04/06/2015 01:56 PM 

Loki takes up the sexy south challenge-

Loki's takes up the  Sexy South Challenge

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As the ladies finished doing their dances  proving their sexiness  upon the dance floor, the lights at the Ball momentarily dimmed. Flickering back to life to revile Loki  standing silent and still, his head tilted down towards ground slowly began to rise, showing the broad mischievous smirk etched across his lips and his hips began to move . Circling in thrust-ed movements, he was know to refer to as snake hips, he moved slowly forward across the floor , clasping his hands out before him, as he slide across the floor towards the Ladies of the Naughty North! 

Arching his brow, he chuckled  fluently sliding his left leg to the side in  continuous swift foot movements as he reached out pointing into the crowd at  the Lady called Fironna and thrust his hips in time with the music. 

Then without breaking stride he slide to right  lifting his left knee as he  nimbly twisted his left foot , left and right in a motion of hip hop foot work before dropping his left foot to the ground as a pivot while he spun in a circle coming to face the watching women  in a twerking motion and pointed out into the crowd towards Darcy, trying to make her blush-

Rising to his full height Loki lifted his head high and laughed, mischief eliminating from his eyes as he casually turned as if finished and started to saunter away. Stopping abruptly   as he swiftly leaned backwards jumping into the air and flipping himself in a twisting somersault  to land  upon a bended knee once again before the ladies  while the tails of his cloak fell resting about his crouched legs.

Lowering his brow Loki  smirked deviously and dropped to his knees sliding out wards first his left leg  fluently bringing back into his body in time with the music as his right leg slid in the opposite direction to replace his left. Twisting his hips in time with the music as he moved, slowly he reached up pulling back the shoulder's of his jacket and let it drop down his arms while his stomach muscles clenched slowly lifting him up off from the ground with the fluent side to side motions of his legs and gyrating hips.
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Then breaking into a broad grin Loki strode forward, picking Widow from the crowd, and lifted his arms bringing his hanging long coat over his head  to wrap around her shoulder as he pulled her from the crowd. Using his cloak to force her body against his, Loki smirked mischievously  and reached down grasping hold of Widow's hands pulling them around his hips and onto his arse as he started to gyrate his body against hers. 

 Lowering his head to her's he let his lips trail across her cheek and along her neck.  Lowering his body in  hip thrusts around her as his breath warmed the skin across her collarbone and down along her chest; pausing upon her lower abdomen as he reached out with his hands letting his fingers trail upwards over the silky smooth skin on her the sides of her calfs to her thighs while he slowly rose gyrating his hips against her moving body . Smirking broadly, Loki let hands slid around to her hips. Fingers spreading as they moved across the curves of her arse and squeezed before rising up across the small of her back to her shoulders and hair.

Entwining his left hand within her hair, Loki thrust his body forward. pushing Widow backwards so she slid off balance; between his legs, and caught her fall mid air as he leaned forward lowering his head intently above her's.

Chuckling deviously, Loki reached along Widows draping right arm to her hand, taking it within his own while he placed it upon his thigh, running it upwards across the inside of his leg and over the bulge of his gyrating crutch; for a sneaky squeeze, before raising her hand up across the abs on his stomach  to his chest as he slowly raised Widow  back to her feet.

Sensually, his right hand slide from the back of Widow's head to her arse while he placed her right hand once more upon his shoulder, pushing his right knee between her legs  grinding her body against his,as he turned twisting her in a circle, letting his hand run back up across her back to grasp her hair  and pull back her head. Lowered his face, Loki, claimed Widow's lips with a departing kiss, before gently releasing his hold to leave her knowing she'd been hit by the Sexy South! 

naughty north by Legolas on Grooveshark photo tumblr_mbpc4bqjBY1rqi6un_zpsfodgdorg.gif

(-"Tut tut...Do you really think I'd post this... if i did not have Widow's permission in my Dance-" Loki smirked mischievously-)
Posted on Mon Oct 27, 2014, 05:31

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