11/15/2013 06:42 PM 


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Silence. some say its  a respite, peace- They lie! its a curse, it leaves you alone, to keep yourself company, with only your thoughts!  To relive over and over again your choices, your mistakes, your anger, tears. To go over again and again in your mind why!
Why did they do these thing to me?  what did i do wrong? and most important, why do I feel like this!

I look up, and far from the first time this day, my first thoughts are "What a dump!' That first initial reaction as i sit here looking around the frozen throne room, the grime covered black ice columns, that lay in ruin upon the floor. Again i hear the wind whistling through the rocks and cervices. Again they mock me! Taunting me to ask why!

Why was i left upon that rock?  what was so wrong with me? Why!!
And that's when the feelings start! they pour forth like a torrent, of love, loss, hate and despair !
Anger is the worst! it feeds my need for revenge, stops me from just walking away, turning my back for good.

My life is laid out before me, a feast of memories, serving platters laden with lies and deceit , and I hate!, but more so - I despair.
They call me the God of Mischief, lies, deceit , but i was not the first!  Ohhh no! I claimed that title, learning from the best of them! The mighty Odin!

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Here come the rush of hate! filling me seeking revenge! At the mere mention of his name! His eyes , even in my thoughts mock me!

"Your birthright was to die as a child! Cast out on a frozen rock! If I hadn't taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.!"

Then I ask you Odin, WHY AM I!! WHY!!!  Why not leave me there to die? At least I wouldn't of been subjected to a childhood overflowing with lies! Believing I was something i was not, Believing I belonged!
Ohhh yes Odin! you were the first, first to use someone filling them with lies of their rights to rule, of their Birth right! Not to mention a family that surrounded them daily, but was never really theirs to claim!
Was it just a whim, a passing fantasy or notion, that gave you moments of humor! A tool to make your own beloved son try harder, so hopefully one day he would surpass even your true hopes as a mighty King?
Did you honestly think, that filling the lies, with more lies would ease the burden, of the first you set upon me? 

" I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace... through you."

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"Ohh Odin you fool, you selfish old fool!
You wished nothing more then to able to control the Jotunheim through me! To use me for your own purpose!! Where is the love in that? It its alongside  the lie that i was YOUR SON!! Ohh you taught me well! of betrayal and deceit!

The anger overwhelms me, burdens me and I find myself rising, wishing only to destroy everything around me , flashes of blue ice shoot forth exploding  the grimy columns, as I wish they were you!

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Your face flashes in my mind, your eyes full of sadness, I love you, you are not my Mother,  Frigga, Odin lied!, but I love you! My heart begins to tear, ripping apart the anger, and replacing it with sadness, a sense of longing , bittersweet love, for a mother who was never mine to claim.
You loved me, you always will and i wonder, did you see that this day would come?  All the Days you called me forth to your side, the hours you spent teaching me,the magic of your illusions, your spells! The many tricks perfected that i now claim as my own.
Your quiet perseverance,  unfaltering dedication as you installed into me knowledge ad the means to gain it. A far greater weapon, then strength alone.
I love you, I always will, no matter what i might tell you in my anger or despair, I love you, how you have always loved me!

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Its then I always see his face. The way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he would turned laughing with me, the way his eyes would mirror my own in delight and excitement, at Odin's words when we were children.
Believing it to be a game, when he would set us against each other, to prove our worth  for the throne. Declaring one day, one of us would sit upon it, The greatest leader Asgard had ever known!
My heart yearns for the innocence, we both felt back then, but like everything Odin touches, he claimed it, stole it with his lies!
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I tell myself we are not Brother's, we never were. But this is a lie!
It wouldn't hurt like it does if it was true. I hate you, like I hate myself! 
Your a reminder my whole life is a lie!  The image of what i grew up thinking I was, what i might someday be. You are the dream Odin laid out under my feet. The one thing that was meant to be purpose! my purpose as well as your own Brother.  Your eyes reflect, what  my dreams, once were.  Your thoughts were once my own, your words mirrored in my thoughts as you spoke them out loud.
I hate! loath your father Odin, for I refuse to call him my father ever again. I hate  him, loath him, for lying, for letting me claim you as my Brother, my best friend, myself!.
I despise for you it was real! I despise that i grew up loving you more then any other! I despise that Odin's lies try to claim it from me. That you were his perfect son, I  could never be.

What I have learned, is we live the lifes, we are dealt.
  We are the lesson's we have learned.
 You, the mighty Thor, stand for the dream, given to us both as children, and I,  in the eyes of others, I stand as the many lies, of deceit, that flowed upon Odin's tongue.
I will live up to that my Brother! I will live up to every lie, Odin told me! and prove that burden of his glorious purpose, behind the lies he told in effort to make you a mighty leader, was all for vain! 
And as i sit upon the Throne of Asgard, I will take back all that his lies  claimed from me. My life, my Birthright, but most, my right to claim, I am equally as deserving!

That i Loki have rose, with the truth of  the lies and deceit which ever drive me, in my burden for glorious purpose. My burden to prove I am just as worthy as the Brother, even Odin could not take from me, The Brother I love, and the birth right  I grew up believing so strongly in.

 My hand, it looks normal. Pale skin, clean nails fingers long but perfectly formed, that is until I do this.
I cast my eyes down gazing upon my hand. Slowly the skin grew darker, changing  like bruises forming, growing, to spread, turning my skin to blue.
I am Loki  of Jotunheim, I am the God of lies deceit and Mischief. I am Asgardian

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