05/08/2015 02:29 PM 

The Story of our Lives- Loki

The story of our Lives!
 photo tumblr_m98oxhELww1rpwthr_zps011515e2.gif
Loki~God of Mischief (EOA)
The story of my life! 
Now wouldn't that be a Tale to be told! 
One could paint a thousand pictures from the memories we keep 
For no story is perfect. Each have their Demons and shadows. 
Each have the sunlight that can break through the clouds. 
The stories of our life's are what define us! 
Are what shaped us into whom we are this day. 
They hold the reasons for the things we value and treasure the most. 
They gave us our beliefs and our dreams!  
They are unique . 
They are us! 
And they hold some of the most beautiful chapters in an epic tale  you could ever imagine. 
There was a little boy.
He was just an ordinary little boy.
Blonde haired, blue eyes he wore red shorts that come down to his knees and a blue Thomas the tank T-Shirt.  It was dirty, his Mother had tried to get him to change it. But it was favourite, he didn't see the dirt, he only saw Thomas!
He was nearly four!
His sandals were a size too small. He needed one ones, 
He could push his toes out over the edge of them if he wanted and would sometimes do it because for some reason it seemed to frustrate his mother- and he could never figure out why!  it was just like when he refused to let her brush his hair; because it pulled on his hair, hurting. 
He liked his hair just like it was un-brushed! 
They were not rich, far from it. he was too young to really know that. What it meant. 
Why his toes poking out over the sides of his sandal's bothered his Mother so much.
Yet other things he knew.
He knew fear, He knew tears. he knew how to be scared.
They were other chapters in the story of this little boys life.
This one day, his Mother was happy. It was exciting.
She was smiling and they were going to the shop to buy some food!
They didn't have a car. They didn't catch a bus.
The sun was shinning so brightly,
 It was a happy day and they were going to buy nice stuff to eat at the shops! 
It was a long way to walk for such little legs . 
Wether his mother did it to take his mind off of the walk or whether she did it just to make him smile. He doesn't know. 
You see, she's never told him. When he ask's her. She just smiles quietly. 
But as they were walking, she took his hand in her's and she started to sing.
He can't remember the songs - nursery rhymes maybe. 
But he sang with her
 and they dance along the street skipping and spinning in circles.
As he looked up into her face. He saw no other more beautiful!
The sun as it was climbing into the sky cast sunlight about her hair. 
It lit up her face and smile. 
There was no more beautiful an angel.
And no other memory as child he can remember, as being that happy.
These are the stories of our life!
They are what define us! 
Are what shaped us into whom we are this day. 
So i ask you, think of the story of your life. 
Your unique Tale.
Think of your happiest chapter growing up.
Those, who shared it with you.
and smile! 

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Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:13 AM

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Loki~God of Mischief (EOA)
3 seconds ago

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These are pretty fucking amazing memories ay- reading them is like a epic book of life. The meaning behind each of them real special. 


Tar-OOC- you might have you yourself that way. But to me- shrugs- I saw you yea. I talked to you and you showed me your heart- your pretty bloody amazing and you saying this to me- it makes me smile yea- that you's see me that way when so many others - shrugs- It's us against the World yea- when the going gets tough- we never face it alone!

Me lil Lilly.OOC- You've shared something so beautiful. it's a big ask sharing stuff like this. Shows our vulnerabilities yea. I reckon your Dad would smiling seeing what you wrote! If i was your Dad yea and you wrote about me like you have about your Dad, i reckon me heart would burst with pride! I'm not half the man your Dad has been. Army, your dad was a real hero and yet i reckon you would of been his proudest accomplishment and you still are! he's watching over baby gurl proud as punch watching you grow- the beautiful woman that you are.

Bryn - OOC-laughs- this is exactly what i mean yea and you know what I'm talking bout- we talkin bout it the other night! Man I'd of given anything to know you back then! but i'll talk bout that later below- grins.

Me bro Thor ya mad c**t- laughs OOC - your a top class bro- your another i'd of like ta have known back in the day then yea. I aint no substitute teacher but i reckon she knew her stuff yea! You and me even back then, we'd of been best bros- ya wouldnt of been lonely cos i'd of been popin up each diff town you moved too- its sorta how i used to live back in the day - grins- I'd of claimed ya as i have now as my big bro- grins 

Alt's- OOC- i'm so crazy in love with you yea - you say its a moment that changed ya life- its the moment that made mine! Even if ya didn't want a bar to do wit me- laughs. it only made me more determined. You changed everything. Your my everything yea. I'd of never got this far without you- you made me wanna be more then i ever dreamed i could be. I wanna be the man you deserve- not the man i used to be- I'm gunna spend every day of my forever with you yea - My only regret- I didn't meet you sooner- man the thought of you clip cloppin round like a horse yea- me lil heart back then would ave been putty - you'd of had me at da first clop! 

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:12 AM

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Altariel Diveniel�~FOS
5 hours ago

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This is not a memory from my childhood. But it is a moment that changed my life forever! 

I love to write. I love to read. But don't we all? its why we are roleplayers!
I'd only been roleplaying for a couple of years at this stage. So i was still very much a newbie. But I'd been really lucky i'd met some amazing Roleplayers and they had become amazing on-line friends! 
They taught me so much. They pushed me to explore my imagination and to try new things within writing. I'd come out of a not so good, actually pretty bad real life relationship. I was actually scared of men. I wouldn't let anyone get close to me. It was safer to be alone then to try and give someone else my trust. But online, these friends. These men were no threat. They didn't look down on me instead they encouraged me. I would laugh with them and relax around them. At times it seemed easier then real life. 

I have always worked a lot. Usually having more then one job. This time was no different. I used to work at a school. I was a teacher aid. Then a lot of nights i would go to a Pizza shop i managed and work there till 10 -11 at night.
It could get really busy. The pizzas were really popular especially on the weekends. 

It was a Friday night. The shop was full there were people waiting to pick up Pizza's.people sat at the tables inside and out the front eating. We'd been flat out since we opened and i was behind the till doing a reading ( not very fancy or flash hey haha)

Suddenly there was this music i don't mean like the radio, which was always on in the background. It was a guy singing and he had an acoustic guitar he was playing. One of the girls i worked with was beside me and she was swooning about the guy playing. I just thought it was a street performer outside the shop. Its a pretty normal thing for the location the shop was in. But i looked up naturally to see what had her swooning so bad and this guy was walking into the shop! Singing and playing his guitar and walking straight towards us!

Ok I'm going to be honest here and he already knows all of this. We have laughed over it many times since. 
He was good, he had a nice voice could play the acoustic well. But he had this untidy blonde hair, un-ironed clothes that sort of made him look hippy surfer scrag bag with the bluest eyes. They seamed to dance with laughter. They were actually really nice. The rest of him, well it just looked like a wild child thrown together! 
I was looking at him thinking,' omg, this guys is obviously off his head. great! i'm going to have to get the hippy to move on and sing his free love somewhere else or he'll end up scaring the customers away.' 
If i wasn't at work and in charge I might not have been so negative with my first thoughts. I would of been one of these people who sit back curious and watch the show. 

So anyway I moved around the counter, trying to figure out how i was going to deal with this guy even if he did for some strange reason look familiar to me.
I remember my work mate swooning " Oh hes so good i think he's singing to you. You should date him" and it hit me like a bag of cement!
I have never in my life dived under a counter as quick as i did and tried to hide! The shame OMG!

I hide under the counter cursing him in my mind and wishing he would just go away. But he didn't. He finished his song and everyone clapped. I sat down there for around half an hour! No I'm not joking! When I finally got the courage to stand up, he was sitting outside at one of the tables.

True love? No! He was trouble with a capitol T. A charmer and i watched the girls swoon around him! Those baby blue eyes that were always filled with mischief!. 
He was exactly what i didn't need or want but he was persistent, it was hard not to like him. He soon became one of my closest and best friends! 
He always put me on this pedestal. Like i was the most important girl in the whole world to him. That is scary too. to have someone feel that way, you could easily lose yourself within it and then if it go's wrong. The heartache could be unbearable as you realise what you have lost.

It took me over two years to agree to go on a proper date with him. Not just hang out, like i had grown accustomed to doing. I had to finally accept the fact whether or not i was scared, that i had fallen for him!
I won't say life has been perfect since. It's not a fairy tale. It's not something that happened over night and many times the struggle has been so very hard. 
We have both learnt so much over the years that followed. We've face good times where life couldn't be more perfect if it tried. We've also faced the bad, where everything seems hopeless and you wonder what it is your fighting for. 

But when i wake each morning and i see those twinkling baby blue eyes looking back at me, that is true love!

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:12 AM

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Thor ~Emperor of Asgard~ EOA
8 hours ago

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There was a young boy once whom was born to a single Mother. His Mother sacrificed much to give birth to him and through the course of his years growing up, she did her absolute best to love him and provide for him. The boy was always grateful and always loved him Mother but he never really had too much. He didn�t have nice clothes or nice shoes like a lot of the other kids but he was always grateful for what his Mother was able to get him. Through the course of coming up in school, many of the kids picked on him and made fun of him. He never really had a lot of friends. He and his Mother started moving around a lot when he had made it into the sixth grade.

Fast forwarding to when he was a sophomore in high school, the boy had already been to 3 different high schools. It was hard to make friends and the boy became withdrawn. He had started smoking marijuana as a freshman to forget the inner pain he felt from being shuffled around so much. None of the girls really liked him which made it even harder for him to talk to any of them. 

One day, in English class, there was a substitute teacher. She held up a picture and wanted the class to write a story about what they saw. The picture was of a Lion who had a pair of wings. The lion also wore a crown sitting in front of a throne. The young boy was very nervous. He had never really written stories before but had a vivid imagination. Most of the stories written were about how dominant or powerful the lion was. The boy saw something else. He saw a lion that was alone and even though the lion was strong and fierce, he was sad on the inside.

The substitute teacher had picked the boys� story as the best one and read it in front of the class. Afterwards, she handed the boy his story back and told him to be proud of what he had written. She then proceeded to tell the boy that he had a talent at writing and should do more of it. This substitute teacher made the boy happy. It was the first time anyone outside his family made him feel good on the inside, like he was important. The substitute teacher made the boy realize he had a gift and was not the loser all the kids made him out to be. The boy never saw the substitute teacher again but she had a profound effect on his life.

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:11 AM

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Brynhildr � EOA
8 hours ago

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The memories written here are beautiful. Each one touches your heart when reading them and you feel the deep meaning with they are held, in each of the people whom have shared them's hearts. 
I have many. I am blessed to have a wonderful group of friends and family xxxx Could i pick one from my childhood. haha Thats a big task! Ok here go's. it sort of sets the path for how i was raised i guess and how my parents whom i love so very much raised me to be. 

We were never rich . money was always tight. Food wasn't to wasted. Clothes were usually hand me downs. Chores had to be to done. Very rarely got pocket money but lets be honest as kids, did we really need it? haha. 

My Nana she was rich! She owned a property, it had horses and I was in love with horses! If you knew me back then you would of laughed. I never walked or run anywhere i used to gallop or prance! haha! Yes i liked to pretend i was a horse! or at the least was riding one . I would insist on only wearing shoes that made a clipping sound as they hit pavement. That way as i ran, I could make them sound like horses hoofs( haha). I had a black beauty soundtrack the old record sort. and they would tease me. they would put it on a faster setting . so it would play really fast and then tell me it was broke and i cry my eyes out!! i used to neigh, if i thought i could get away with it rather then speak ( embarrassing !!!) ( the silly things we do and like as kids)

My Mum and Dad were beautiful in the true sense of the word. They raised me to believe if wanted anything i had to work for it. I had to earn it! Not to expect it to fall into my lap or to think because i wanted it i should get it. They brought me up to be strong and have a very good understanding of the world and people around me. Well what has this to do with my story? and how does it relate? haha 

Remember the rich Nana i told you about at the beginning? Well because i loved horse so very much for my 10th Birthday she wanted to give me a pony. My mum and Dad agreed to it but said I had to earn it. The right to own it, and to ride it first. They said if i really wanted the horse then i had learn how to ride her bare back and without a bridle first and show i was capable of contributing to the cost of her feed and care. 

She was so beautiful a bay with a white star on her forehead. She was 13.2 hands high and looked like a mini racehorse! I was so in love!! She was called Dolcinder, Dolly for short!
The only other time i'd been on a horse before was to be lead round, walking by someone holding a guide rope. but that did not deter me!

I wont say it was easy. It was really scary to start with. All i had was a halter and lead rope! How my heart used to race, trying to get on her. she wasn't quiet. she was 5 years old and had hardly been ridden, so she was very flighty stubborn and strong willed. 
You cant show them you are scared. You need to earn their respect. So i would spend every moment i was awake down at her paddock. Before school, after school and every day all day in between. If i wasn't there it was because i was doing jobs for others so i could buy bails of hay to help feed her. I had no riding helmet no jodhpurs or riding boots and i'd come home looking like i'd rolled around in the dirt for hours each day! haha 
It was that bad, that one time, i fell off 5 times in a row within 10 minuets! She'd just buck me off as soon as i got on her back and that scary! Very scary! but i refused to give in. How can you ever if you really want something that bad?

That summer was the most amazing summer ever! I didn't know when it happened, the exact time. But i stopped falling off. I learned how to gallop! Control her using only my knees. We used fly along the dusty bush tracks, jumping logs, exploring steep sand dunes as we made our way down to swim at the beach. 

Some where within all the bruises cuts and grazes. Somewhere within my constant efforts and her rebuking me at every turn. I had gained her respect and learned how to ride! How to care and look after her. 
At the end of the summer. my mum and Dad told me to go get the groceries from the boot of the car. They couldn't really afford it. They were proud they never took hand outs. But when i open the boot. There wasn't any groceries there. There was a saddle and bridle! 

I look back on it now and it makes me feel like crying. I didn't need the saddle or the bridle. They made me face my fears. Proved to myself i could do anything i put my mind too if i wanted it bad enough. 

They saved all summer to buy me the saddle and bridle to show me how proud they were of me xxxxxxxxx

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:11 AM

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13 hours ago

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Here is one that always made me smile to think about, though It's bitter sweet now. I still recall it as a happy day.

Six years old meant cake and ice cream and toys! The little blonde hair in pigtails shook her head sending them dancing around her head. Wearing her new pink tank top, frilly white shorts and strawberry shortcake sandles. Her birthday outfit given proudly to her by Mommy. Now she found herself on the way to the lunchroom at School. School on her birthday had been a touchy subject that morning, with the Birthday girl finally conceding. She had to show off her new Birthday clothes after all.

Skipping in to the lunchroom her thoughts were on the gifts to come and the one she wouldn't be getting. Finding her place at the table with her friends they were quickly jabbering away about the usual things. A lull in the conversation gave the newly six yr old a moments pause wondering why everyone was suddenly quiet.

Feeling herself being swooped up from behind,she squealed though she knew who it was. She could tell by that familiar smell, tobacco, Old Spice and another scent she couldn't name except to call it Daddy's smell. Daddy it was, she hugged him tight and buried her face in his neck sniffling. He made it home for her Birthday. 

She held his hand proudly as they walked around talking to the teachers and kids. The little girl trying to keep in step "left, right, left" with the black shiny army boots as Daddy taught her. Later she walked out with the handsome Blue eyed soilder she called Daddy.

Sappy I know but I would give anything to see him again..he died about a year and a half ago. I can still smell him sometimes.

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:10 AM

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Tarilhir~Lady Martin ~FOS~
19 hours ago

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This touches my heart in so many ways.... 

How about a person so lost and alone,ready to just give in on everything with nothing left to say or lose or purpose... Ten one day she met this prince of a man who not only spoke to her but invited her to join his loving family.
How could he know how much she needed to hear the words, that she didnt even realize the immense love that was given to her on thhat day....
The most faithful friend who could make you laugh on your darkest days.. I love you.my bestest and dearest most beloved friend in my life...

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:10 AM

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Loki~God of Mischief (EOA)
May 10th 2015 05:23

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Grins! Ya a wingnut bro- an i love ya yea. Fucking lot of years we got under our belts now. That was a classic day ay! No stoppin us after that -All my good chapters- memories- after that day, you always been a part of- Recon we'll be two old farts sittin on a veranda reminiscing in da future an we wont hear wot each other said so we'll jus keep repeatin da same shyt over an over gen- Do you remember that day....- laughs- Good times yea - But i still recon mey stick sword was an inch longer den yours yea- laughs-

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:09 AM

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ElvenKing Thranduil- FOS
May 9th 2015 06:45

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The story of my Life. A special chapter that has stayed with me? How is this one for size?

First Day of School Grade 2! 

I was a pretty quiet kid. Shy lol. The day started normal, but there was this new kid, in my class. He wasn't there the year before. I remember looking at him and thinking he looked sorta tough. Wild. He wasn't wearing a school uniform like the rest of us and he wasn't shy either. He was talking to everyone like he had been in grade one with us all. :D And all the kids were like me, You could see they were all thinking wow hes cool! All the other boys wanted to sit next to him and for him to play with them. I was too shy.

At recess. He was really cool. He made up this adventure and all the kids wanted to play it, even some of the girls. I sat watching. I really wanted to walk up to him and ask if i could play too,but again, i was too shy. I sort of felt gutted. At one point i was sure i saw him look over at me. The look on his face, I was sure he had decided he didn't like me. I was sure I'd never get to play any of the fantastic games and adventures he was playing with the other kids and I decided at that moment, I was never going to school again! lol

Lunch time came and I wanted to cry. ( ok give me a break I was 6 turning 7 lol ) I couldn't eat my vegemite and cheese sambo All i could think about was how i would be sitting there alone. Because all of the other kids would be playing with the new boy .
I could already hear them talking about the new Adventure game they were going to play. They were picking sides. There was going to be pirates and they were going to take over the castle ( play fort in the school yard lol ---> Yes i remember it all! )

I was so upset i could feel my eyes filling with water i so badly wanted to cry and I didn't want to picked on or laughed at, so I lowered my head.

The next minuet the play bell went and i could hear them all jumping up going off to play. I didnt want to watch. I wanted to go home! 
The suddenly this stick appeared hovering above my feet and this kid. The one who could of played with anyone in the class. Who could of picked anyone in the class to be on his team turned around and said to me. " Here take this sword! We have a Castle to raid! " RRL!!

I was so nervous and i was so excited and so happy all at once! He'd picked me to be on his team! And I was the only one he had offered a stick (tree twig) Sword to! It was just like his. We won the war. We took the fort! And by the end of school that day, we were best friends.

All through Primary school we were best friends. We shared every secret! In high school i felt lost without him. But we were still best friends. I still saw him, he just didn't go to school with me.

Things can happen in our lives that lead us down different paths. I've been lucky, good parents, good education and a best friend who is more then any friend could ever be. 
As far apart as our paths differed over the years. Our friendship, the bond we had, never did!
He's been a part of my life so long, I cant imagine life without him. He's my brother, he is part of my family. Not just to me, but to my family, my Parent's, they see him as another son. I love him.

How is that for a Chapter Bro? The story of how we became friends. The story of you and me. 

Anyone reading this lol, remember I was only 6 turning 7 give me a break! lol I was kid.

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:07 AM

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Alice [~* Olympic Peninsula Coven~
May 8th 2015 18:35

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One year I remember getting my school uniform as my Birthday presents. :D I was so happy and excited about it. My older Sister had been going to School for a year and all I wanted, was to go to school too ♥

Loki~ God of Mischief


May 11th 2015 - 9:07 AM

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Helyanwe [♥ Thranduil]
May 8th 2015 07:25

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Let's see, the happiest chapter... Oh, there are so many! But here is a random moment that kept repeating itself a hundred times but always made me happy:

A small, skinny girl with golden hair falling down her back danced along the beach. She was on her way to the danish icecream shop to get her favorite icecream.
When she got there there were other children already waiting imaptiently in line. The little girl stood to the left side of the large window of the shop and had to stand on her toes to peek at what was on top of a counter behind the glas: a man put dough into an iron machine and retrieved hot waffles with the sweetest scent from it moments later, which he rolled and then put into a halter to cool off a bit.
Another man was taking the customers offers, putting the icecream into the cooled off waffles and adding whipped cream, sprinkles, sauce and gummibears to it.

Then it was the little girl's turn. She grabbed the top of the counter to pull herself up a bit, so she could see the icecream. She knew all flavors by heart already but liked the colorful sight.
"Strawberry and chocolate!" she sqeaked in excitement. "With strawberry sauce!"
The man nodded, added the two icecream balls to the waffle and the little girl watched with big eyes as he added the whipped cream and the sauce to it. Then he pointed to a shaker with chocolate sprinkles and one with multi-colored sprinkles. The girl nodded at the second shaker and the man smiled and added the colorful sprinkles before adding gummibears. Then he leaned over the counter and handed the girl her icecream. She reched for her little pouch that her father had filled with a few coins and handed the man the coins.

Then she danced off with her icecream, back onto the sand of the beach and walked back to where her family waited for her. "Tomorrow I'll go get another one!" she thought, smiling.

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