07/23/2015 04:50 PM 

The coming of Sleipnir-

Loki's Ramblings
The coming of


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Loki~God of Mischief�-ζ◊ค -

I would tell you a little story!
It is a story I have been meaning to tell, maybe a hundred different times. Yet when I start to write...Well maybe something's are just to hard to explain! So let me start by saying this.

Every villain is a hero, within his own mind!

Many things Midgardian's take for truth, like the worth or alignment, good or bad of those they would call Gods. It doesn't matter if they have not witnessed the event, or seen first hand the creation of such marvelous tales or hero's.
 Much, is words passed down though centuries. Generations have listened to in awe relaying the tales from mouth to mouth, mind to mind; and so they have become gospel!
Each God assuming their given role in any tale, their own station within the mythology of Midgard.
Am I saying this is contrite? ..No...Its just what it is... Something each of us, might face on any given day with the decisions we might make.

One son who doesn't want the throne, another who wanted it too much. Is that really Odin's legacy?  Perhaps what I shall tell you, will make you question what you thought to believe truth-


For many Ages war had raged between the Jotuniheim Frost Giants and Asgard. To explain the origins of this war, I would have to tell events that pre-dated back to when Odin and his brothers Vili and Ve, killed Ymir; the first ever Frostgiant.
 An account of History I do not believe you have time to read this day, or for me to have the time to tell.

Now one day, not long after Odin had built Valhalla , word reached Asgard of an impending attack  that was being planned upon the realm Eternal.  The FrostGiant's were massing an army  of immense size and if successfully, it would seal Asgard's doom! Bringing forth Ragnarok ages earlier then had ever been imagines or realized.  Resource were short in Asgard, with the God's and Odin's, attention having been focused upon the creation of Valhalla.
So is it not safe to surmise that a meeting was held. A meeting all within Asgard, attended!

Upon commencement of this meeting, there came a visitor. A giant amongst men! A stone Mason by trade.He claimed he had the answer to Asgard's problem. A way to stop the Frost Giants from ever being a threat again. Through three seasons, he would build a wall; that would tower high into the sky surrounding Asgard safely within!  Asgard rejoiced in the news!  The solution it seemed was perfect, that was until the Stonemason stated his price.
He would ask for the Goddess Freyja's hand in marriage, the sun and the moon!  Asgard in deed, did despair!

It is true, then I did step forward. It was I whom proposed to Odin, that we barter in this deal. Instead of threes season, that it be done in one! That we allow the Stone mansion the use of his horse.Was it not a fair assumption that he, the stone mason would never complete the task? Yet leave the foundations for his wall, for the God's themselves to then build upon?

At the time it felt the only plausible option, a way to get what Asgard needed. One that would not see the 'perturbed Freya' wedded against her will and would still ensure Asgard was well upon its way to securing its borders also.
I alone can not make a decision. I can only offer suggestions. Especially when it comes to the fate of so many.
It was not my hand that forced the other God's to agree. That decision should have fallen upon their own shoulders as like the old Midardian saying go's - You can lead a Horse to water, but you can not make it drink-

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In the days that followed it soon became obvious that the Stone mason had fooled us all. Indeed he was in fact a FrostGiant, and his Horse; A Stallion named Svaoilfari was no normal horse. Yet still Odin and the other Gods relished in amazement at how quickly the Wall that would protect them all, was forming around Asgard.
Each night the Stone Mason and Svaoilfari would enter the Forests. Each night, Svaoilfari would be seen hauling massive boulder after boulder, back for the Stone Mason to place with precision upon the ever growing wall. While we, all of us! Sat back and did nothing!

As Winter began to draw to a close, it became obvious that the Stone Mason would keep his end of the bargain. It was then I found myself dragged before Odin! Accused of trickery, of deceit! Trickery and deceit of what!... I now ask you...
 Did they not have eyes, to see for themselves?
Did i in any way force their hands? Was Odin not capable of doing anything, while he whiled away the long winter days with his son Thor at side, Drinking mead and relishing in the power they believed was righteously bestowed upon them? 
I ask you now... Is it not easier to lay the blame elsewhere? To save ones pride, by pointing a finger at another? To cast away your guilt so easy and fool yourself into thinking, it was never your fault?

And so it was.
As I had been the one to suggest, that Stone Mason build the wall in one Season; rather then three. A suggestion that was greedily relished by all at the time. I was deemed to be the one to fix Asgard's problem! To stop the Stonemason from completing his task. So he would then forfeit his bargain.
What of the mighty Odin - of Thor you may well ask?
It would be safe presume that they stayed hidden, safely behind Asgard's new walls!

The evening was crisp and the sky was clear. The first signs of spring adorned the Forests edge and I stood pondering deeply on how to stop the Mason as I watched him, prepare Svaoilfari for the last night of their task.
I had vowed, that I would save Freyja, the sun and the moon. That I would save Asgard!
Each day I had watched Svaoilfari haul the boulders for the Stonemason.  Marveled at the strength of the Horse and how quickly the Mason was able to piece together the wall due to the unyielding strength of the Stallion. It was obvious, to any whom had cared to watch. Without Svaoilfari, the Mason would have never succeeded!

Oh... I have heard the many jokes made at my expense for my actions that night. The taunts, the laughter, but i will ask you this!...Did hiding behind Asgard's Walls save Asgard, Freyja; the sun and the moon that night?
Or did I... In the form of a mare, galloping through forests over hills and vales, while Svaoilfari and the Mason chased close behind.
As the first rays of drawn broke casting away the night sky still I ran,ensuring the mason forfeited the bargain.  Until with exhaustion, I could run no more...

The Mason, realizing he had been tricked, made his way back to Asgard's Gates and voiced his anger.
Only then did Odin call him to be a FrostGiant!
And thus, sent forth Thor, to strike the already exhausted Mason over the head with Mjolnir.
As the Mason's head shattered, Asgard celebrated Thor as its Protector and Saviour.

In the months that past.. No one came looking for me. No one mentioned my name, unless of course it was in passing blame.

You may ask why I returned?... Why I gave Odin, Sleipnir?
Perhaps it was to remind Odin every day of his own cowardliness... Of whom really saved Asgard!

Perhaps it was to show him how wrong his legacy really was. That I never really wanted the Throne...I only ever wanted to be equally deserving, of Odin's love.. As he had deemed Thor to be...


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