01/04/2016 04:37 PM 

Rebellion on Corellia - Part I

 Rebellion on Corellia - Part I

Two months have passed since the day Ma`Khina was crashed on Corellia. Two months has she been stucked on this planet already. Her ship was almost totally destroyed and there wasn`t much of a chance she would ever be able to fly it again. But she didn`t give up. She didn't want to. In every free minute she got, she worked on it. Gladly she got some help from the corellian civilization and military, like food and supplies. The supreme chancellor Dorian Janarus has offered her a new ship. A newer version of the Corellian Freighter, but she denied this great offer. Between her and the ``Lost Hope`` was something like a connection. Together they had been through more impossible situations than anyone could imagine. It was her obligation to repair it. Besides..

T7. Her little friend was still missed. There hadn`t been any kind of `Life sign` from the astromech in the past two months. No try to get into contact with her. Not even any knock signs when she had been working on the ship. This worried her a lot and only fueled the will to work harder on the ship. She had to find a way inside somehow and find her friend. She just had to

Sitting alone at a table in the army cantina in Bela Vistal and slowly chewing on something, that looked like mashed potatoes but tasted suspiciously like some huttese snail delicacy, she studied the plans of the `Lost Hope`. The cockpit was totally destroyed. After her rescue a gigantic tree was crashed right into it. It was a wonder that it didn`t fall earlier. The Twi`lek had to admit it. Looking at the wreck of her ship and the circumstances.. all in all she still survived so.. the force might really have been with her. No. She slowly shook her head, her lekku lightly twitching. Why should she believe it? Why should the force suddenly rescue her but when she wanted to save Master Jemrin it deserted her. Why?

``It wasn`t you or the force who killed me, Ma`Khina.``

There was this familiar voice again. The voice that was haunting her for a few months already. Ma`Khina shook her head. She didn`t want to hear that. The dead couldn`t speak. Ignoring the clear voice she just took another spoonful of whatever she was eating in that moment. Her mind fully concentrated onto the blueprints in front of her. T7 had been in the rear of the ship when they crashed. There weren`t any bigger holes in the frame so he couldn`t be thrown out. So..he was still inside. But where? And how should she..-

The Twi`lek jerked back suddenly, letting out a soft scream of surprised. Her gaze still fixed onto the blueprints, she tried to breathe deeply. Calm down, Ma`Khina. Her eyes widened she slowly looked up, unable to believe it. There.. in a clear white glimmer, stood Master Jemrin. Her Jedi Master. Smiling at her his typical smile and pointing onto a spot on the map.

``You should open yourself for the force again, Ma`Khina. This way you would see, where our friend is, my young Padawan``

``No..you are dead. You`re nothing but a hallucination. You don`t exist``

The glimmering figure moved, settled itself right next to her, like it was sitting on a chair.

``You still have so much to learn, my young Padawan and it is my fault that you are alone with the burden now. A burden you imposed on yourself. It was my fault. This fight was nothing for a Master and his Padawan and I apologize for my stubbornness. Ma`Khina, you need to go back to the order. They can still teach you so much. Besides.. I`m worried about you``

His words sent a shiver over her spine, causing her lekku to twitch nervously. Moving her head to both sides, she looked around if anyone was overhearing their conversation as suddenly another voice joined into the conversation.

``The order of the Jedi..the Republic is lost!``

Her eyes widened. She knew that voice. She knew it much too good. It was the voice she heard in her nightmares. The voice that whispered her name in the shadows since the day she broke through the barricade. Shivering slightly she turned her head back, but only saw Master Jemrin. His face concerned suddenly.

``Ma`Khina? Did you listen to what I said?``

``Why should you, young Twi`lek? He is nothing than a hallucination. But I am reality. You can hear my voice in your mind, am I right? I knew you`re not dead. ``

Slowly Ma`Khina rose up from her chair, grabbing the blueprints of her ship and the tablet with the rest of her food. She hadn`t eaten even the half of it. But well.. you just lose your appetite when you`re terrorized by two voices which shouldn`t be there. Without saying another word she walked away. Hopefully leaving Master Jemrin`s ghost and the dark voice only she could hear. Just as she wanted to look back for the ghost and the darkness she heard another deep voice calling her name.

``Captain Ma`Khina, I was searching you everywhere. I have some things to talk with you about.``

``No way, Major. I`m on my way to the `Lost Hope`. I`ve wasted more than enough time on this planet..``

Ma`Khina wanted to leave. Run away from those voices and shadows which seem to chase her wherever she was. But Major Julan Tr�s grabbed her arm, forcing her to look into his face. The pain was written clearly in the eyes of the young soldier. Still, that was no reason to be so rough to her. She was a Twi`lek but no slave. Gladly she still had her emotions under control and didn`t say anything. But with one fast move she pulled her arm back and stepped away from him.

``What happened, Major?``

``Darth Malgus.. he`s on the way to Bela Vistal, together with a battalion of troopers. He has like 20.000 men while we.. just lost another hundred of men. We can`t protect the city anymore. Or you.``

That was a clear word. She nodded softly, totally understanding what he was trying to say. Her gaze fell back to the table, where she had sat only moments earlier. Jemrin`s ghost was gone. She sighed. Like usual.. when she needed advise the most, no one was there to give her one. Ma`Khina looked back at the soldier in front of her. A nod was given.

``You think he`s after me?"

``Indeed. But I also talked for a very long time with my soldiers and the chancellor and we all share the opinion that we won`t hand you over, Captain. Still.. we need help..``

``What can I do?``

``We need supplies, soldiers and weapons. There are still some men in Coronet who are able to fight. But the city is surrounded. No one gets out or inside the city. But..``

``I need a ship. But no freighter. A freighter can take like 30 men, if they sit on each other maybe 50. That will never be enough.``

``Indeed and we didn`t think of bringing them out with a ship, Captain. We want to break the barricade.``

Ma`Khina froze, the tablet still in one hand, the blue prints in the other she just stared at him. A tingle in the back of her mind. The force trying to communicate with her. It cost her a lot of concentration to just ignore it and the bad feeling that came with it. This wasn`t a good plan and she knew that already. She didn`t need the force to tell her about it.

``You`re kidding, right? You want to break another barricade with the rest of your men and abandon this city here while Darth Malgus is on his way? You will lose more men and you will lose Bela Vistal. Don`t be stupid, Major!``

``I won`t send just anyone, Captain. I want to send just one woman and a small troop of my best men! Twelve men to be more precise.``

Ma'Khina frowned at his words. One woman and a small troop. Slowly she placed lowered the tablet in her hand and put it on the table next to them. Her gaze went nowhere for seconds while she thought about a proper answer. This was a suicide command.

``Captain.. no matter if you lead my men or not, I will send them. Just.. with you they`d have a chance, Ma`Khina!``

Dark orbs shifted as the Major placed a little metallic box on the table right next to the tablet. A shiver ran down her spine.

``We know what you`re capable about... Lead my men.. give them hope and a chance!``

Slowly lifting her head she looked into the Major`s eyes. ``I`m not this person anymore, Major! But fine.. I will take the command of this stupidity!`` Said this she grabbed the small box and turned to leave. ``And when I`m back, you better tell me how you got my lightsabers, Major!``

To be continued

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