07/07/2015 04:47 PM 

Time to Play- Divergent - Loki EOA

It hadn't taken long to find this woman. Not with Dylann trying to keep up at his side. The Building rose up before them like a tower. An emphasis upon the power that they believed they had over the other factions. Raising his eyes Loki's brow etched with a malicious smirk. ' If she thought she was powerful, she would soon seen exactly how wrong she was!' 
Turning he glanced towards Dylann at his side and lifted his hand, pressing a finger to his lips, in indication from this point on, if she was to follow him, she should remain silent. An illusion was only as good as those whom participated within its making. If they faltered, then so the illusion would falter, allowing those whom were at its mercy to see through it; and to its undoing. 

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Lowering his hand  with a slight wave of his fingers, the air about them both began to move and vibrate. Shifting within its tiny particles to create an illusion of invisibility. Like a cloak it surrounded them, the frenzied particles slowly falling in spirals to floor around them as Dylann and Loki, seemed to disappear into thin air without a trace.

Unperturbed Loki made his way forward. Taking the grey stone steps in twos that lead up to the double glass doors of the Erudite headquarters. With the constant self assured communing of the Erudite, it was effortless to manoeuvre their way about the building.  So engrossed, within their studies and books; they paid no heed to the slight wind that passed them by or brushed up against them within the crowded elevators. 

Coming to the end of a steel panelled  Hallway, Loki paused before the two large sliding metal doors. The Guards obviously Dauntless, from their attire of black and self assured prose of invincibility stood silent their looks as vacant as the Hallway before them seemed to be. 
Pausing he contemplated how easy it would be, to simply do away with them. The sheer ignorance, that this Midgardian Faction seemed to posses. Believing themselves to be courageous, fearless indestructible? Now what a game that would be, to show them all the error of their thinking and have them all succumb to the ultimate truth as they cowered kneeling before him.

 The sudden quiet swoosh of the steel doors sliding open instantly broke his chain of thoughts and with no hesitation, Loki strode forward, entering into the testing rooms with the malicious smirk once more firmly etched upon his brow. Ignorance was bliss or so it seemed to those whom were busy working within.  Fussing over their lit up panels of that flashes statistics and the faces information of those  whom had come before or been eradicated in their search for the one ultimate divergent. 
Slowly Loki's eyes travelled across the room.  His taking in at a glance the many faces they had already eliminated or sought upon the panels. The manor in which they worked, almost in fear, their apprehension could been seen in the tilt of their shoulders, The side ways  cautious glances they sneaked towards the woman as she paced back and forth  before them. Her zealous confidence and insolence hung like whips around their necks. Yes they were scared of her, that was obvious to see. This Jeanine Matthew's had learned well, how to manipulate those around her, so she might rise up above them and control them, to beget her own fear of failure back upon them!

'Perhaps once, she was pretty ' Loki found himself musing thoughtfully, but that was long past. He saw through her illusion. The air of confident control. The need to be someone, To lead and have power, he saw how it consumed her!  and now she would reap what she had she had sowed.


No one noticed the slight shift in temperature as the air within the room began to vibrate, picking up speed velocity it moved weaving in patters that surrounded each face, each body clinging like micro-organisms to their skin; absorbed through their pores like a toxin unto their minds.

The air seemed thick yet she did not notice. Absorbed her mind screamed for her ultimate goal. The over all power to quell her fears. Fears she would lose control. Control of all she had gained, of the power she now held over overs. She did not notice the room had changed. It now watched, listening to her every thought through green eyes. 
She didn't notice the slight shift upon her vision so subtle it was fixed in place within a simple blink of her eyes until it was too late. Till suddenly her power of control was taken from her.

Turning to glance more intently at the statistics she had demanded to placed upon the screen. She faltered. The smell, It made her gag, how had she not noticed it, the unquenchable aroma of death, rotting flesh. Had a rodent wandered behind the dashboard to die? Its rotting carcass slowly seeping its fluids to coat the wires  and stain the metal in shades of its decaying flesh?  Clenching her gullet she lifted her head and turned resisting her sudden urge  to vomit by quickly swallowing  her regurgitated lunch as it seared the back of her throat with its warmth.

"What is that smell! FIX IT!" she demanded calling for the attention of everyone within the room. "Are you imbeciles! FIND IT! Before it does any damage to the program!" 

Instantly the chair's began to swivel, It never paid to keep her waiting! Her justice for such tardiness was always dealt with swift and harsh. Frantically they began to sniff, unaware of anything offensive to the nose. Rising quickly they began to moved about the room. Avidly searching, constantly aware of her growing agitation. 

Their face as they turned.The sightless eyes. They stared accusingly at her through their milky white iris's. The rotting grey flesh  bruised crimson in places where their blood had pooled cooling with their death. Faces she knew well. They had been her hopes. The ones she had hoped would be the one true Divergent that could open the box and revile the power to all means. Those whom had failed and paid with their life's at her hands. 

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Quickly they began to rise, their bloated skin splitting as they tried to manoeuvre agilely around her. 'It isn't real' she tried to tell herself, seeing hundreds of Divergent's control their fears with those three simple words. Only to have them all stop. Turn their decaying bodies towards her The blackened mouths rotting teeth smiling back unto her 'but it is' they seemed to chant in unison forming one voice . 

Reaching out confused, they tried to calm her. Something was wrong, what had gotten into her? why was she suddenly acting so strange- 

Like clawed bones, blackened the flesh hung clinging to the rotting tendons of their hands as they reached out, scraping clawing at her skin smearing her clothes her shoulders with the decaying faeces of  their rotting flesh.
"No!" she screamed pushing them with force back from her as she felt the contents of her stomach rising . Turning she bolted for the nearest bin. It was a simulation a test! It had to be! But who and how? It couldn't be real...could it. 
like a torrent the contents of her stomach exploded into the bin. The heated smell tainted to her senses, yet preferable over the stench of decaying flesh that now coated her clothes and clung to her hair. Closing her eyes, she slowly lowered the bin bringing a hand up to wipe her mouth, " You will pay for this! YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR THIS!"  she snarled, unprepared to release her hold upon the bin.

"I think we already have!" A voice responded. Its tone vaguely familiar even through the  rasping gurgle of its breath.  Her heart stopped in an instant; it seemed to explode outwards within her chest. ' No!... It couldn't be! There was no coming back! he was dead!'  Dropping the bin she turned.

Before their eyes he appeared like magic out of thin air. But he was dead! Everyone knew Harrison was dead! Jeanine had made sure everyone knew! She had gloated placed his dead body on display, plastering across the faction billboards like a trophy! They felt their own fear rising. Heard their screams as their bodies moved trying to cast distance between  what could possibly not be real and Jeanine Matthews.

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Slowly the figure of Harrison dragged its lifeless body in a forced walk towards her. Black congealing blood seeping from the many bullet wounds that lay exposed between the tattered mud clogged remains of his shirt. " Tell me" his lifeless eyes seemed to mock her. Mock her fear. " How do you sleep at night!" he continued the bones in his neck cracking as it tilted almost curiously to the side.  Aghast she shook her head, stepping back until she felt the cold hard surface of technical table blocking her retreat. 'NO its not real your dead!" she forced herself to scream. while her words caught in faltered whimpers, within her throat.

"Well i guess your right about that!" Harrison continued to unwittingly mock her raising his hand to emphasise upon the many blood soaked holes that riddled his body. "You made sure about that. You made sure I'd never see my Daughter finally experience true peace!'  he continued, pausing as he ran his hand across the now bubbling bullet holes. Picking one and slowly began easing apart the decaying skin. Horrified she watched him. Watched his fingers. The way the dead flesh tore under his touch. The way his fingers finally sank, disappearing up past their knuckles; into the blacked frothing blood . "You fingered me real good there Jeanine"  he calmly seemed to taunt finally pulling his fingers free, to expose a bullet held precariously between their tips.

 Mesmerised she couldn't pull her eyes away. Like a graphic horror movie of her own minds making it was playing out before her while she stood transfixed. Slowly Harrison lifted the bullet within his fingers to his sightless eyes, giving his commonly used characteristic shrug as he opened his mouth and placed the bullet upon his swollen tongue.  "Waste not, want not! isn't that right Jeanine? Anything for power!" he seamed to muse uncharacteristically not like Harrison, as he once again began to able forward, dragging his dead body in a forced gait towards her. 

The stench was unbearable.  Her stomach churned trying to force up bile that was no longer available. Her mouth felt dry. Her throat like sandpaper. Opening her mouth she tried again to force the images away. Silenced by Harrison's cold clammy hand as it cupped around her chin. His milky white iris's seemed to mock her profoundly, like he was enjoying himself immensely, almost getting off upon her fear. 

Slowly he raised his other hand placing the two congealing blood soaked fingers to her lips. She could taste it. The blood. More putrid then the stench of his rotting flesh. She could taste death. "I think you have more to worry about them me!" Harrison admitted in his nonchalant  mannerisms and lowered his eyes to look down towards her clenched hands strained arms as the grasped tightly at the desk behind her.

Instantly her eyes darted following his gaze.
Her skin it was moving. How had she not felt it. The feeling like thousands of tiny bodies wriggling scratching below the surface.  Had her fear literally paralysed her so greatly, it took her own fear to point out, remind her of what her body was feeling?
instantly she glanced up. Harrison, he was gone. The room it seemed normal. The dead Divergent's all gone. Her co workers the Erudite now stared back at her. Their faces mirrors of her own reflecting only fear back upon her.
Her skin it felt like it was fire. Slowly she lifted her arm. watching as the crawling lumps beneath the skin seemed to grow, forming red angry heads like boils upon her once flawless flesh.   
Lifting her hands she began to scratch. They were everywhere she could feel them forming upon her face. her legs  her breast.  "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!" She screamed. Harrison! he had poisoned her with his tainted blood ! He had somehow infect her! She knew her mind had lost it's control. She couldn't remember when within this nightmare,  when she had truly know that she had, had control!

As her fingernail grazed digging grating over her swollen flesh, in a bid to ease the constant itch  that consumed her; she tore at the red angry scabs ripping them from her skin. 
Ignoring the pain as the ruined skin wedged under her long fingernails exposing thousands of tiny black bodies. Their spindly legs swiftly hooking over the edges of her torn skin as they hauled their bloated abdomens free. The erupted like pus, running down her arms up across her shoulders towards her face.  She could feel them their legs as they moved. their tiny fangs biting at her flesh as more and more of the boils began to burst. She could feel them exploding out of the erupting boils upon her face. 

They could see them. the spiders they everywhere. She seemed to be coated in them. The room was covered in them! Quickly they reached down trying to brush the small tiny bodies from their clothes. Stamping their feet in a bid not to end up like her. Like Jeanine Mathews.. All the while wondering how they were seeing this. Where it had all come from! This strange nightmare like fear simulation, they were being forced to witness.

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 Opening her mouth, Jeanine Matthews let out a blood curdling scream.......  

Slowly Loki's lips curved into a malicious smirk of contempt. Little did she know, the fun was only just beginning-

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