07/23/2012 02:08 PM 


Disclaimer: I am not nor will I ever claim to be the person you see in any picture you find on my page. I am a role player nothing more, the images give my character a face and nothing more.

A warning to those who hold too tightly to Cannon, and believe known characters in the Star Wars verse should be kept true to already established Cannon, look somewhere else. My version of the Guardsmen known as Major Grodin Tierce is going to anger you as he is an original character, got a problem with it I don't want to hear it. You have an edit friend and delete button for a reason, use it. I've played this character for a few years now, I'm not changing him for anyone. Those who don't mind seeing a fresh spin on an established name, feel free to keep me on your list, chat with me, and engage in role play or story lines.

  • I'm an adult, I will act as such and use language that reflects that. When necessary foul language and graphic language may be used. If the situation warrants a description that could be considered graphic and you can't handle that, tell me BEFORE we ever start writing anything out. If I'm the one starting the blog or comment and you haven't told me to leave that kind of language out before hand and it ends up in there and offends you, I might become annoyed and tell you I won't rewrite it as you've been warned if you took the time to read this blog. You'll either have to deal with it and get past it, or delete me and end the role play. I put too much time into my writing to go back and redo everything every time something offends someone. I'd never get anything done if I did simply because what offends one may not offend the next person.
  • If your one that likes to start drama and cause problems for people, leave my page now and don't bother adding me. If you've already added me, then do me a favor and save me the headache and either grow up or see your way off my list. I've been in rp for twenty years now, endured enough of the drama on MySpace I'm not putting up with it any longer. I have no tolerance for it.
  • Length: Everyone has their own preference for what they like to see and don't like. Personally I'm able to manage anything from para to novella. Novella doesn't happen often for me due to not having the time to always keep that length, not always having enough creativity for it, and not always having the patience. My usual range tends to be multi-para to semi-novella. I will NEVER demand that anyone meet any length I give them. The only thing I will ever ask of anyone is that they give me enough detail and length to be able to continue building the story we have between our characters, whatever it may be at that time.
  • Replies: Sometimes I may have your reply back to you in an hour or two, sometimes it might take me six months or more. It varies based on the demands of life. Sadly I do have some semblance of a life outside of rp... some days I wish I didn't, but wouldn't we all love to escape reality some days? I have friends and family to attend to, and I do have health concerns that require me to spend a lot of time in and out of doctors appointments and sometimes the hospital. If you can't handle waiting for a reply then leave now. You are NOT worth my energy, my health, or my limited free time. I will get to you when I get to you. If you can't reach me for several months send a message to Rebelious Angel Noroga. She knows me in real life, she'll be able to answer your questions as to when I might be able to return to rp, and what is keeping me away. But she will ONLY answer you if your nice about it. Be rude or demanding and she'll tell you where to shove your question just as quickly as I would.
  • Basics: Don't auto-hit, god-mode, meta-game, or puppeteer with my character. I won't do it to you, so don't do it to me. This is your first warning, the second will come if I catch you in the act of any of these things, your third will be when you log on one day and find that you've been removed from my friends list.
  • Ooc chat will be in messages only. Role play and story lines will be in blogs and comments only. If you don't like that set up, tough. The character limit on comments here is ridiculously large if it exists at all. Don't give me the excuse of comments cut off way too short for your liking, I'll laugh at you, call you a fool and tell you to reread my rules then place the post in the appropriate place, or to remove yourself from my list.

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