07/14/2015 09:19 PM 


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'Sometimes we have to do things to preserve our own sanity'  it wasn't really something he relished thinking.  The truth was it hurt. Hurt a lot.' Ironic, he should be used to it by now, how did you ever get used to it!' 

The wind whipped upon his hair sending the tails of his coat into a frenzy around his legs. Snow and ice clung in a bid to freeze his hair stiff and his skin blue. ' Ironic!' Everything around him seemed ironic. That was the bitter truth of it all. 

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Before him Jotunheim stretched out. Stark, bare and ruined it had been called many things when compared to Asgard. Never matching up. Never quite fitting in amongst the beauty of the other Kingdoms that surrounded it. It was just like him. like him, like the Frost Giants, it stood a relic of the past a reminder of what once was.

The ravaged land, shattering pillars of rock and ice made fragile within the torrential wind. The bleak landscape of ice and snow stretching as far as the eyes could see. Desolate. Silent except for the wind to remind him of his thoughts. 
He could never explain his thoughts and feelings. What he felt for this land. The sadness and destruction that lay hidden beneath the snow and within the shelter of the white capped mountain peaks.
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In his mind it was bitter sweet. A fragile beauty. It was his solace. The one true place he could take off the masks he wore. The deep snow and ice hide all the hurts all the scars of the ravaged land. Here he could face the bitter cold and let his heart cry out. Face the hurts that burdened his soul and take refuge. It was him. His own special sanctuary that reflect his own mind within its landscape. It harboured his many hurts, like secrets he had wielded, each and everyone, while they hide out of sight behind his many masks until he could bring them home to Jotunheim and let the wind take them, bury them beneath the snow,  where it would. 

In Jotunheim, he felt at home-   

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Katy ~West Virginia's Hybrid~


Jun 15th 2015 - 1:12 PM

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It had been many years since Queen Sindel had traveled to any other Realms aside from both Asgard and Earthrealm or Midgard as the Asgardians liked to call it. Now here she stood within the realm of Jotunheim, home of Loki, the Norse half-frost giant demigod of Mischief. Knowing of Loki's heritage to the Frost giants, Sindel had been glad she dressed in warm winter travel clothes prior to visiting his homeworld. Tho it was not as beautiful as her homeworld of Edenia or Asgard and was dark, cold and dank. Somehow she still felt at peace. The sounds of footsteps crunching could be heard throughout the realm as the Edenian Queen made her way towards Loki's home, never dropping her guard for she felt the eyes of many upon her.

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