07/30/2014 11:28 PM 

An Animal's Creed.

I must ask that you all refrain from flash photography, or anything that may blind the animal. Please, remain as far as ten feet from the bars at all times. Do not attempt to feed the animal.
There is a reason she's caged.


1. I do understand that, no matter how seasoned a role-player may be -- or how long they have been around -- there is always room for error. I will let you all know that from the years 2006 - 2010, I held to my own whimsical dramas and allowed myself to grow much too close to people who did not earn my trust well enough. I followed my heart instead of keeping to my main purpose here: writing. It happens, it probably happened to many of you. However, from the year of 2010 - 2014, I have honed in on my skills, found my true passion and I am far more confident in my abilities to weave an outstanding, intricately spun story. Through the former time period, I was still writing, but I allowed drama to get the better of me. I do not follow that path any longer. Hating, blacklisting and drama should be left for the whores. Best to keep it that way, yes?

2. Perhaps it is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I love haters. They speak of you, tell others of your danger and you hardly have to put in effort. They gossip, which means that when others come to you, they already know your name. Yet still, even with all the bad, they find it necessary to send you friend requests. Perhaps they do it to stalk you and inform your lovely haters of your most recent scandals or maybe, just maybe, they have added you to write and see if all the things they had been hearing are true. Haters and online bullies are this lovely internet's paparazzi. Take pictures, speak of me, tell everyone how terrible a person I am. Only those I truly love can hurt me. Last time I checked, I had only reached a total of five haters. I think I'm slipping. Maybe you can all help me bump it up to ten before my September semester begins.

3. In following number 2, I encourage you all to speak on my behalf. Broken Telephone has always been one of my favorite games to play. However, as a forewarning, I should probably inform you that though you may find yourself hating me for whatever purpose, there are still those select few who love me. Perhaps I should not explain why this is a warning. I doubt you will understand my full meaning until you've screwed up somehow.

4. I am going to assume that you are intelligent enough to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. There are too many online spellcheckers on this world wide web to make excuses. If you are a real writer at all, you will take care in how you proofread and present your work. I understand that certain mistakes happen. I am not a perfectionist. However, I do expect effort.

5. Please do not add me, then message me, asking me if I have an idea for a storyline. I should not have to explain this. I do not know your character and clearly, you have not taken the time to prepare your arsenal for discussion and read my profile. My character is unique and very versatile, especially in this supernatural 'verse. Surely, the very least you can do is invite me to brainstorm if you have nothing to go on. Asking me directly if I have any thoughts for a storyline is not only incredibly rude, but you are essentially taking no responsibility and making ME do all the work. I do not tolerate this. I will likely delete you, should this be your introduction to me.

6. BRAINSTORMINGa conference technique of solving specific problems, amassing information, stimulating creative thinking, developing new ideas, etc.,by unrestrained and spontaneous participation in discussion. || Since I have often noticed individuals have no trouble missing the point, I shall make myself abundantly clear: when I suggest brainstorming, that is exactly what I mean. I do not intend to come up with an idea and have you say something generic like, "sure, let's do that". It proves to me that you have no true ambition to write with me. Writing is not my job and I do not get paid for it. This means that writing is something I truly enjoy and I like writing with writers who bring their own spicy challenges into the mix. Writing with someone who does not brainstorm, who does not lift a finger to be creative and makes me do all the work is like fucking a corpse. Dead weight. My inspiration becomes flaccid because of you people. If you want to keep me excited, challenge me. I will return the favor in kind.

7. I hardly believe in the "you add, you start" rule. Yes, I believe that if you have taken the time to add me, a greeting to me is necessary. However, if we discuss an opening scene that makes more sense for me to start on, so be it. I am not against sending the starter if it makes sense. However, do not take this out of context. If it makes more sense for you to start, you should be prepared for that. 

8. I should not have to say that stealing is a bad thing. I am sure your mother taught you well enough to know the difference between right and wrong. However, since thievery cannot be helped by you cleptos, I will only say this once: steal. Go ahead. Get on with your bad self. But just be aware that, thanks to my abundance of beautiful haters, as well as those I hold very dear, I am a rather popular person. Odds are good that someone else will discover you and be more angry than I am on the topic -- perhaps angry enough to do something about it. I won't have to lift a finger, honestly. My personal view on theft is simple: you obviously needed it more than I did. Stealing people's creativity is no different, right? Obviously, you needed those pictures and that character information more than I ever did. Go ahead. Steal. Your repercussions will be on your own shoulders and trust me, even if it's just our little secret, there will be repercussions. Why? Because nobody -- and I mean nobody -- can play my characters the way I do. You may try, my love, but you will never, ever be able to understand the minds of my little lambs. They are mine for a reason. Hence why I wouldn't need their pictures or statistics or biographies. They are all in my mind, therefore, I know them better and more intimately than you could ever dream. Still, best of luck to you.

1. Sex - If you have read Antonia Morgan's biography, brief biography or even her statistics/abilities/weaknesses, you must understand by now that she has been through the worst kinds of human hell. If you have not, I shall recap. Cannibalism, excessive rape and torture. I contemplated not making this notion its own section, but with the many approaching me for love interests regarding this character, I will tell you now that a love interest -- more than likely -- will not happen. Toni is an animal, yes, but if you abuse a dog, eventually they will become rabid and attack everyone in sight, even their owner. Antonia has been abused to the point where ferocity and monstrosity is all she knows. Understand that if your character makes any advancements on my Little Lamb, you accept that your character will gain some bodily harm and/or severe damage from this tiny little animal. She does not like to be touched. If your character needs to learn that the hard way, understand that they will. 

Furthermore, I obviously do not need to explain that sex, one night stands or any form of physical intimacy is off the table until further notice. Morgan is as skittish as a cat when she is around people in general, even those she trusts. A hand upon her shoulder could make her dive into a psychotic frenzy. Do not test your boundaries. 

Your character may attempt raping her if they like, but... I can almost promise you that you will not like the results that come from such a dishonorable act.

2. Love: I will clear the air now. Due to the aforementioned torture that Morgan went through, any amount of human emotion is buried under layers and layers of psychoses. When I tell you that Toni is an animal, I want you to understand my full meaning. She does not feel, she does not care enough to save a woman being raped by scavengers, she will not put her life on the line to save you and the only reason she is alive right now is because of a promise she had made to her brother. She does not care about herself, she does not care about you and she is at such a deranged mental state that common human emotions like fear, love, kindness, happiness and sadness are words that are completely foreign to her. She. Is. An. ANIMAL. All she knows now is survive, eat, sleep and repeat. You will not MAKE her fall in love. With her current mental state and with the world she now dwells in, I can almost guarantee that it is impossible. 

That being said, as hypocritical as it may seem, I made this profile as a secondary Toni account for a dear friend who had always wanted to blend the supernatural 'verse into the apocalyptic 'verse. Some of you may know this person as James LeGrey. He is a remarkable writer and a dear friend. Through our discussions, we found that a spark of affection is very likely to happen between Toni and James, through no fault of our own. However, even that love interest is not definite. But, should it happen, understand that Toni will remain single-storyline. I am going to university in September and to be honest, I hardly have the mental capacity to keep up with the accounts I have, the connections and love interests on them, as well as the RPG I assist a friend in co-owning. If this particular love interest transpires, that will be Toni's only love interest. 


1. Note that I am not warding off any storylines with them, only that you simply do not understand what you are in for when it comes to Antonia. She is a simple human, yes, but she is a human with absolutely nothing to lose. That makes her dangerous. 

2. I will also further explain Toni's animosity. Just because she is an animal, it does not make her evil. Antonia is encompassed in an unfathomable darkness. People fear darkness, but not for reasons you might think. In Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid was once asked why he was afraid of the dark. He responded with a simple, "because of the inherent absence of light". Though this caused a chuckle to rise from me, he had a point. You do not fear the darkness itself, you fear what lies within it. Darkness can shield you as well as it can hide an enemy in plain sight. Understand that this particular darkness is neither good, nor bad, it just is. Antonia is that darkness, incarnate. She does not help, but she does not have a hand in killing... most of the time. Sometimes she can be the savior, sometimes she can be the heartless beast. That being explained, Toni Morgan is not good, but she is not evil, she simply is

3. With those first two points of interest intact, I will tell you now that Toni will probably never fight for your cause. But understand that she can be as much an ally as an enemy. She does not feel. Remember that, learn it, accept it. She will not help you because she does not care about you. However, there can be circumstances where she will unintentionally help you. Perhaps because you both have an enemy in common (like the undead) or by any other circumstances. Either way, understand that she will never help you for your benefit. Hell, she probably won't even help you for her own. But by happy circumstance, you might get lucky in her accidental aid. 

4. Toni will fight for her life, no matter the circumstance. Should she be captured, expect her to rip people apart with nothing but her teeth and bare hands until she dies. Naturally, you cannot kill my character without my permission. So, this battle may go on awhile. But understand that should she be injured, it is only fair that your character gets the same treatment. Expect her to be a feral creature when held in captivity. No matter what your character does, she will not care. There is nothing you can do that has not already been done. 

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