03/07/2014 04:11 PM 

Rules....Loki Arches his brow deviously

" Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity.You were made to be ruled! and so here are my Rules of interaction."

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1) Looking for me to save you????- I think you have the wrong Brother!- Why would I care about your mewling little life unless of course it suited my burden of glorious purpose! - and it probably wont, so quickly now- run along to Thor , if you want a hero!

 2) If you possess an infinity stone, orb of power, or any weapon of great power, expect me to steal it!- I don't care who you are! - It will not stop me!

3) Ohh...but I am so very narcissistic - not sure what means?- look it up! - can't handle it?....That is exactly why you need to be Ruled!

 4)If I am not here, it is because I'm away on a burden of glorious purpose! - which yes is more important to me, then waiting round hoping to hear from you!! unless of course you have an idea on how i can take over Asgard! - then you have my permission to IM me!

 5) I may travel every known Realm, but make no mistake of where my home is- and the lengths i will go, to protect it!

 6) Drama? Bitching?- It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them. - smirks

 7)Love???  tut.. tut.. Shame on you! Do not think me beguiled to fall for a pretty face or whimsical smile! - I am the God of trickery, deceit and mischief, - Do not think me as pathetic, to act like I care!

 8) Is it madness? Is it? IS IT?  Para multi, novella or one liner, expect back what you give!

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Can you? Can you disregard my Rules? Role-Player?... Ohhh.. yes I know everything. Your Rules are dripping,it's GUSHING with demands!, and you think yours are more virtuous than my own? Do you really think what you believe will change anything?  This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer... PATHETIC! Your lying  to yourself! Your pretending to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors, of others demands. But these rules are a part of you, as well as this basic writing environment and they will never go away!


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Loki~ God of Mischief


Mar 7th 2014 - 7:46 AM

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Loki chuckled enjoying the little remark from the Widow.

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