03/02/2012 04:09 PM 

A past that haunts (in progress)


- He screamed, his breathing quickened as he bolted upright in his bed. He ran his right hand through his hair, before resting his forehead against it. It was just a dream he reminded himself as his hand dropped to the edge of the bed giving him more leverage as turned his body slightly before getting out of bed. Glancing around his darkened room he realized he was completely alone; something that gave him at least some solace.

It was 02:00, he had ten hours before he was expected to report for his next shift. He needed to calm down and shake off the effects of the dream he'd had if he ever hoped to be ready when the time came for him to return to his duty.

Turning the light on as he entered the fresher he splashed cool water on his face, his hands resting against the sink as he stared into the mirror. Even after so many years it seemed he couldn't put her out of his mind. Was it her death that bothered him so much, or the look he'd seen in her eyes as they'd met his during her last moments? Death wasn't something that phased him, after all he'd seen more than his fair share during his long life. Between wars and his orders to silence more people than he cared to remember he'd become numbed to the sight of death. Yet hers had shaken him, sickened him enough he'd taken advantage of his mask to divert his eyes. It was the look of betrayal that Tierce had seen in her eyes as she begged him to help her that haunted him. It was the twisted enjoyment Sidious found in ordering her death as a way to spite him.

Balling his hands into fists he allowed himself to be overtaken by a wave of anger. Vera had died because he trusted her enough to relax in her presence, to seem like himself when off duty... and above all because it had been discovered that she was his older sister. After all it was forbidden for him to have anything that might be seen as an attachment. All he was allowed was his duty, such was the life of an Imperial Guard.

As his rage continued to grow his urge to lash out became uncontrollable. The sound of glass shattering forced him to snap out of his thoughts. Forcing himself to recall his focus to his current surroundings he noticed a slight trickle of blood running across his right hand. In his anger he'd lost his control enough to shatter the mirror with his fist, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he took note of the injury.

A quiet sadistic chuckle erupted from him as he once again cursed Sidious' Shadow Guards and their annoying persistence. They seemed to pride their selves on being a pain in his ass every chance they got. Even though he'd abandoned his position as a Red Guard he couldn't deny the rivalry still existed. After all they were created to try to keep the Red Guards in line through intimidation which much to their displeasure hadn't phased Tierce in the least. Every time they'd been ordered to try to break him he laughed in their faces, proving not only his strong will was unshakable but his training had allowed him to become a man few could match.

Shaking his head Tierce shoved the nightmare and the memories associated with it from his mind. Regaining his focus he decided he was in need of a distraction in order to prepare his mind for the long day ahead of him. He knew once his shift started he'd need complete focus if he wanted to be able to carry out his orders of guarding his Empress properly.

Making his way to the gym he found he wasn't the only one not resting well. Smirking as he nodded his head slightly to acknowledge the presence of one of his fellow guardsmen. He could tell they had the same distraction in mind, training. -

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