12/27/2013 12:38 PM 

Life is...(Journal entry 12/27/13)
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  inspired

Life is what it is. Sometimes it's rainbows of Skittles falling around you and then the next, a pitfall of melted Hershey's chocolate that seemingly slows down your forward progress. There has to be a point here but I've yet to figure it out but what the hell, I'm going with the Skittles tonight. Maybe the point will come back to me.

In the meantime, there's this other thing I had to check on. 

Clint shakes his head, the lifts a cold glass with his favorite poison. A moment later, he glides the glass back down to the table top and picks up his pen. The fireplace is lighting up most of the room with flickering light even as the luminance of a lamp dimly lights up his desk. Soon after, pen begins to stroke against the page of his journal. 

Well...I had a hell of a week, which started off with me pulling a drunk and thinking I could take a shot at a bad guy. That went bass ackwards and now the cops are telling me I killed someone. That's bullshit. I know better. Even drunk off my ass, there's no way in hell I'd miss a shot like that. Still, I feel for the family and just as much for my face. Whoever said a woman can't slap the taste out of man's mouth when she's mad is full of shit. I know better...like over and over again.

Note to self...see if Stark can create me some face guards.


Avengers do not kill. And even though I'm not an official Avenger these days does not mean I need this case hanging over my head. More like, I don't want the whole lecture from Steve telling me I should know better than to be in that situation to begin with. Tasha has been the only one to jump to my defense. She's the last one I expected to do that too. 

I guess people change over time. I have. Maybe she has too. We'll see. Then again, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. I'm willing. To be honest, I don't have much of a choice. 

Clint laughed a little as an imaginary light bulb clicked on above his head.

And maybe that was my point to begin with...sometimes to get to rainbows, you have to make it through some shit. I guess this is where my new adventure starts and shit gets deep; I'm game to get there.

Until next time journal...wish me luck.

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