01/28/2015 11:51 PM 

Is it Madness...Is it...Is it????

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Thor ~Emperor of Asgard~ EOA
 "You had a much better life on Asgard than you would have ever had in this miserable place. It is only your own fault that you cannot see this."

 Now in front of Loki, Thor struck him on the bridge of the nose with an open palm thrust for the specific purpose to snap his head back. Thor them grabbed the clothing on Loki's chest with his left hand gripping Loki's shoulder with his right slamming a hard knee into his gut. When Loki doubled over, Thor shoved him backwards towards the edge of a large section of the ground that had broken away creating a black pit that went down for miles.

 "I wish it would not have come to this, Brother, but you leave me no choice."

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 Slowly Loki lifted his head, the bitter metallic taste of his own blood, fresh within his mouth from the wound upon his nose. " I did you a favor..." he smirked vindictively looking up from under his brow towards Thor. Slowly standing up straight, Loki extended his arms at his side, empty palms spread ready for the thrust he knew was surely coming with his Brother's retaliation of disgust.
" Go home Thor...Tell Father how you bested me... The Monster people tell their kids about! ....How you saved the day for Asga...!"  Loki's words were cut short as the impact of Mjolnir  instantly thrust him backwards.

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 The wind whipped about his body. The cold stark daylight of Jotunheim fading smaller and smaller. Rock and ice slowly giving way till only darkness remained. A gradual glow getting brighter , at the end of his plummeting tunnel. The lure of a whispered promise. Slowly the smirk spread once again across Loki's face and he spread his arms ready to greet the brightness of the light,  finding peace it the warmth of its caressing touch as it surrounded him.


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* You might not like what you see-  Be warned!   My Bulletins will have an 18+ Warning & will contain, Graphic horror, violence and possible sex content- (All for forth coming SL purposes)- DO NOT TAKE THIS TO HEART (it's still me beneath it all- winks)

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