08/22/2015 09:36 PM 

The Smuggler - Corellia


 The Smuggler

Corellia - Part I

Four years later.

After leaving the Order of the Jedi, Ma'Khina had sold Master Jemrin`s ship and bought a new one - a light freighter of the XS Stock-Class. A perfect ship for a smuggler, with hidden compartments and a few weapons. But the most important fact on this ship was, how fast and maneuverable it was.

She replaced her lightsabers with a blaster and lived now the life of a criminal - still keeping the Jedi code in mind, following it. But life wasn`t just black or white. Someone couldn`t always just decide out of the fact to do what is right. Often enough the young Twi`lek had to do things, which followed her in her nightmares in order to survive or in order to do what she thought was right. Was it right to bring the life of hundreds of soldiers into danger, just for saving the life of maybe twenty? `Sometimes doing the wrong thing brings us back to the right way` did Master Jemrin say whenever his Padawan has done any mistakes. Now, that she was sitting in the cockpit of the `Lost Hope`, on her way to Corellia, she remembered those wise words again. Life wasn`t always just black or right. It was grey in many situations and too often it was covered in red.  

Sitting in the cockpit of the ``Lost Hope`` a deep sigh escaped the young Twi`lek, her gaze wandering over the consoles which showed the actual sensor data. This didn`t look good. ``T7, two minutes before we jump out of the hyperdrive. Prepare the weapons`` she was serious and the tone in her words made clear, that she didn`t accept any ifs and buts. The small astromech whistled nervously and rolled to the back of the ship. Was he nervous? Frightened? Maybe he was. To be honest, Ma'Khina was nervous herself. But this wasn`t the right moment for feelings or worries. Each second they would arrive at Corellia.. and fly directly into a wall of imperial starfighters.

Corellia, the capital planet in the Corellian System, was under imperial siege, no ship got in or out. With this in mind, Ma`Khina was trying the impossible. But her freight was important. Medical supplies and food for the poor souls, who were trying to survive in the middle of this war. And some weapons for those who wanted to fight back the Empire. The last time she had visited Corellia had been in her time as a Padawan and the Twi`lek still remembered some of the faces she had met in her time there. Knowing that they lived a life in pain and suffer since the Empire was there, was just cruel and Ma`Khina needed to do anything to change that.

There is no emotion.. There is peace!

Another deep breath was inhaled and the blue skinned woman straightened her back, rolling her shoulders to wake up her muscles. Her gaze wandered from her sensor data up to the big window in front of her. Each moment they would jump out of the hyperdrive. A soft tingle in the back of her mind tried to attract her attention. The force. Was it a warning? Was it a sign, how stupid her idea was at all? Or was it an offer to help her through this rough situation? Whatever it was, Ma`Khina ignored it. Instead she just shoved the tingle away and turned her full concentration into the situation. Her hands gripped tightly the helm of the freighter. From the back of the ship came the soft whistle of a scared astromech, telling her that he was in position and that the weapons were activated. ``Don`t worry, T7.. no one of us will die today..`` at least.. that was what she hoped.

The ``Lost Hope`` jumped out of the hyperdrive - a bit too close to the enemy. Three gigantic Dreadnoughts of the Harrower-class filled her window. No time for some staring. Without any hesitation she jerked the helm to the side and the light freighter flew a curve to the right, avoiding to fly into one of the much bigger starships.

``Unidentified spaceship, stop your engines and identify yourself!``

``How about `No`?`` keeping her communication system still offline, Ma`Khina only spoke to herself. Giving more thrust into the engines she jerked the helm back to the other side, flying directly back towards the Dreadnoughts. Of course they wouldn`t just draw aside. This wasn`t a game about who was the bravest. If Ma`Khina crashed into one of those colossus, the `Lost Hope` would just explode and the starfighter wouldn`t even care about it. Some scratches in the paint maybe, that would be all. 

`Let`s hope that the shields work` That thought just crossed her mind as the imperial ship started to fire. Pushing the helm from one side to the other she was able to swerve most of the shots. But each shot that hit the freighter hurt Ma`Khina literally. ``Why does they always have to shoot?`` asking herself through clenched teeth she pulled the helm back, tilting the nose of her freighter upwards to guide the freighter over the starfighter. It was one thing when they shot at the freighter, but another thing when they shot at their own ship. Navigating her spaceship over the body of the Dreadnought she flew a dipsy-doodle to swerve the steady fire on her ship. ``You could start shooting finally, T7!`` the Twi`lek shouted over her shoulder, keeping her concentration onto her systems and the flying.

The eyes of the Twi'lek widened as a half dozen of S 12 Blackbolts flew directly towards her ship, all of them faster and more agile as Ma`Khina's ship. Sweat pearled on her forehead as she collected her concentration. A tingle in her right hand and she jerked the helm to the left. The spaceship flew a sharp curve, only a few parsecs away of the fighters. Of course, they followed her. ``T7, six scouts right behind us! Show them how tough we really are!`` There came a whistle from the back of the ship and Ma`Khina couldn`t resist but smiled. Sometimes.. just sometimes.. this small astromech sounded exactly like Master Jemrin. He would have said the same to her.

More imperial scouts crossed her way and with a deep sigh the blue female pushed some buttons on the console in front of her. ``Sure.. why not. Every time you think it can`t be worst, it becomes worst`` she cursed under her breath and activated the front weapons and gave more energy into the shields. With her thumbs she pushed the buttons on the helm. Luckily she could shoot two of the scouts into a bright explosion.


``Unidentified ship. Here speaks Darth Malgus. The fun is over. Turn off your engines and give up finally!``

An ice cold shiver ran down the spine of the young Twi'lek as she heard the muffled voice through the speakers in her cockpit. Darth Malgus. She knew that name. She knew it much better as she wanted to know it. Only ten years ago he was rushed over Coruscant like a hurricane. In one big attack he had destroyed the Jedi Temple and killed hundreds of Jedis and citizens of the Republic, including six members of the Jedi High Council and the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

Ma`Khina was ten years old when it happened and had just started her education as a Padawan. On the day when the Jedi Temple had been attacked, she had been on Ryloth with Master Jemrin. Lightyears had been between them and the Jedis who died on that day, but they felt each of their deaths painfully strong in their minds. The Twi`lek still remembered how much she had cried in that night, letting her feelings flow for the first time in her life. Most of the Jedis and the Younglings, had been her friends. One of them.. a Togruta in her age.. had been her best friend. The girl she had shared her room with. Andrana. A wonderful young girl, so lively and funny. A bit clumsy with the use of the force but still.. the best friend Ma`Khina could have imagined in her life.

The young face of that lovely Togruta suddenly appeared before Ma`Khina`s inner eye. Always a gentle smile on her lips. No matter what had happened. This girl couldn`t move a rock with the force, but she could move someone`s heart just with her smile.

The soft tingle in the back of her mind grew suddenly stronger and pulled the blue skinned Twi`lek out of her memories and back into reality. She gasped surprised as she saw those 15 scouts flying straight towards her. ``Karabast!`` A loud curse escaped her soft reddish lips and she moved the helm of the freighter to the right. Flying a big loop she tried to avoid a crash into even one of the S 12 Blackbolts. The console in front of her gave a long alerting bleep and with panic she turned her gaze onto it. ``No.. No no no no!!``The tingle in the back of her mind grew stronger and almost tugged on her nerves. ``T7, stop firing back! We have problems with the-`` A loud explosion right next to her broke her sentence. Throwing her arms up, she covered her head from flying fragments. A fire broke out at the console, but Ma`Khina had no hand free to douse it. Feeling the heat of the fire against the soft skin of her left arm, she concentrated on flying her freighter. ``I need a bigger crew or more droids..`` she muttered to herself, swerving her spaceship between all those laser-shots while the fire grew bigger. ``T7!! I have problems here! Stop shooting and come into the cockpit!`` the Twi`lek shouted over her shoulder, in hope her little friend was still there. Her sensors showed that the `Lost Hope` was already pretty damaged, but they still had a chance to get to Corellia. Maybe not in one piece, but at least they would bring their freight to those who need it the most.

With a whistle the small astromech rolled into the cockpit and started to douse the fire. A deep sigh of relief escaped her and a soft smile curled up on Ma`Khina`s lips. Her friend was still alive and took care about the systems. But there were still twelve S 12 Blackbolts on their rear. No need to mention, that the Dreadnoughts were also firing onto the little freighter.

Bluish blood ran slowly down her left arm. Fragments from the explosion had cut into her arm and caused wounds of different sizes. The Twi`lek ignored the pain in her arm and activated the communication system. ``Here speaks the unidentified ship: shut your mouth!`` she didn`t wait for an answer. Instead she deactivated the communication system and the speakers. Taking a deep breath she gave more thrust into the engines and the freighter jumped forward. Knowing her starship by heart she didn`t even need to look down as she pushed a few buttons on her console and programmed the control of the rear weapons to her console. But when her finger slipped off a button she looked surprised down. Surprise covered her face as she found her own blue blood on the console. ``..we all have to pay our prize for freedom..`` she muttered thoughtfully. Words her Master had told her a very long time ago. Only a few days before his death. Slowly she lifted her gaze up to the window again.

Corellia. No Dreadnoughts or Scouts ahead of them. Just the blue planet. They were close. They still had a chance to get out of this alive. But they couldn`t land as long those scouts were still behind them. A heavy jerk ran through the ship suddenly as something in the back exploded. ``..ugh..STOP SHOOTING! YOU'RE DESTROYING MY BEAUTIFUL SHIP!`` Of course nobody except of her astromech could hear her, no matter how loud she screamed. But she just had to let her frustration out for a moment. With a few deep beeps did T7 rolled out of the cockpit again and to the back of the ship. Obviously wanting to take care of whatever just exploded. Ma`Khina didn`t look down onto her console anymore. There were more red lights and bad news than anything else at the moment. ``I hate doing this..but you guys don`t give me any other choice`` saying this she sighed again. With the push on a few buttons on the console to her right she opened one of her cargo areas and her old hyperdrive floated out into space together with a few other ship parts she had replaced before this mission.

Her eyes were glued onto the sensor data her computer spitted out. The hyperdrive hit one of the 
S 12 Blackbolts and damaged it. This was the moment when she shot, aiming at her old propulsion system. Next she saw was a big explosion. A sigh of relief escaped her. Eight of the scouts were down. Four would be easily to handle. Giving full speed she navigated directly to Corellia and activated the communication system again.

``Here speaks Captain Ma`Khina from the Lost Hope. I`m through the barricade and head towards Bela Vistal. Four S 12 Blackbolts are still right behind me. I request help at the landing!``

``Major Julan Tr�s here. I can hear you, Captain Ma`Khina. Help will come as requested. It is good to hear you, Captain!``

Those were great news and a soft smile curled up on Ma`Khina`s soft lips. Now she just needed to enter the atmosphere of Corellia and help would show up directly. Another explosion vibrated through the small ship. Those scouts had some really good pilots. Some who could actually aim before they shoot.

Finally the nose of the `Lost Hope` broke through the atmosphere of Corellia, but the freighter didn`t become slower. Sweat ran down into her eyes and her breath grew faster. A slight dizziness filled her mind suddenly. Was it relief? Or was it just the loss of her blood? She didn`t care. Just a few more moments and they would be safe and the freight would be in good hands. Who cared what happened afterwards? She would just take a long bath in a bacta tank to regain energy for the flight back.

The high houses of Bela Vistal appeared on her window and she smiled. Three corellian scouts passed by and next the Twi`lek saw on her sensors was, how the last four S 12 Blackbolts exploded in the blue sky. ``..safe..I can`t believe it!`` she muttered and tried to slow down the engines. The systems didn`t react. ``T7! We can`t land with that speed!`` she listened into the back but didn`t got any answer. ``T7??!!!`` No reaction. And no time for any worries. The ground of the planet became closer much too fast.

``Lost Hope, you`re much too fast. Take back some speed!``

``What do you think I`m trying here?` Ma`Khina muttered. No matter what she did, the systems didn`t react anymore.

Ma`Khina took a deep breath. Filling her lungs with life one more time. Maybe her last time. Lifting her right hand she checked if the belt was holding her tightly. The ground grew closer. The Twi`lek closed her eyes. A heavy jolt ran through the ship as the nose of the `Lost Hope` crashed into the ground. Trees fell down. Brown earth welled up and exploded into all directions. The Twi`lek jerked forward and hit her head against the helm. And lost consciousness.

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