id=848287">Patrick Pierce</a> and those like them, " Sanglant nods in agreement, "I dealt with enough drama from the Borgias...I dont need to deal with drama from some undersexed desperate tweens whose only intention for this place is causing problems with their self absorbed ignorant pets." Sanglant nods in absolute agreement.

* - Please for the love of all that is holy try to be a challenge or at least be educated. Give me something to work with in the roleplay that you give me. Be Literate and Mature!!

* - Please dont rush me. I dont ignore people - sometimes I have other things going on and I dont get to a post right away. If you see I ready our post that means the post is pending and unless there is something extreme that goes on I DO intend to reply. If you rush me I will put your post to the end of my list. If you keep doing it - THEN I will ignore you. If you keep whining and posting new posts to rush me I will delete you.

* - If you are a million year old vampire witch who couldnt find her parents and you go to someone randomly on the street in 2011 and ask them in a park to help you find them - you will likely be locked up.

* - If you are a five hundred year old vampire at least know what happened in the last five hundred years! If you are from the 1500s and know nothing about WWII, the french revolutionary war, nor anything else in that 500 span I wont enjoy my time with you.

* - If you are a vampire that has been around more than a few years and are better than third or fourth generation chances are you wont randomly be going through graveyards to slaughter people. A second, first, or pureblood generation vampire would not be STUPID enough to draw attention towards themselves.

* - Realize that if your grandparent is pureblood and your parents are human that DOESNT make you pureblood. 100% and 0% is not 100%. If you dont understand what that means you have no place on my list.

* - If you think that just because your character is a vampire that you have the powers of every vampire written about or you make yourself a dhampire purely to avoid the sun - chances are I will think you are a dumbass.

* - If you play a character as a vampire or any other supernatural race purely to have power that is called power or metagaming and I am not overly fond of it. If you are just playing a vampire to be 'powerful' and you have no weaknesses at all and no storyline to explain things then chances are I will avoid you. It isnt fun to interact with a metagamer who didnt develop anything but just wanted power.

* - Sanglant here has been developed through roleplay and storylines for over ten years not for the last month and the only time period I avoided rp'ing in was 'modern' because I live in the modern time and its frankly boring.

More will likely be added to this at another time.

"Because my writer is a little lapse mentally most of the time and the other part of the time he makes a prince wear a pink dress." Sanglant spoke with a shudder.

* - About the Writer - *

1) I was born in 1982 and graduated HS in 2001 which means I am older than 18 and have life experiences that make me mature enough to get by.

2) I am male and at least appear human but I could be an alien or the magical wizard Fizbang.

3) I was a soldier in the US Army for numerous years and was in Iraq when things first set off. I have seen war. I have personally witnessed people being blown apart around me. I have witnessed the cost of what most people take for granted.

4) I have written since I was 8 and roleplayed since I was 10. I retired out of Myspace in January 2011 due to drama which was Sanglant's first break since 96. I am trying to get into the swing of things now and get back to my novella level of writing.

5) I am not the person in the photos - I wish I was. The fact that I have had to mention this twice here is rather disturbing but people still keep asking.

6) I will roleplay in any era, any location. If I post somewhere your character wouldnt go, just let me know. Dont spaz out. And please dont just up and delete me without even saying goodbye or telling me what I did wrong. Its very rude.

7) I do this to have fun and relax - dont ruin this for me and I am a gentle caring friend. If your intentions are only to ruin my fun I will delete and block you. I try to maintain my writing at at least para and multipara stages because it allows me the opportunity to have details to reply to and lets me write and perhaps open myself.

Roleplaying is alot like a stew the more you put into it the more you get out of it. If you put in no ingredients then you should not expect it to be fulfilling but might be passable.

I dont write or roleplay without thought and often my characters interact and do things according to knowledge that makes sense. A character who knows nothing of battle wont call himself an amazing warrior. A character who knows nothing of magic wont call himself a mage. A character who knows nothing about women - well who am I kidding even women dont understand women.

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