09/02/2014 10:29 PM 

Birth of a Smuggler (bio under co.)

Born into slavery, Youngee Ven learned the tools of the smuggling trade from the various scoundrels and gunslingers employed by her former master, Kalu the Hutt.  Over time, her master treated her as more of a progeny than a slave, teaching her the intricacies of the Intergalactic Spice Trade business.  Since earning her freedom, Youngee has applied the knowledge she acquired all those years into developing her own smuggling trade. Coupled with her passion for adventure and an XS-Class Freighter she won in a game of Pazaak against a not-to-happy Toydarian on Nar Shaddaa, Youngee has gradually made a name for herself. The aspiring young Twi'lek won't rest until she has explored all quadrants of the galaxy! Sleeping is for the dead after all, which is evidently somewhat of a common 'occupational hazard' in her line of work.

Preferring to keep herself out of direct involvement in the ongoing conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Youngee Ven holds allegiance to neither faction. However, she has worked with several clients associated with the Republic, on various missions such as delivering medicinal and weapon supplies to Republic troops on the front lines.

Of course, no smuggler is a smuggler without a trusty blaster at her side, and a trained hand to wield it. Youngee always keeps her N-110 blaster pistol at the ready, accompanied by her A-20 tech precision scattergun.

(more to be added.)

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