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01/16/2014 01:09 PM 

Rebuilding Commoria: {Part 4} Era of Power.

Even from the crumbling foundations of castles and fortifications of ancient origin even from the dirt and mud that was once stained with blood and covered in death even from the brink of nothingness and absolution did we yet rise.  All was thrown against us with the expectation to fail the expectation to fall. Fall we did, to our knees as we weathered the storm and fought the beasts. But fail? Fail we did not!

War that has lasted longer than most can remember, battles that spanned entire countrysides and devoured entire cities in their wake. Millions dead, and millions more suffering. The call had to be answered. The call of the true king to stand and fight for his people. Fight he did, from a small force of the last loyal to the Naadar clan. Soon his victories echoed of a time before the darkness before the pain. Thus the rally call began, across the land and through every mead hall. 

Civil war is always a dirty business. For you fight those that once were brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. Those that just feel differently than you, those that are still Commorians but are against the ideals of the crown. 

Many were forced into the fight by tyrants grabbing for power, grabbing for the infinite in which they were not rightfully set. Conscripts scarred into service out of fear for their family or their land, their homes or their establishments. Imposed taxes by these tyrants nearly broke many as only the few in power of each camp would prosper. The son of Naadar was different he turned away from taxes and called for recruits that were only willing. 

Betrayal was constant during this time. It seemed that honor had died in the heart of Commoria and like a cancer it had spread...until no honor remained. The seed however would not dim it would not fade. It had to be held high so that all could see, years this took years upon years as the country was won over again and the rebuilding began. Even then evil tried to sick its teeth into all about them. Causing outbreaks of violence to occur and warlords to rise as if they held some station above the people. 

Fifty years it took for this war to end, fifty long years for the king to bring peace and order back to the land that his father had left in darkness. Too long for a mortal. Even though he lived a long life of nearly six hundred years the one known as Fradimeir aged during this conflict for it took all his strength to win it all his willpower to keep everything together. For the people. He gave all so that his people would prosper, nearly dying because of it. 

At this point Fradimeir looked up from the parchment he was reading and laughed hard and loud. He had just been reading the historical pamphlet of the civil war they had concluded nearly two years ago. They were still rebuilding of course, that kind of devastation does not get fixed overnight, but the historians were making it sound like he had single handedly saved their land. Shaking his head he grabbed a felt pen and scratched a few notes on the margins of the document. Handing it to the courier whom waited he waved him away and stood up turning away from his desk and looking out the window of his office. 

Clasping his hands behind his back he could not help but smile at the sight before him. The grand castle's reconstruction efforts were well under way as were several other construction projects across the land. Most of the townships had been rebuilt and for once all was well across the land. 

Whispering a prayer to the gods above and below he hoped that it would stay as such. His agents had been busy outside of the kingdom trying to gain information on his neighbors while he also made diplomatic moves to secure a place for Commoria in the international eye. 

Thus far he had not gotten far, some of the lands about had grown quiet and all inquiries to them had failed to harbor a response. Others were out there but slow to move into any diplomatic pondering with him. Perhaps he was the wrong one to do such things, but he was all there was. The one that could have been there to help with such things had long disappeared from him. With it she had taken a piece of his heart. He had finally come to terms with it though feeling that perhaps this was better for her, for her to be free of such things and stresses. He had plenty to contend with in protecting his people and their interests...

Though there was still the cold nights when the moon was bright that would remind him of the gap in his life. 

Turning away from such thoughts he let his thoughts move towards other things. For once his forces were at their peak. The economy was doing grand as well. Gold flowed through the treasuries in the land. To those that mattered to he was sure it made their hearts flutter with joy. 

Behind him he heard the heavy footsteps of one of his most trusted subjects. Viet, his military advisor and friend. Turning he smiled and nodded to the man as he bowed. 

"What reports from the outposts?" Fradimier asked softly. 

'All borders are secure my lord, we have heard nothing from our neighbors though we do spy movement from time to time.' 

"Perhaps they just wish their space, for now we will give it to them. However the border guard is to be maintained." Fradimeir responded. 

With a nod Viet agreed. 'Some of the council members are wanting us to cut all ties with those outside our lands...saying it would be better.'

Turning around fully Fradimeir could not help but show some of the frustration he felt on the subject. It was something the council had been fighting him on recently. A lot. 

"Those fools would have us bury our heads in the sand and hope that no one comes and sees us as easy pickings. I have traveled beyond these borders and I know for a fact that ignoring the outside world is the stupidest thing we could possibly do."

Viet laughed at the remark but nodded in agreement. He knew his king had done a lot of things before taking the mantle of kingship. Though he also held some personal fears of those outside their lands. He had seen things during the civil war that would chill him to the bone until the day he died. 

'We will just have to persuade the council of your point my lord. I am sure they will follow you no matter where we go.' Crossing his arms across his chest he continued 'We just have to show them that the world is not the horrible place they think it is...the civil war showed them the darkest the world had to offer...and if frightens them.'

Fradimeir slowly nodded. During the war there had been raids of werewolves and vampires from other lands. Seeing the weakened state of Commoria they had taken advantage of its people and preyed upon them. This was the reason his own people did not know what he truly was, for he was sure that many would turn on him for it. Only a few knew of his origins...of his hybrid nature. 

Another reason to feel isolated and alone he thought to himself. 

"There are dark things out there, but there are also good things. Things and people we need in order to preserve Commoria's future." 

Their talk lasted for about an hour, going back and forth on about the upgraded defense systems they were installing and they talked about Viet's family. Afterwards Fradimeir was left alone to ponder. 

He thought of the Raven Empire then, how magnificent its streets and buildings had been. It had been a long time since he had even talked with Raven Empire's leader, Morrigan. A strong willed woman that knew how it was to be a leader apart. Smiling he walked out onto the balcony and swung his legs up over the ledge letting them dangle over the air between him and the ground far below.

Perhaps it was time for him to make another visit to that far away place and pay tribute to the empire's fair Empress.  

Hours later...

His chief aid stood at the doorway watching him pack the last of his things into a small satchel that he then slung over his shoulder. Dressed in clothing more fit for a traveling peasant than a king he drew the hood up over his head and looked back at the woman standing at the door. 

'I can not dissuade you from going alone can I?' The sound of her voice carried with it frustration that she was not being allowed to carry out her duty. 

A smile came across Fradimeir's face as he crossed the distance and placed a hand on his aid's shoulder squeezing it softly. 

"I need to go alone...if because nothing else than I wish it so." 

She almost rolled her eyes at him and then thought better of it. His stubbornness was even keeping this from the guards that were supposed to be with him regardless of where he went. He was king after all what would they do if something happened to him? 

"There is no foreseeable danger and if there is I can take care of it. Besides there is no need to take men and women from these lands that could better be focused on serving in the reconstruction efforts." 

'As you wish my lord.' Was all he got from her. Smiling one last time he moved around her and left. His horse was already in the stables awaiting him and shortly after that he was on the main road out of the castle. 

His destination was Zamora where he had heard the Empress was last. He hoped he would be able to catch her before she moved elsewhere. The journey took several days on horseback with a few ferry rides in between. Soon he was on the border requesting permission to enter their lands. 

He spoke with a commander of some sort and revealed that he was King of Commoria...wishing an audience with their empress. Now his fate was in the hand of the men that the Empress trusted in hopes that he would be granted what he wished.

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The ℜogue


Feb 5th 2014 - 12:19 AM

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Cpt Cobra:

~ His eyes did not scare her. They intrigued her, the glow in the night where there was no light to speak of especially. His face showing more then what most could call a life time she figured out as she saw it. His eyes really peaked her curiosity and not much did that these days, besides War and bloodshed. She left that evening , but left Hunin and Munin to watch over him and the city as she went on her rounds of the city to make sure that repairs and training were coming along as she planned for. Leaving Arik in charge of the castle She headed down into the city shimming along the roof tops and checking by her guests room to be sure he was protected well with in the walls. She headed down into town just after their meeting.

While out in the night she checked over the city's defenses which she had personally over seen. Then down to the training ground to see how the defenders of the city were doing. After that she traversed along the alley ways and back streets of the cites making sure that everything was in order As she had been ordered to do here in this city and up to her own standards.

Then taking the rest of the night to try and sleep when she got the couple of hours she needed the hand maidens came in trying to dress her in the finery that the Empress Morrigan left for her, but she shooed them away wanting to stretch her legs and go outside the city walls this morning. It was one of the things that she missed being in this city or any city for that matter. She felt cooped up and tied to the place not able to feel the wind in her hair and the smell of the wild. She was not meant for walls or cities. She came to find them suffocating, constricting, like a lead weight, but she was told she was needed here, but it did not mean she had to stay cooped up.

After getting rid of the Hand maidens running out into the predawn to her was like flying. Calling mentally to Hunin and Munin "Come on I want to run" Hunin-" Alright, Arik is in charge?" Corba-"Yeah, he is." Munin-" Alright There Corba Calm down its just out side the City." Corba-"Come on hurry up, I know and not much time to be able to do this with I have till sun up." Both Hunin and Munin sigh flying after her as she runs out past the wall Making a flying leap, as she is dropping down to the ground tucking into a nice roll coming up onto her feet swords drawn in each hand, the ringing of the metal being drawn slicing through the woods like a twinkling of bells as her ice blue eyes scan the area around her. "ahhhh, freedom".

Taking off into the woods tracking nothing in particular. Keeping up on her skills as a scout as well as training with Hunin and Munin being her eyes and ears. While she doing this she also killed, field dressed about 18 rabbits and 4 deer to bring back to the city for food as well as to sell, What she did not she brought down to the lower quarter of town to give to the children this is where she would be found come morning. Keeping up with what she was told to by the Empress getting the city in shape and ready for her return. ~

The ℜogue


Feb 2nd 2014 - 2:40 AM

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His unique senses allowed him to hear the men outside of the window as he continued to watch the last rays of the sun disappear behind the far off hills. A slight smirk came across his features as he listened to them. He guessed it was not a normal thing to receive a royal such as he. Though he was far from the normal ruler. He refused to have large entourages and also refused to do large shows of his influence feeling that such resources were better dealt to the people and their needs.

His thoughts were paused by the sound of a footstep behind him. He had thought someone had come in when the messenger had left but had paid it not much mind. Standing and turning towards the young woman he listened to her welcome. Bowing to her he spoke softly yet with a certain aura of authority.

�I thank you for your services Captain, I am sure they will be put to good use.� Pulling back his own hood he let his host see his face.

His features looked like they had been chiseled in as over six hundred years of hard life would do on any soul. However his light blue eyes slightly glowed in the darkness, the one give away of what he truly was.

Nodding at her sweet dreams comment he just remained silent as she left the room leaving him to his own demons. The truth be it that he had not had a good nights sleep in over ten years...since she had disappeared from his world forever.

Next Day

He had not really slept the night before. Dreams and visions of a creature long lost kept plaguing his mind. So alluring yet so far away. Meditation had also not come peacefully as it had just frustrated him more.

Thus sneaking out into the twilight hours before the sun rose again he made his way into the deep forest away from any sign of civilization and let it take over. The side he fought so hard to control and keep concealed. The savage animal of a lycan with the deadly tenacity of a vampire he allowed himself to finally transform into the mixed beast that the two blood lines created when mixed. Fangs teeth and claws tore through the flesh as his physical body changed into something that was similar to a werewolf but also had characteristics of the ancient vampires of the old world.

He had removed most of his clothing before leaving thus his bare skin shed and split as fur and a grey skin replaced it his light blue eyes glowing brighter as he fell to all fours and let out a roar that was mixed with a howl that would echo for miles and miles.

After that it became a daze, the instinct took over as he hunted for blood and flesh tearing apart any animal that came across his path. The human part of him screaming in the back of his mind in hopes that he did not take any human prey this night. It would be a horrible thing to start hostilities because he could not control his hunger any longer.

Hours later he awoke in his chambers on the wooden floor beside the bed he had been provided. Dirt, blood and grime covered him from head to toe as he stretched his now human like features and tried to remember all that had gone on.

Rolling over so that he was on his back he stared at the ceiling rafters sighing deeply. He felt better, though his mind reeled at him for it. He hated what he was. Even nearly twenty thousand years had not gotten him used to it. His honor held to deep a meaning...in his eyes.

Sitting up and making his way to the wash pan that had been provided the night before he washed away the reminders of what he had just done and got ready for a new day. The sun already starting to climb high into the sky for its noon hour.

After dressing back into his traveling attire and donning his weapons he left the house stead he had been provided and began to explore a bit. Looking for the Captain or if any news had come from the Empress.

He was eager to either get news or get moving, something that had always ate at him was remaining in one place for too long. He would grow restless, impatient.

His mind traveled to Dennis and his past with him. It had been ten thousand years since he had seen the man...having once served the man as a Cavalry general. He wondered what had caused the sudden hostility.

There was more going on than he was seeing, and he planned on finding out exactly what.

The ℜogue


Jan 30th 2014 - 6:37 AM

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Cpt. Cobra

~She had known the instant that the new comer had arrived. Hunin and Munin had Given her a Full birds Eye view of the city."Oi,OI, Corba 'es here, that kingly fellow you were waiting for her on, He's here" She waited for him to get settled in or what seemed to be so before making her presence known to him.

She had watched the the letters go through the door being delivered and what she assumed was response leave since she had been waiting inside the door. SHe slipped in behind the messenger. SHe watched him as he moved through the room to get a gauge of him. From what she could see he has hard time of it. life in general and a long road of it .. his hands though steady know the ways of battle down to the same art as he writes�

She did not get a good look at his face or eyes so she could not see into the windows of the soul, but could tell a weariness on him as he sat there from what she thought.

Hunin and Munin taking up posts outside his window silently watching him more out of curiosity much like Captain Corba. Talking back and forth between the three of them about him of course. H- "Eh thats him ?" M-" I guess so its where her letter was delivered" C " Shush you two I swear I will roast you" Just as the sun set she finally let her hood fall back reveling her stark white hair in the darkness of the corner of the room that she was standingin. "Good Evenin yer majesty I believe the title would be�. I am Corba. I was told you would be here by Empress Morrigan and to make yourself at home as ye see fit while she is away. "

SHe does not bow, and is armed to the teeth. Her smile soft like a laughing child and she extends her hand in a warrior's handshake."Welcome to Zamora If you have any questions you can ask myself or my lieutenant Arik as well as Hunin and Munin, speaking to them is like speaking directly to me"~She turns slightly beckoning them in from the window. Two large Ravens swoop in to sit upon her shoulders as, she nods slightly to him. "If that will be all I bid you Good Night" Slipping out the door silently as she came in her hair streamingbehind her like gilded moonbeams against the darkness of the doorway. "DreamSweet"

The ℜogue


Jan 29th 2014 - 9:22 PM

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Arriving in the lands of Zamora only to find that he was a step behind the one he wanted to see. A shame he thought as he read the letters on the parchment once again and shook his head with a sigh. Perhaps he was just that unlucky he thought, or perhaps this was a sign that he should follow.

The trouble in Koth involved her Son, Dennis. Whom he had prior dealings with in the past. Having once served under the man long ago in a land long forgotten. His eyes looked up at the setting sun just then as he let his thoughts play freely in his mind.

He had been brought to what he guessed was the capital of this land and put under the care of a Captain Cobra. Though he had yet to meet the person yet.

Looking around from the view of the room he was in he felt his stomach sink. This land had apparently been through some hard times recently as it showed signs that were similar to Commoria five years ago before the rebuilding efforts took full effect. Had war spread to all the lands? Unrest seemed to be commonplace these days.

Pulling out a blank parchment and a quill he began writing a response to the Empress.

My Empress,

I thank you for the hospitality and for the notice of your leave. Thus far I have been well taken care of here in the lands of Zamora.

From the sound of the trouble, at least in who your trouble is spawning from I think perhaps I could offer some kind of aid. Of course I have no army with me as I came alone to your lands, but perhaps my former relationship of serving under your Son�s command could prove beneficial in the matter.

Of course I will not take action unless provided permission as I respect your authority in the matter. Until then I shall remain here in Zamora awaiting your response and return.


Fradimeir Naadar.

Sealing the letter and handing it to the messenger that awaited he then leaned back in the chair he sat in and remained in thought as the sun slowly disappeared beyond the horizon. Awaiting either a reply from the Empress, or the arrival of this Captain Cobra.

The ℜogue


Jan 22nd 2014 - 7:01 PM

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~She made it in time to see the last spider fall as well as Arik. As she caught his words as well as him as he pitched forwards making the dive for him calling out for her Alchemist "LU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She knew she was covered in the icor and so was he she needed a new set of of eyes to see where the poison had gotten in. Though looking calm and cool on the outside inside her head she was in a panic as Hunin and Munin were not used to seeing she was always a battle calm stone cold as ice. "Stop Child He will be fine Lu can handle it. Set him up right do not stand him up. Let Lu do his his job and step out of the way " "WhoreBlossoms Lu Get your Bloomin Arse Back Here !!!!" Its was about as much care she had shown for Arik or any of her men she ever would show, even Lu and he knew it.

The edge of the woods were just beyond she sent Hunin and Munin up to see the land just out of her sight while Lu did his work on Airk and she got the Caravan moving she gave the boys who helped Arik a good shake and a few gold from her own purse to show that she recognized their bravery, had them take him with Lu to his wagon so he could tend to Arik. If he was where she could see him she would have not kept her composure once he was out of sight. She turned to the men " MOVE OUT!!!!!!, SADDLE UP!!!!" Her tone all command no hints of the worry or anything that Arik had suffered had bothered her at all.

Hunin and Munin gave the reports of what was left of a rabble army coming to meet then at the border. From what she could see they could not even hold out the dead let alone an entire Caravan of Mercs coming on orders to be here. She rode past them taking stock of what they did or did not have and kept going knowing she had to make it to the capital by night fall her only thought " I am coming Morrigan"

Lunarius sighed with a discontented, put upon sigh. "Got himself bit like a dark damp addled novice did he?" He shook his head and trundled, with a frustratingly slow deliberation, into his wagon. The spreading color across Airk's arm from the bite didn't seem to hurry him in the slightest.

The sounds of careful rummaging, clinking bottles, and muttering Dwarf came from within, until "Ahah! There it is!" came from within. He wandered out with a flat jar of salve, and a bottle of some oily looking liquid. He unscrewed the jar, and carefully applied the thick salve within over Airk's rapidly swelling arm, and then carefully applied the bandages, speaking while he worked.

"Yer goin' t'want t'set him aside somewhere till this does it's work, space o' a candlemark or so, no more, and if it's going to work, he'll be up and about." He paused, finishing up the wrap, and handed the bottle of liquid to Alan. "The moment he's awake, you give him what's in that bottle, tell him t'drink it up quicker a goblin with stolen ale. After that, 'e'll be fine."

Upon making it into the capital she had just gotten enough time to set up an office off of what would have been as far as she could tell the Empress chambers and offices. Sending her men out Arik out to gather up and begin train the army up to our standards and wait for the visitor that the empress said is coming. She looks over the palace to make sure it is in order and the servants are in order and the grounds are in order to receive guests and then sets her men to makes the city so it the same way �� Any male or female the age of 12 to training for battle and defense of the city and running communications. Under 12 to know the whole city in and out every knook cranny and spot to hide weapons food and young-ins as well as the elderly. To set traps for the defense of those well hidden spots and to defend those safe havens till help arrives.

For the women they learn to defend their homes while the men defend the walls. There is no person that is unarmed in this city. Using the Hunin and Munin "Well better then carrier Pigeons I suppose atleast we know where we are going !!" she keeps in contact with the Empress always appraised of the situation. Sending out a few of the best trained of the city folks to start training those people in the nearby towns and villages in the same manner.. Still Dressed for battle as she does not know how to dress in any other way she waits for this visitor as well as Empress Morrigan..... Keeping herself and her men busy with training which starts an hour before dawn and ends 2 hours after dusk and the watches done in shifts on the walls.

The ℜogue


Jan 22nd 2014 - 6:52 PM

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Empress Morrigan:

On her way back to Koth she was stopped by one of her minions with a missive, she read it and almost swore aloud, once within the walls of Koth she had her Capt. Take her horse as she yelled back at him all she wished done to fortify the outside of the walls and within, she ran inside and grabbed her scribe by his neck, �You sit and write these out, and quickly!� She had one written up to the King of Commoria, who she just found out would be here anytime soon, and be caught within a scuffle between Mother and son, but than what else was new with them, this always happened, if not for want, just to irritate the bloody heads from one another.

She ran upstairs to her chambers, she did not need to change, just grab her swords, and daggers she wore across her thighs, and than she brought out that something even something her son Dennis would step back after seeing, for yes, she had stolen the blood that runs through his sword, and had her sorceress turn what her pet had taken from the Captain who controlled him.

So, if he wish to fight, it would be a fight against Mother and Son, for he will not emerge from his tomb, wherever that maybe and think that his own mother had left him, and his wife and child for that matter.

She turned on the scribe once she stalked back and forth thinking of all this, and let him know what to write down, for she had others riding to Zamora also, and she would make sure that the Captain of the mercenaries welcome him, for Capt. Corba has traveled far with her entourage to find her.

She stopped once again, �Write, Dear King of Commoria,

I do not wish to alarm you with my business that has been thrown at me at the last minute, but I fear I must travel to Koth, for there is trouble, as in the awakening of my son, Dennis. I wish you to stay, and generously partake of the food, and the luxuries that the Kingdom has in store, I am sorry once again, for I have seemed to have gotten rid of those who seemed to have taken control of the Kingdom, but no more Milord , I would have you be a guest until I can get there, but until than, I hope my Captain, and her men are courteous to enough to and those with you, if not just let Capt. Corba know of this, her and I shall be transcribing through our pet ravens M�Lord, again, I am sorry for the slight delay

Yours Truly,

Empress Morrigan

She went to leave the room and go out to see what all was being done upon the precipices, for the last time, not enough were upon them

�Have it sealed with my crest, and sent out with my bird, immediately!�

She walked the stone walk over and over again, asking herself why she had not sensed him, or that of Diane and Annabelle for that matter, and where was he to begin with, for she heard rumbling from up North, she had no idea it was him. All she could do was thank the Gods he lived, but now would she live through his assault he had every reason to throw at him upon her.

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